Fri, Jan 27: Clear Blocks to Activating Your Sun Sign and Soul on the Most Auspicious Day for Sun Clearing in 2023

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Fri, Jan 27: Clear Blocks to Activating Your Sun Sign and Soul on the Most Auspicious Day for Sun Clearing in 2023

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Friday, January 27, 2023 | starting at 3 pm (New York Time)

Clear Blocks to Activating Your Sun Sign & Your Soul

A Planetary Remedy on "Who You Are In The World"

on the Most Auspicious Day of 2023 to Access the Sun: the Sun's Astrological "Birthday"

The siddhas of ancient India say that you can only live your life purpose when your karma has been removed. And when your karma actually gets cleared, an intense blossoming occurs, and both the material and spiritual worlds open up for you.

They also say doing karma-clearing spiritual remedies for the Sun -- especially on the most auspicious days for the Sun -- can help strengthen your connection to your soul, and help you break free from negative patterns limiting your soul's expression. Performing karma-clearing remedies for the Sun can dissolve negative karmic limitations that are dimming your brilliance.

Once per year, the ancient yogis of India tell us the Sun has a "birthday", a date on which it is highly auspicious to perform clearings and remedies to clear bad Sun karma and enhance our relationship to this important "planet".

This year, the Sun's birthday is on Friday January 27. And on this date, I am holding a remote group clearing where I will be working with over 75 ancient Sun karma-clearing remedies, given to us by the yogis, to help you clear blocks to your Sun sign, so you can step into your gifts, and shine your unique talents out into the world. The specific subset of remedies we use in this clearing will be determined by the specific people who sign up for this clearing.

It has been said that when you are in distress, you should energetically connect with the Sun.  The planets are agents of your karma.  Your relationship with them can make or break your life.  So it is very important to take advantage of every opportunity to correct your planetary relationships, heal them, and make them more beneficial for you.  It will help your life in every way.

Astrologically, the Sun represents your relationship to your father, but it also represents your own soul, your body, and how you are seen in the world. By applying the ancient Vedic Sun Remedies through each sign of the zodiac, we are in effect making each zodiac sign more auspicious for you, so that you can function in a more integrated, powerful, and soul-aligned way throughout the year.

The benefits of this clearing include:

  • Grant relief from health issues

  • Brings self-esteem, leadership, wisdom, power, vitality, higher intelligence, and enlightenment

  • Prosperity

  • helps with job-related issues and loss of employment

  • healing for serious or chronic ailments and severe distress

  • Fulfill desires

  • Knowledge

  • Positivity

  • All-around success

  • Destroy sins & dispels doubts

  • Help resolve issues related to father and paternal inheritance

  • Alleviate worries, sorrow, anxiety, and anguish