April 23 - May 3, 2022: 11 Day Progressive Initiation into Lakshmi-Consciousness, The Celestial Pattern of Abundance


April 23 - May 3, 2022: 11 Day Progressive Initiation into Lakshmi-Consciousness, The Celestial Pattern of Abundance

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April 23 through May 3, 2022 (11 Days Total)

11 Day Progressive Initiation into Lakshmi-Consciousness, The Celestial Pattern of Abundance

Strengthen and Deepen Your Unshakable Inner Lakshmi Consciousness

11 Consecutive Days of Progressive Lakshmi Clearings, Activate 28 Astrological "Wealth Yogas"

Culminating on May 3 "Akshaya Tritya", the day of "non-declining wealth": the most auspicious day of the year to obtain Lakshmi-Consciousness

This particular clearing series has been on my heart to offer for a few years now.  Doing 1 clearing here and there will be of some benefit to you.  But choosing 1 focus, and doing a daily progressive series of clearings and activations on that single focus for 11 days -- this will benefit you exponentially more.

From April 23 to May 3, I will be performing 11 consecutive daily karma-clearings and activations, preparing each participant to obtain and deepen their experience of Lakshmi-Consciousness --  the Divine Archetype and Goddess Form of Abundance, Wealth, and Auspiciousness.

This clearing series begins April 23 and culminates on May 3, which is the once-yearly date known as "Akshaya Tritya", the most important single day of the year to obtain Lakshmi-Consciousness and receive her inner blessings of "non-declining wealth" (the literal meaning of the term "Akshaya Tritya").

Remember that the only way the gods and goddesses can bless you is by changing your consciousness.  The realm of the gods is an internal realm, within individuals and within the collective.  They are within us, waiting to be activated, waiting to be born.  They cannot and do not directly give physical material gifts.  Their gifts are changes of internal state, gifts of consciousness.  But to obtain those gifts, we have to go inward, doing our inner work of clearing and raising our consciousness, and releasing what we've been holding onto.

No matter your religious or spiritual background, or lack thereof, these clearings are for you.  No special beliefs are required -- just openness and receptivity.

For most people, spiritual holidays of high activation potential just pass by with no noticeable positive effect or change. We have to consciously work with these energies for them to have any meaningful significance for our spiritual development.

What I am offering to you this year is a way to truly take advantage of these energetic windows of opportunity, by offering a 11-day progressive immersion in the consciousness of Lakshmi, clearing massive amounts of the karma you've created and inherited from your ancestors.  These clearings are going to help you deepen and strengthen your inner connection to Lakshmi-Consciousness, your Inner Source for Divine Abundance.  And we will clear blocks preventing you from being a clear channel for these Archetypes of Divine Grace to bless your life more abundantly.

During this 11-day period, the planets will move through 28 auspicious alignments called "Wealth Yogas".  A wealth yoga is a particular form of astrological combination that can clear bad money karma and open our consciousness to greater wealth, based on their unique energies.

When the planets connect to each other in certain ways, window of possibility are opened that can allow us (if we know how to take advantage of them) to clear blocks and to rise higher in spiritual awareness.

I have identified 28 important and auspicious wealth yogas that are occurring over the course of this 11-day period.  We are going to work with each one during this clearing, so we can use the Sacred Light Energy coming into the Earth from the planets to further our evolution.

If you're looking for an abundance-consciousness boot camp, to really clear your past-life and ancestral abundance-blocking karma, and to establish a more rooted inner connection to your Divine Source of Abundance, this 11-day immersion is for you.  But be prepared!  Aspects of your life that are not working for your highest good may get stirred and shaken up by doing such intensive work!

Here are the basic processes we will be using on each day of this intensive:

Day 1: Saturday April 23: Remove Wealth Obstacles & Obstacles to this 11-Day Clearing Series & to the Awakening of Lakshmi Consciousness

  • Remove Wealth Obstacles, and Invoke Ganesha's "Forms that Remove Obstacles to Wealth" (11 Clearings)

  • 8 Karma-Busting Clearings & Activations for Venus (the money planet), Ganesha, and Lakshmi

  • Activation of 10 "Wealth Yogas"

Day 2: Sunday, April 24: Initial Opening and Invitation to Lakshmi-Consciousness

  • We will perform a 34-point Lakshmi Puja

  • We will invoke for you an Ashtalakshmi Pooja (Evoking the 8 Major forms of Lakshmi)

  • There are 10 Wealth Yogas active on this day.  We will be doing a karma-clearing and spiritual activation for you with each one.

Day 3: Monday, April 25:  Sacred Day for the aspect of Lakshmi known as "Kubera: The Banker of Heaven": Open the Floodgates of Heaven

Kubera is an Divine Archetype within us who helps us access the unlimited Grace and unlimited Supply in the place in consciousness called "heaven".  The term "heaven" can also be translated "realm of ever-expanding good", which is a state of consciousness within you.

  • We will evoke Kubera-Consciousness within you, and give you greater access to the riches of heaven by performing a 13-point Kubera Puja

  • We will perform an additional Kubera Fire Ritual (Homa).

  • We will perform for you a 32-point Varalakshmi Puja (meaning: "Lakshmi who gives blessings and benefits!")

  • There are 10 Wealth Yogas active on this day.  We will be doing a karma-clearing and spiritual activation for you with each one.

Day 4: Tuesday, April 26: Karma-Clearing work for Debt-Removal

Removing debt karma is essential for opening to abundance consciousness.  Even if you have no physical financial debts, this work can be significant and impactful for your overall evolution, for releasing debt karma in general, and for the creation of greater abundance in your life.

  • We will perform for you a "Runa Vimochana Pooja" (For Debt-Removal) and several other debt-clearings

  • We will immerse ourselves in the development of Lakshmi-Consciousness through an invocation and karma clearing with the 16 Lakshmi Forms (Shodasha Lakshmi), plus 11 bonus forms

  • There are 9 Wealth Yogas active on this day.  We will be doing a karma-clearing and spiritual activation for you with each one.

Day 5: Wednesday, April 27: Clear Intractable, Long-Term, and Difficult-to-Bust Saturn Karma that is Blocking Money

This particular Wednesday April 27 is once-in-every-2-and-a-half-years astrological transit where Saturn changes signs into Vedic Aquarius (a sign ruled by Saturn), which is a rare and significant opportunity for clearing Saturn karma.  Saturn only transits signs every 2.5 years.  Saturn karma is the deepest, stickiest, and most intractable karma that can keep you stuck, blocked, and struggling lifetime after lifetime.  It is important to clear Saturn karma during this intensive, so you can better open to the flow of wealth & overall Lakshmi-Consciousness.

  • During this clearing, we are going to access the sacred karma-clearing energies of 8 great sacred powerspots for Saturn to amplify the depth of our Saturn karma clearing work.

  • There are 8 Wealth Yogas active on this day.  We will be doing a karma-clearing and spiritual activation for you with each one.

Day 6: Thursday, April 28: Evoking and Activating The 108 Names and Sacred Mantras of Lakshmi, Part 1  |  Establishing Lakshmi-Consciousness Within You

The "names" of a god or goddess are not just mental concepts.  When worked with energetically, they can clear our karma, and evoke the Divine Presence of that god or goddess within us, revealing more of their nature as our own personal consciousness.  Classically in the Vedic Tradition, the gods have 108 sacred names or mantras.  In this clearing, we are going to work with the first half of this list, clear the personal and ancestral karma you have that is blocking Lakshmi-Consciousness from being revealed as your own being.  There are also 7 Wealth Yogas active on this day.  We will be doing a karma-clearing and spiritual activation for you with each one.

Day 7: Friday, April 29: New Moon = "No Mind" = Karmically Free  |  The 108 Names and Sacred Mantras of Lakshmi, Part 2  |  Establishing Lakshmi-Consciousness Within You

The new moon is the opportunity to become completely free.  Your karma is really nothing more than your "mind", or your deeper memory, playing out over lifetimes and generations.  If you had "no mind", you would be karmically free.  During this clearing, we will resolve, clear, and activate the remining half of the 108 names and sacred mantras of Lakshmi within your consciousness.  There are also 9 Wealth Yogas active on this day.  We will be doing a karma-clearing and spiritual activation for you with each one.

Day 8: Saturday, April 30: Bilocations to 14 Lakshmi Powerspots to Clear Karma & Receive Abundance Blessings

By energetically connecting with ancient sacred temples, where rituals have been performed daily for hundreds or thousands of years, we are evoking a powerful field of energy that we can use for clearing and healing right now.  There is no death to prayer and ritual.  It exists always once it's set in motion.  So in this day's clearing work, we will be taking advantage of hundreds of thousands of past sacred clearings and activations based on 14 prime ancient Lakshmi temples, and applying each one of them to your unique soul's history, clearing past-life, present-life, and ancestral blocks to Lakshmi-Consciousness.  There are also 9 Wealth Yogas active on this day.  We will be doing a karma-clearing and spiritual activation for you with each one.

Day 9: Sunday, May 1: Clearing Ancestral & Inherited Abundance Blocks by Clearing Your Ancestors with the first 14 Activated Wealth Yogas

During this 11-day period, the planets will move through 27 "wealth yogas".  A wealth yoga is a particular form of astrological combination that can clear bad money karma and open our consciousness to greater wealth, based on unique and interesting planetary combinations.  When the planets connect to each other in certain ways, window of possibility are opened that can allow us (if we know how to take advantage of them) to clear blocks and to rise higher in spiritual awareness.  During today's clearing, we will focus on the first 14 of them in greater depth.

Day 10: Monday, May 2: "Vishnu Prep": Immersion in the Consciousness of Lakshmi's Husband Vishnu (Whose Most Sacred Day of Ever-Increasing Wealth is Tomorrow)

With this clearing, we will focus specifically on activating Vishnu-Consciousness, which really is an expanded and enhanced aspect of Lakshmi-Consciousness.  In order to deepen and expand our karma-clearing work and our potential to rise higher in abundance consciousness, we will be performing 2 sacred clearing processes:

  • we will perform for you an energetic 20-point Vishnu Puja Sacred Clearing Ritual

  • we will work with the 8 forms of Vishnu, 4 Vishnu Powerspots to Evoke Wealth, & and Evocation of the 8 Forms of Wealth Vishnu Gives

Day 11: Tuesday, May 3:  "Akshaya Tritiya": The Most Important of this 11 Day Series  |  The Day of "Non-Declining, Ever-Increasing Wealth"

  • Completion of Immersion & Karma-Clearing with the 27 "Wealth Yogas" that are Active During this 11-Day Period

  • 26 Mantras, Hymns, & Clearing Activations for Lakshmi

  • a 21-Point Vishnu Puja

  • Several Other Surprise Activations & Clearing Processes