January 2020
Sunday, January 12, 2020 at 12:00 noon (Eastern US Time)
Once-in-37-year Conjunction of Pluto-Saturn, the 2 Most Feared Planets in the Solar System: During the Peak Time, Clear 700 Categories of Karma, Reveal 600 Forms of Blessings through 20 Generations, Specifically For Releasing Prolonged Hardship and Suffering
Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 2:45 pm (New York Time)
Sat, Jan 25: Capture the Power of this Transformational Saturn Transit to Capricorn as we Resolve 4700 Forms of Saturn Karma During the First Days of his Re-entry into his "Own" Sign, after 30 Years
February 2020
Saturday, February 8, @ 9:30am New York time (Thai Poosam)
The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic "Vows" I've Ever Done, Part 1: The First 31 Categories of Vows: Clear 31 Categories of Disempowering Self-Limiting Vows through 900 Past-Lives and 94 Generations of your Ancestors
Thursday, February 13, at 11:30am New York Time
Receive 72+ Forms of Vishnu Karma Clearings, Blessings, & Activations During this Rare Special 9-hour "Vishnupati" Window to Gain Momentum, Clarity, and Deeper Levels of Divine Support for your Career and Soul's Mission on the Planet
Friday, February 21, 2020 @ 6:30pm New York Time
Fri, Feb 21: Clear 86 Forms of Karma from 800 of your Lifetimes, and Receive 86 Shiva Blessings on Shivaratri, The Most Important and Powerful Night for Karma-Clearing and Enlightenment of the Whole Year
March 2020
Saturday, March 7, 2020 @ 5:01pm
The Deepest & Most Thorough Clearing I Have Ever Done of Entities, Attachments, and External Negative Vibrational Influences Blocking You from Spiritual Connection, Emotional Balance, Mental Peace, and The Ability to Create Positively in Life
Saturday, March 21, starting at 6:13pm New York Time
Invoke Hundreds of Angelic Activations for Divine Health Protection, and Clear the Karma of "Chronic Diseases that Take a Long Time to Get Cured"
Sunday March 29, starting at 4:31pm New York Time
Evoke Divine Health Protection by Activating the 72 Sacred "Names of God" Within Your Own Consciousness & Energy Field
April 2020
Sunday April 5, 6:27pm New York Time: Sun Pradosham
Let Your Soul Shine: Heal the Karma of Job-Related Challenges and Bring Quicker Relief for Serious or Chronic Health Concerns
Friday April 10, 12:01pm New York Time: Sankarahara Chaturti
Clearing Hundreds of Obstacles to Health & Healing with Ganesha on His Most Powerful Day -- and Receiving Hundreds of Activations, Healings, Blessings of Health and Protection with Dhanvantari, the Cosmic Physician
Saturday April 25, 2020, starting at 2:36 pm (New York Time)
The Most Important Day of the Year to Evoke "Non-Declining Wealth" Consciousness. This is "Akshaya Tritya", and on this day we will be performing 146 distinct wealth-creation activations and karma clearings for you, evoking the Divine Wealth Archetypes (Including Lakshmi). This is the single most complete wealth clearing I have ever done. (This Clearing is 50% off!)
Tuesday April 28, starting at 2:35pm New York Time
Resolve, Clear, and Heal Past-Life and Ancestral Debt Karma -- The Unresolved Energy in your Soul (and In Your Ancestral Lineage) Causing Debt in this Life, Part 1 (This Clearing is 50% off!)
May 2020
Mon, May 11: Saturn Goes Retrograde Once-a-Year
The Ideal Time to Clear Deep Saturn Karma Causing Depressive Heaviness, Worry, Fear, Inner Restriction, Delays, Procrastination, Chronic Health Issues, & Career Difficulties (This Clearing is 50% off!)
Thurs, May 14
Capture Maximum Money Blessings, and Clear 72 Distinct Forms of Financial Karma that Block Sustained, Grounded, Physical Wealth (Through 72 Ancestral Generations), Activating within you the Consciousness of the Divine "Financial Preserver and Sustainer" During this Auspicious 9-Hour Vishnupati Window
Tues, May 19
Rare Astrological Timing: The Only "Runa Vimochana Pradosham" ("Runa" means debts, "Vimochana" means "freedom from", "Pradosham" means "removal of sins") in all of 2020! This is Part 2 of the most essential karmic work you can do this year to clear debt karma. (This Clearing is 50% off!)
Fri, May 22
Ninety Karma Clearings for Perhaps the Most Pronounced and Significant Karmic Affliction Identified By the Ancient Yogis -- "Kala Sarpa Dosha": the Churning-up of our Individual & Collective Past-Life Karma, Creating Destabilization, Heightened Worry, and Uncertainty About the Future (This Clearing is 50% off!)
June 2020
Full Moon Eclipse of Friday June 5, 3:00pm New York Time
Extended Full-Moon Eclipse Clearing of the Karmic Roots of Physical Illness, and a Progressive Resolution and Healing of the Current Symptoms of Problems in the Physical Body: Pain, Dis-ease, Imbalance Through the Lens of the 11 Western Body Organ Systems and the Principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Friday, June 12, starting at 2:43pm New York Time (Venus Retrograde)
Clear All Available Relationship Karma Your Soul is Ready to Clear in All Relationships You Have in This Life and From All Past Lives (For People Reading This, This Clearing Will Cover Between 200 Relationships and 300,000 Relationships)
Sunday June 21, 2:45pm (Summer Solstice, New Moon Eclipse, & 5 Planets are in Retrograde)
Clearing the Karma of Self-Inflicted Powerlessness & Learned Helplessness: 82 Karma Clearings to Resolve The Most Important Hidden Blocks Behind All Chronic Problems with Manifestation, Prosperity, Relationship Attraction, & Healing
Saturday, June 27, starting at 2:46pm
Clearing the Karma of "67 Ways to Die" from our Past Lives and From our Ancestral Lineages
July 2020
Sunday, July 5, at 2:00pm New York Time (Guru Purnima)
The Most Thorough and Broad-Spectrum Clearing of Self-Limiting Karmic "Vows" I've Ever Done, Part 2: The Second 31 Categories of Vows (Out of 94)
Monday, July 20, starting at 1:32pm (New York Time)
One of the Most Potent New Moons of the Year for Doing Ancestral Karma-Clearing Work:
Revealing Your Innate Personal Power & Self-Esteem: Reclaiming the Most Important Single Factor in Consciousness for Manifestation, Healing, and for Fulfilling Your Unique Divine Purpose, By Resolving 75 Categories of Karmic Self-Esteem Blocks Through 270 of Your Past Lives (& Present Life) & 60 Generations of Your Ancestors
Friday, July 24, starting at 11:15am New York Time (Naga Panchami)
Clear 67 Health-Blocking Curses Inherited from your Ancestors and Created in Past Lives on the Most Important & Powerful Day of the Year to Clear Curses
Friday, July 31, starting at 7:04 pm (New York Time)
Reveal & Activate 3.7 Million Money Blessings from the Divine Archetype of Wealth on the One Day Per Year in Which "Lakshmi Gives Boons"
August 2020
3 Ganesha Clearings During Ganesha's Birthday Month
Ganesha Clearing #1: Thursday, August 6, 2020, starting at 2:45 pm (New York Time)
This is "Sankatahara Chaturti". "Sankat" means "problems," and "hara" means "removing". Main theme: First Clearing with Ganesha During His Birthday Month: The Prime Moment to Eliminate Problems, Remove Obstacles, Get Rid of Difficulties, Lay the Foundation for Success and Victory in Life
Sunday, August 16, starting at 2:42 pm (New York time)
Capture the Power of This Rare 9-Hour Window to Reveal and Activate 108 Blessings from the "Preserver & Sustainer Divine Archetype Vishnu" to Give you Money Miracles, Career Miracles, and Energy for Creative Projects
Ganesha Clearing #2: Ganesha's Birthday: Friday, August 21, starting at 2:40pm
Main theme: On Ganesha's Birthday, Receive, Reveal, & Establish the Fullness of the True Divine Nature & Powers of Ganesha within your Consciousness as we Clear Karma Blocking Your Acceptance of his 108 Divine Names
Friday August 28, 2020, starting at 2:36pm (New York Time)
Revealing The 108 Sacred Passcodes To Access Kubera, the Banker of Heaven
Ganesha Clearing #3: August 31, 2020 Ganesha Clearing #3
Prosperity & Desire-Fulfillment: "Ganesha Karma-Clearing Event #3: Activate Prosperity & Fulfill Desires".
September 2020
15 Clearings for Mahalaya (Pitru Paksha) 2020:
Wednesday September 2 (Full Moon) through Wednesday September 16 (New Moon)
15-Day Ancestral Karma Clearing Intensive: 15 Ancestral Karma Clearings over 15 Days During the Most Critical & Important Time of the Year for Doing This Work
Wednesday September 23, 2020, starting at 2:23 pm (New York Time)
Clearing The Soul's Perceived "Need" to be in a Constant State of Struggle and Problem-Creation, or Else it Feels it "Isn't Being Spiritual Enough"
Tuesday, September 29, 2020, starting at 12:21pm (Saturn Hora)
During The First Hours when Saturn turns Direct, Tell the Universe You Are Ready to Get Unstuck, Overcome Your Deepest & Worst Past-Life Karma, & Become Spiritually Liberated in This Life
October 2020
Monday, October 12
Paying your bills as a spiritual practice: The Most Helpful Transformation of Consciousness to Let More Money Flow in Your Life, and Live with Ease and Joy
9 Clearings for Navaratri 2020: October 17-25
9 Nights to Access Miracles from the Divine Feminine: Navaratri 2020, when the Goddess Descends to the Earthplane Restore & Awaken the Divine Feminine During Her Most Powerful 9 Nights of the Year: 142 Karma-Clearings & Activations Over 9 Nights to Clear Past-Life Karma & Awaken the Goddess Within
Saturday, October 31
Clearing Religion-Imposed Trauma: Unlock Ease & Flow For Your Life, Path, and Purpose by Resolving Past-Life and Present-Life Religious Trauma That's Keeping You Small & Subconsciously Fearing Persecution
November 2020
Thursday, November 12, starting at 3:55 pm (New York Time) | This is "Dhanvantari Jayanthi”
On the Birthday of the "Divine Physician", Remove Fear of Disease, Create Health Miracles & Success on Your Healing Path, Protect Yourself from Untimely Death, Attract the Right Health Practitioners & Techniques, & Heal Your Loved Ones
Sunday November 15, Starting at 6:00pm | "Vishnupati" as the Sun Transits into Scorpio
Clear The Hidden Blocks Causing Long-Term Problems During the 9-Hour Period When Vishnu Descends to Dissolve Mental Impurities, Offer Quick Spiritual Evolution, and Enhance Your Financial Gains
Thursday, November 19, Starting at 11:29 am (New York Time)
Punishing Yourself In Order to Succeed: Clearing Self-Punishment --How Your Subconscious and Ancestors are Holding You Back From Success and Victory In Life
Tuesday November 24, Starting at 4:12 pm (New York Time)
On The Birthday of the Goddess Who Gives Wealth, Receive 141 Personal & Ancestral Karma Clearings, and 141 Divine Activations of Wealth-Consciousness, as Lakshmi Grants Financial Blessings
December 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020, starting at 1:12 pm New York Time
Clearing the Trauma of Incarnation: Do I feel Safe Enough In My Body & in the Physical World to Heal & Manifest? This clearing will include 700 of your past lives, 8000 between-life planning experiences, and 400 generations of your ancestors
Monday, December 14, 2020, starting at 11:14 am New York Time
Clearing Literal & Symbolic Suicide Trauma From Your Soul's History. This clearing will include 410 of your past lives and 70 generations of your ancestors
December 24, 2020, starting at 12:47 pm New York Time
Clear 44 Forms of Childhood Brainwashing About Money You & Your Ancestors were Programmed with, Passed Down Through 60 Generations. This clearing will include 250 of your past lives and 60 generations of your ancestors
Tuesday, December 29, 2020, starting at 1:22 pm New York Time (Shiva's Birthday)
Clear the Karma of Sexual Trauma -- inherited and personal, as well as cultural and social. The most complete and thorough karma clearing of the past-life and ancestral roots of sexual trauma I have ever done.