Create a New Destiny in 2021 by Clearing the Bad Karma You Accidentally Created in 2020 with a specific focus on clearing the broad 2020 themes of fear, worry, and anxiety


Create a New Destiny in 2021 by Clearing the Bad Karma You Accidentally Created in 2020 with a specific focus on clearing the broad 2020 themes of fear, worry, and anxiety

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Originally Recorded: Friday, January 8, 2021

Create a New Destiny in 2021 by Clearing
the Bad Karma You Accidentally Created in 2020

with a specific focus on clearing the broad 2020 themes of fear, worry, and anxiety

Did you know that you are still creating karma -- that it's not just a past life thing?

We are all creating karma all the time -- much of it negative. Negative karma is the energy that remains stuck within our consciousness if we are unable to process an internal or external experience fully.

The more challenging the circumstance, and the more we lose our centering and sense of spiritual connection during it, the more likely we are to retain negative blocking energy within our consciousness, energy that will restrict our freedom to create the good we desire in the present and future, energy that will prevent us from fulfilling our unique soul's purpose.

This retained negative blocking energy is called karma -- or "negative" or "bad" karma.

Think about the type of karma you created in 2020. When we cannot fully process and release what is happening to us, we create karma.

Do you want to create your future based on anything you were unable to fully process and resolve in 2020? If not, you must find a way to resolve these issues within your own consciousness. You can do that by participating in this clearing.

I haven't offered this type of clearing in a couple of years. But I feel it is time to do it again, in a deeper and broader way.

We focus a lot in our clearing work on the distant past -- past lives, for instance. But in this clearing, we are going to focus specifically on the blocking energy we accidentally created within us in 2020 by reacting to and being unable to process fully the challenges we were facing.

We are going to resolve that bad karma, so that we can move into the new year (and into the rest of our lives) with greater grace, freedom, and ease to create a new destiny, a destiny more aligned with our Divine Purpose.

My definition of "destiny" is: where our soul's purpose meets our karma. The greater our accumulated negative karma, the less likely we will be able to accomplish the higher purpose of our soul -- the less likely we will be able to manifest health, wealth, love, and success in harmonious and organic ways -- the more our life purpose, our destiny, will simply be a long-term struggle with our karma, with the hopes that some year or lifetime in the future, we'll be able to become free.

For most people, they are just living out their negative karma day after day. No matter what they do in their day-to-day life, they can't really change it, until or unless they wake up and begin to get conscious about the higher Reality of their soul.

At the beginning of a new year, I like to focus specifically on identifying, releasing, resolving, and clearing the specific karma that our consciousness has created -- and more importantly, held onto -- from the previous year.

Doing this process once-per-year is an incredible blessing, and can help us to continue to make forward spiritual progress, rather than feeling like we're always taking one step forward, one step back.

If we clear some karma, but then just re-create it, we aren't necessarily making forward progress. This type of clearing, done once per year, keeps us moving forward.

I like to define "karma" (or more specifically, bad or negative karma) as reactionary energy our mind creates to inner and outer life circumstances, and which our energy field holds onto in an unresolved way, often for eons of time afterwards.

Karma isn't just a thing we created in past lives. Most of us are continuing to inadvertently create blocking karma now, even when we are consciously on a spiritual path. The creation of karma is almost inevitable, as long as we are on the physical plane -- and for the most part, the karma humanity is creating is negative.

Our past-life karma is often challenging enough, but what we may not realize is that we are in the process of continuously creating new karma.

There is, of course, the new positive karma we create through positive thinking and feeling and through taking action in alignment with our soul's purpose.

But for most people, much of the new karma they are creating is bad karma -- a repetition and intensification of the dominant negative vibration of their minds from the past.

Of course, none of us want to actually be creating this negative karma!  We have enough to deal with trying to resolve all of the limiting programming from the past as it is.

The quicker we can resolve and clear the bad karma we are accidentally creating now, the less deeply this karma will become embedded into our subconscious, and the more easily we will be able to keep this new karma from becoming a long-term limiting factor in our ability to manifest healing, prosperity, fulfillment, and love.

They say: if you find yourself in a hole, the first step is to stop digging.  The first step to becoming free is to identify which holes we've been digging, then stop digging them, fill them in, and start moving forward in a new direction. This is what we will be doing in this clearing.

Join me we begin this new year, and take an hour or so to really focus on clearing the negative karma we have created during 2020 -- the karma we have individually created, and the karma we have created as part of the collective mass consciousness of fear, worry, and anxiety.

In this clearing, we are going to:

  • identify and clear negative karma you have been creating over 2020

  • identify and clear patterns and addictions your soul may have to creating the same problems over and over again

  • identify and clear unfinished karmic interactions you have created in 2020 with family, friends, the collective mass negative consciousness of fear, and others

  • resolve all karmic patterns that your soul has become available to resolving in 2020 simply due to you growing on your spiritual path (just by meditating, reading spiritual books, serving, or doing other forms of spiritual work, your soul brings to the surface many karmic patterns -- we will resolve those in this clearing). This is highly important and relevant work, and will help you to feel like 2021 truly is a "new year", rather than just a carbon copy of your previous years.

  • clear new limiting karmic potentials and timelines you have created in 2020 that may be keeping you creating in the "wrong direction"

  • clear "new negative potentials" your soul has created during 2020. These are future projections and self-fulfilling prophecies your soul has made out of fear, that unless they are cleared, will result in problems down the road

  • because of the unique nature of what happened in 2020, we are going to focus on releasing and resolving the programming of fear, worry, and anxiety from within you -- the energies you have created, and the energies you have picked up due to mass fear consciousness

  • work with the Ascended Masters to help empower you, raise your vibration further, and to stabilize a higher level of consciousness within you as you exit 2020 and enter 2021