Fri, Feb 24: Karma Clearing of the Second Chakra: Trust, Healthy Boundaries, and Accepting Abundance and Pleasure

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Fri, Feb 24: Karma Clearing of the Second Chakra: Trust, Healthy Boundaries, and Accepting Abundance and Pleasure

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Friday, February 24, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

First Time Ever Offered

Karma Clearing of the Second Chakra:

Trust, Healthy Boundaries, & Accepting Abundance & Pleasure

For the first time in my work, I am offering an extended clearing of the karmic issues involved with the second chakra, the sexual-power-money energy center located just below the navel.

The second chakra -- or "sacral chakra" -- represents the themes of trust, emotions, power, sexuality, creativity, self-worth, self-care, pleasure, and financial abundance.

This energy center, in the Vedic Tradition, is also where one of the most significant karmic afflictions can lie, an affliction known as Brahmahatya Dosha, which stems from committing some of the worst karmic deeds in past lives. (This is an issue we are going to address in this clearing also)

When this energy center is blocked, positive manifestation can become very difficult. Making money can be blocked. We might have writer's block, and blocks to our creative expression in the world. Our soul's purpose isn't seen by others. Attracting and maintaining a life-affirming sexual/romantic relationship with a partner can be quite challenging or impossible.

Our chakras are the major intersecting points between our non-physical soul-self and our physical body and world.

Many techniques claim to clear your chakras, but most techniques are only clearing within the etheric body, which is the most immediate expression of the chakras within your physical body. The chakras ultimately go much much deeper than that, all the way back to the initial creation of your soul.

In this clearing, we are going to take 37 of the most major issues and themes of the second chakra, and dive deep into your soul's history, akashic records, and karma you've inherited from your ancestors, and we are going to resolve this karma at its root.

It's possible that many of us are currently experiencing many thousands or millions of discordant soul programs, established in hundreds of different lifetimes, based on each of these 37 themes. In this clearing, we are going to not only resolve those soul programs, we are going to ask for the resolution of the original causes of the programs, the relationships and situations that caused them, as well as all the "ripple effects" that are extended forward from these original situations into the present moment of your life.

My goal in 2023 is to progressively work through each of the 7+ major chakras, devoting an individual group clearing session to each one, since the chakra represent such a comprehensive system of understanding how the spiritual forces within us affect the material manifestations in our bodies and lives.

Here is the list of second chakra themes we are going to work with one-by-one in this clearing:

  1. a sense of ease

  2. ability to enjoy life in physical ways

  3. accepting pleasure

  4. accomplishing difficult tasks

  5. attitudes about money, health, deservedness, and pleasure

  6. being enough and having enough

  7. care for and valuing our own being

  8. caring for the physical body / taking care of ourselves

  9. circle with 6 petals (the classic energetic structure of the second chakra)

  10. delighting in good health

  11. envy

  12. feeling at home on the physical plane

  13. frustration from not expressing our energy

  14. gratitude releases blocked energy

  15. healthy boundaries and honoring limitations

  16. inking self-worth with what we do or have

  17. negative archetype: the Victim/Martyr -- lacking energy, empowerment, and life-force

  18. nurturing

  19. our capacity to develop a sense of abundance

  20. our desire and/or our sense of lack

  21. our physical ability to move forward in life

  22. our sense of pleasure, sensuality, sexuality

  23. positive archetype: The Emperor/Empress: pleasure, abundance, enjoyment

  24. respecting the needs of our body

  25. rest, relax, and recharge

  26. in the Vedic Tradition, the ruling deity of this chakra is: Vishnu (we are going to do some Vishnu clearing here)

  27. in the Vedic Tradition, the ruling planet of this chakra is: Mercury (we are going to do some Mercury clearing here)

  28. self-punishment by denying ourselves warmth and comfort we long for

  29. sense of deserving a good life, deserving the life we say we want

  30. sense of joy or sense of feeling bad

  31. soul lessons: peace and wisdom

  32. the right foods, liquids, and supplements

  33. trusting and expressing my feelings

  34. vital well-being / feeling good

  35. water element / emotions

  36. work / life balance

  37. Brahmahatya Dosha: an affliction based on committing the worst deed in past lives