Clear Thousands (and Possibly Millions) of "Entities" and "Discarnate Souls" Attached To You


Clear Thousands (and Possibly Millions) of "Entities" and "Discarnate Souls" Attached To You

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Originally Recorded: Saturday, February 8, 2025

Clear Thousands (and Possibly Millions) of "Entities"
and "Discarnate Souls" Attached To You

Almost everyone has some degree of attached non-physical entities at any given time.

Sometimes the amount of beings attached is extremely high.

Often we have beings attached even from previous lives, and we have brought them in with us into this lifetime.

For most people, these beings are not especially "evil".

However, sometimes they can be quite negatively charged, reinforcing discordant consciousness, feelings, and thoughts of all kinds daily within your being.

In most cases, such entity attachments serve to confuse our energy, preventing us from thinking clearly, feeling clearly, and being able to manifest what we desire.

During this clearing, we are going to work deeply within your aura and overall consciousness to release and remove all entities and discarnate souls, even that exist at hidden levels of your being.

Perhaps most importantly, we are going to help clear within your being the past lives, roots, and reasons why you had these entity attachments in the first place.