Propitiate and Pacify the 9 Planets, the Divine Beings in Vedic Astrology who Remember and Enact Our Karma

Propitiate and Pacify the 9 Planets, the Divine Beings in Vedic Astrology who Remember and Enact Our Karma

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Originally Recorded: Sunday, June 19, 2022

Propitiate & Pacify the "9 Planets", the Divine Beings in Vedic Astrology who Remember & Enact Our Karma

One of the most important archetypal and symbolic acts you can do to heal and clear your life is to regularly energetically connect with, appease, and propitiate the 9 Planets.

For the first time in my work, we will be performing a 9-Planet Peace Remedy (also known as "Navagraha Shanti").  The 9 Planets in Vedic Astrology are the prime graspers and enactors of your past-life karma.  The hold the consciousness of your unresolved karma, and bring it up into your life over the course of lifetime after lifetime, until you heal and clear it.  It is vitally important to work with sacred clearing rituals to regularly convert planetary curses (the remnants of past-life karma that hinder and block you) into planetary blessings (that support the highest expression of your life).

In Vedic Astrology, the 9 planets are called the agents of karma, and are said to carry out or execute our karma on a daily basis.

The placements of the 9 planets in our birthcharts, and their daily movements throughout our lives bring forth the karma we are destined to endure, based on the natural energetic laws of cause and effect established in our past lives.

So, according to this philosophy, even if we try our best, and try to develop our unique potential, if we do not have the support of the planets, we will not be able to succeed -- or success will cost us something else we need.  For instance, we may succeed financially, but our relationships may suffer.  Or we may get promoted to a higher rank in our job, but our health will suffer.

In fact, one of my spiritual teachers has said "If you don't have the support of the Planets, your talents are useless.  Therefore it is essential in life to propitiate the planets and get their blessings".

My teacher also said that it is not possible to outrun your karma through meditation or development of spiritual presence alone.  He talked about great masters such as Ramana Maharshi who had high levels of enlightening consciousness achieved through meditation, but who, for instance, died very painful deaths, or early deaths, because they thought planetary remedies were superstitious and unimportant, and never worked with the planets to resolve their karma.

Though there are many ways of looking at karma, or looking at what is stored in the subconscious that helps or hinders us, I have found the 9 planet framework we have inherited from the ancient yogis of India to be a powerful and useful one for understanding karma.

Beyond trying to have merely an intellectual understanding of the 9 planets, it is immensely more important to work with them energetically, so that you can requalify that which is currently a "curse" (bad karma) into a blessing (good karma).

There is an entire remedial tradition within the larger tradition of Vedic Astrology.  For those who have the good fortune of even hearing about planetary remedies, it becomes important and essential work for healing your life, fixing problems, clearing every sort of block, and clearing the path forward in your life so you can prosper, heal, and succeed with the unfettered support of the Universe.

So I have decided to start regularly facilitating group clearing sessions that focus on all 9 planets in a single clearing session.  In the Vedic Tradition, this type of work is referred to as "Navagraha Shanti", meaning a ritual that helps pacify all 9 planets, converting planetary curses into planetary blessings.

What this translates to, practically for you, is that these remedial clearing sessions take a broad brush across the spectrum of consciousness, clearing karma and creating greater support from the Universe for who you are, your gifts, your purpose, your relationships, and your prosperity.

In this remedy series, we will be directly working with only the traditional 9 planets of Vedic Astrology.  This does not technically include more recently discovered planets such as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.  However, the original energetic framework of the 9 planet of Vedic Astrology already includes the energies of these higher octave planets.

Sun: King Planet

The one who signifies your soul, connecting with the Sun can strengthen your karmic bonds with your father or fatherly figure, and boost your health, personality, self-esteem and status in society.

Moon: Queen Planet

The one who signifies your mind, connecting with the Moon can boost your creativity and family bonding, bring emotional balance and improve your domestic comforts.

Mars: Warrior Planet

Called the action planet, connecting with Mars can boost your vitality, improve your competitive spirits and relationships, enhance your leadership skills and your drive to achieve goals. Mars can help you overcome enemies, clear debts and resolve litigation issues.

Mercury: Intellect Planet

Called the communication planet, connecting with Mercury can strengthen your business acumen, technical and analytical skills, improve your persuasive writing and negotiation skills, help you master languages and boosts your curiosity to learn.

Jupiter: Fortune Planet

Called the expansion planet, connecting with Jupiter can boost your fortune, improve your financial status and give all kinds of wealth, including children. Jupiter can also help you progress in life with past life merits.

Venus: Love & Relationship Planet

Called the money and relationship planet, connecting with Venus can enhance your beauty and romance, boost your personal and professional partnerships, improve your luxury and comforts in life, and help you shine in creative fields.

Saturn: Karma Planet

Called the career planet, connecting with Saturn can improve your time management skills, help to be persistent in efforts to progress in life and help climb your career ladder by being duty conscious.

Rahu (the North Node): Desire Planet

Called the materialistic planet, connecting with Rahu can help master trade techniques, improve intuitive powers and birth revolutionary ideas.

Ketu (the South Node): Transcendental Knowledge Planet

Called the enlightenment planet, connecting with Ketu can help you practice detachment and enjoy the results of your past life karma. Ketu can improve if you are into spiritual practice, occult practices and resolving mysteries in life.

Fire Clearings For the 9 Planets Blessings

  1. Navagraha Homa (9 Planets Blessings Fire Lab) The nine planets play a predominant role in your life and carry out your karma every day. According to scriptures, performing the Nine Planets Fire Lab can help remove obstacle in career and business, gain wealth and prosperity, reduce physical ailments and maintain stability in life.

  2. Planetary Overlord Homa for 9 Months  The planetary overlords are the controllers of the planets and invoking their blessings can ward off any negatives, help regain favorable conditions and enjoy the positive blessings of the planets that can help recreate your destiny.

  3. Uma Maheshwara Homa Shiva and Goddess Parvati together are called as Uma Maheshwara. As per sacred texts, invoking this divine couple who are the controllers of Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon and Rahu can improve job opportunities, remove financial constraints and bestow a fruitful, happy and peaceful life.

  4. Lakshmi Narayana Homa Vishnu and Goddess together are called as Lakshmi Narayana. Invoking this divine couple as per Vedic texts, who are the controllers of Venus and Mercury, can lessen financial debts, help strengthen communication and protect and enjoy wealth.

  5. Ganesha and Muruga Homa Invoking the brothers Ganesha and Muruga can control the adverse effects of Ketu and Mars and, according to sacred texts, can remove all obstacles, help capitalize on new opportunities, bestow favorable outcomes for your efforts, instill courage, boost confidence to achieve goals and reduce the intensity of Ketu and Mars afflictions.

9 Planetery Remedies at Specific Powerful Locations

  1. Surya (Sun) at Suriyanar Powerspot  |  Take right actions to become an achiever and gives relief from planetary afflictions

  2. Chandra (Moon) at Kailasanathar Powerspot  |  Mitigate the adverse effects of Moon in your birth chart and grants peace of mind

  3. Angaraka (Mars) at Vaitheeswaran Powerspot  |  Relief from debts and grants good health

  4. Budha (Mercury) at Swetharanyeswarar Powerspot  |  Boosts dull mind, proficiency in studies and improves artistic skills

  5. Brihaspathi (Jupiter) at Thittai Powerspot  |  Excellence in education and arts, eloquent speech and reduces the adverse effects of Jupiter in birth chart

  6. Sukra (Venus) at Agneeswarar Powerspot  |  Relief from skin, eye, and stomach ailments and fulfills wishes, also major prosperity & romance planet

  7. Shani (Saturn) at Darbaranyeswarar Powerspot  |  Prosperous life and reduces the intensity of Saturn afflictions & long-term stuckness and blocks

  8. Rahu at Sri Naganathaswamy Powerspot  |  Relief from afflictions and bestows the ability to face challenges and helps remove debts; clears blocks to achievement and accomplishment

  9. Ketu at Naganathaswamy Powerspot  |  Mitigates marriage-related problems and reduces the impact of Naga Dosha (Snake affliction); clears issues with enlightenment

Powerspot Remedies to Overcome Planetary Afflictions

  1. Suryanarayanaswamy – mitigates the adverse impact of Sun Dasa (major planetary period) and Bhukti (minor planetary period) and grants protection

  2. Venkateshwara – fulfills earnest wishes and grants a happy and prosperous life

  3. Dhandayuthapani – clears all impediments in leading a happy married life

  4. Chokkanathar – removes all obstacles to marriage and any planetary afflictions causing delay in getting into relationships

  5. Subramaniya Swamy – eliminates the karma deposited in Svadhishthana Chakra and blesses you with peace and harmony

  6. Ranganathaswamy – fulfills earnest wishes, absolves sins, resolves health problems and bestows material blessings

  7. Neeranjanam to Ayyappa and Pooja to Anjaneya at Kerala Powerspot – mitigates Saturn afflictions and 7 ½ year adverse influence of Saturn. Alleviates the suffering caused by malefic aspect of Saturn and removes obstacles to success

  8. Kalahastheeswarar – helps gain serpentine blessings and relief from the adverse effects of Rahu in the birth chart

  9. Paampuranathar – relief from Kala Sarpa Dosha (Affliction created by Rahu and Ketu), Rahu Dosha (Afflictions) and debt burden

Remedies for Alleviating Planetary Distress

  1. Thiruvarur Powerspot -success in all ventures, fulfills earnest wishes and alleviates problems

  2. Thirukuvazhai Powerspot – relief from planetary afflictions, helps overcome problems and relief from negativity and gain positivity

  3. Thiruvaikaavoor Powerspot – destroys sorrows, helps expand business and find good career opportunities

Blending the 9 Avatars of Vishnu into Remedies for the 9 Planets

  1. Rama (Sun)  |  Mitigates Sun afflictions in birth chart and bestows good health, and success in life

  2. Krishna (Moon)  |  Removes negative thoughts, brings clarity and stabilizes emotions

  3. Narasimha (Mars)  |  Nullifies Manglik Dosha (Mars affliction), resolves bad karma and achieve goals

  4. Kalki (Mercury)  |  Helps flourish in your personal and professional life

  5. Vamana (Jupiter)  |  Prosperity, fortune and abundance

  6. Parasurama (Venus)  |  Mitigates adverse effects of Venus in birth chart and helps enjoy his luxurious blessings

  7. Kurma (Saturn)  |  Protection from all sorts of troubles and problems as a result of karma

  8. Varaha (Rahu)  |  Removes negativity and planetary afflictions

  9. Matsya (Ketu)  |  Removes deterrents to success and increases your spiritual progress