Fri, March 17: 45 Clearings to Strengthen the "Positive Ego"

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Fri, March 17: 45 Clearings to Strengthen the "Positive Ego"

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Friday, March 17, starting at 3 pm (New York Time)

First Time Ever Offered

45 Clearings to Strengthen the "Positive Ego":

Stepping into a Stronger Authentic Sense of Self that Stems from Innate Spiritual Power:

Your Unique Human Possibilities, Gifts, & Expression in the World

Do you hear the word "ego", and instantly think "I should try to get rid of that"?

In my way of thinking, there are 2 different "ego selves" we each have. The first is the separative or "negative" ego, and that is identified with and often bonded to our limitations and past. This negative ego self keeps us small and in fear.

The second ego self, however, is our "positive" ego, which is the uniqueness of our human incarnation, and our unique gifts and purpose on the planet. This positive part of us needs to be enhanced and emphasized, so that we can authentically shine the light of our spirit in the service of others.

You are a unique human incarnation, never before happening in exactly the same way as you are happening right now. You are here to do something that's never been done before, something unique, something totally you. This comes from enhancing the clearing blocks to the positive ego.

For the first time in my work, I am offering a karma clearing based on 45 qualities that are part of the positive ego. We are each running potentially millions of soul programs that are currently blocking our ability to access and inhabit these 45 qualities, and so in this clearing, we are going to receive a major cleansing that will enhance our ability to know and accomplish our soul's purpose, and develop and share our gifts on the planet.

When people think "all ego qualities are the same", they may think that, in order to be truly spiritual, we should not be bold, we shouldn't stand up for ourselves and create ripples so we can develop and share our gifts. But this isn't the case! We have a unique purpose, a mission on this planet. We need to stop playing it small, thinking that it's more "spiritual" to not rock the boat, or that "being spiritual" means having false humility, which is really ego-based weakness.

If you are ready to step into a stronger authentic sense of self that stems from innate spiritual power (not power over others), and to clear another layer blocking you from cohering with your Divine Giftedness, this clearing is for you:

Here are the 45 points we are going to address in this clearing:

  1. appropriate energetic boundaries

  2. atman is the first principle, the true self of an individual beyond identification with phenomena, the essence of an individual

  3. coherence with Divine Giftedness

  4. courage

  5. devotion and sincerity

  6. embodying the Divine Qualities: grounded and anchored fully

  7. external validation for who I am → sense of innate, internal ok-ness

  8. healthy self-esteem, self-worth, & self-image

  9. humility

  10. i am a unique emanation of the Divine Presence

  11. i am enough as I am

  12. i am more than just a human form

  13. i am ok as I am

  14. i am worthy to experience and express every form of Divine Good

  15. initially getting in touch with my Divine possibilities

  16. inner stability

  17. integration -- the spirit and our humanity

  18. it is not I, but Spirit Within that does the work

  19. letting go and letting god 

  20. letting go of the need to control

  21. consciousness around coherence with unique giftedness

  22. consciousness around compelling Divine Right Action of unique giftedness; realization of unique giftedness

  23. consciousness around identification with unique giftedness

  24. love -- for life, for self, for another, for your work -- for its own sake, and not as a means to an end

  25. not defined by what I do, what I have, or what others think of my → who I am is a perfect individualized expression of Spirit

  26. open-mindedness

  27. patience, acceptance, and serenity

  28. readiness to fully open the heart 

  29. rising up to my potential

  30. sat (consciousness)- chit (meanings) - ananda (pleasure) -- sat = "I am" | chit = "I have" | ananda = "I want"

  31. sense of personal unlimited potential

  32. sense of the fullness of Grace, immediately and always available

  33. sense that Life is fundamentally Good, and I am a part of that

  34. stabilization in God consciousness

  35. surrendering the lower for the higher

  36. the possibility of "something greater" emerging in consciousness

  37. there's something more to life than this

  38. this moment is ok, I am ok, Life is ok.

  39. to reflect and reveal Divine Ultimate Reality

  40. to what extent am I identified with Spirit Within as the "I" of my being?

  41. to what extent am I identified with my negative ego as the "I" of my being?

  42. transcending negative ego

  43. wanting for nothing, and yet available to infinite expansion of Good

  44. who I am is fundamentally good

  45. work with Muruga: Muruga helps for victory over the 3 primary hindrances of human limitation and suffering, represented by the demons Muruga was born to slay: karma (destiny), Maya (illusion), and Ego (separation from God)