Fri, Jan 13 - Tues, Jan 17: 5-Day New Year Ganesha Obstacle-Removal Intensive:


Fri, Jan 13 - Tues, Jan 17: 5-Day New Year Ganesha Obstacle-Removal Intensive:

from $25.00
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Friday, January 13 - Tuesday, January 17, 2023

5-Day New Year Ganesha Intensive:

Clear Unforeseen, Unexpected, & Hidden Obstacles to Health, Wealth, Career, and Relationships in 2023

You can do just 1 day, but you will gain 246 times the benefits & depth to do all 5 days!

Your conscious mind doesn't know what obstacles you may have in the new year.

But your soul does, because potential blocks are being planned right now, based on your karma.

But you have the power to change your destiny, and clear your soul's need to express certain blocks. 

You can spiritually transmute this energy before it manifests, or before it continues to manifest in the way it currently is.

In this 5-day intensive, we are going to access the Inner Power of Ganesha, the Great ancient Divine Archetype who knows the blocks your soul is planning, and knows how to clear them.

We will work with specially-channeled and customized rituals, hymns, and astrological remedies specific to the group of people who sign up for this clearing series to clear your hidden obstacles through all levels of your soul, all your lifetimes, and all your ancestral lineages.

The first day's clearing is $25 USD or, to gain 246 times the benefits, I suggest you do all 5 days for just $50.

  • Day 1: General 2023 Obstacle clearing
    Unforeseen blocks your soul has to positive expression in 2023  (If you only sign up for 1 day, this is the one to do!). We will clear blocks to overall auspiciousness and good luck in the year to come.

  • Day 2: Money Obstacle Clearing
    Clear unforeseen blocks to income, money, success, and expected and unexpected sources of income for 2023. We will clear blocks to positive synchronicities and miracles here.

  • Day 3: Relationship Obstacle Clearing
    Clear hidden obstacles in your current relationships (romantic, family, friendships, workplace, etc.) & clear blocks to attracting, connecting to, and experiencing harmony in potential future relationships

  • Day 4: Soul's Purpose and Career Obstacle Clearing
    Here, Ganesha-Consciousness removes blocks to knowing your purpose, fulfilling your purpose, blocks to career, and blocks to having the whole Universe support you in fulfilling your purpose. We will clear blocks to enlightenment and soul growth here as well.

  • Day 5: Health obstacle clearing
    Right now, your soul is planning "lessons" based on problems with health and healing. You can transcend the need to experience those lessons on the physical level by clearing your soul karma of obstacles to health and healing.

Ganesha cannot remove obstacles.  However, when you experience Ganesha-Consciousness within your soul, obstacles can be removed!

All things are not possible with God, but all things become possible with God-Consciousness. You have to obtain this consciousness for it to work for you. It cannot work hypothetically.

This clearing is a facilitation, meaning that I will help your soul to experience Ganesha-Consciousness as the activity of Its awareness, and this is what removes your obstacles.

The goal of this clearing is for you to acquire Ganesha-Consciousness, for you to become deeply resonant and transformed by it.  By doing this, you are becoming a beacon for Ganesha in your life and on Earth. (This is not a religious thing, and no particular beliefs are required)

The purpose of all of my clearings is really to help each one of us become more conscious of Spirit.  Not to mentally learn something new, or hear about how a far-off projection would help you, but currently isn't.  No.  Spirit is already doing everything.  It's only ever we who are not conscious enough of It yet.  But at any moment, we can increase our consciousness of Spirit, and by doing that, everything starts to work better in life.