Fri, March 31: Karma Clearing of the Third Chakra (Solar Plexus)

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march solar plexus.jpg

Fri, March 31: Karma Clearing of the Third Chakra (Solar Plexus)

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Friday, March 31, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

First Time Ever Offered

Karma Clearing of the Third Chakra (Solar Plexus):

Strong Sense of Self, Resilience, Self-Worth, Confidence, & Personal Power

For the first time in my work, I am offering an extended clearing of the underlying karmic issues involved with the third (or solar plexus) chakra, the chakra that governs your self-worth, your personal power, and your freedom to make choices in life that empower you.

When this energy center is blocked or out of balance, we feel deflated, lacking confidence, and like we will not have the power and ability to make it through challenging situations. We are out of touch with our inner resilience, our Inner Warrior that helps us make it through difficult times. We forget who we really are, what makes us unique, distinct, and special -- if we ever knew at all. We may look continuously to other for approval, doubting our worthiness, out of touch with our gut instincts.

Our chakras are the major intersecting points between our non-physical soul-self and our physical body and world.

Many techniques claim to clear your chakras, but most techniques are only clearing within the etheric body, which is the most immediate expression of the chakras within your physical body.  The chakras ultimately go much much deeper than that, all the way back to the initial creation of your soul.

In this clearing, we are going to take 36 of the most major issues and themes of the third chakra, and dive deep into your soul's history, akashic records, and karma you've inherited from your ancestors, and we are going to resolve this karma at its root.

It's possible that many of us are currently experiencing many thousands or millions of discordant soul programs, established in hundreds of different lifetimes, based on each of these 36 themes.  In this clearing, we are going to not only resolve those soul programs, we are going to ask for the resolution of the original causes of the programs, the relationships and situations that caused them, as well as all the "ripple effects" that are extended forward from these original situations into the present moment of your life.

Here are the solar plexus chakra items we are going to research and clear in this upcoming clearing:

  1. breaking down nutrients for digestion -- physical and mental

  2. honoring and valuing ourselves

  3. self-esteem, confidence, strong and healthy sense of ourselves

  4. freedom of choice: how we exercise our innate power

  5. fire element: our passion

  6. basic instincts in our relationships

  7. standing up for ourselves

  8. our essential worth and worthiness

  9. comfortable with our power

  10. uncertain and doubtful about our right to own our power

  11. evading situations that call for an empowered response

  12. self-limitation

  13. achieving independence

  14. Negative Archetype: The Servant -- Needy, seeking approval, unempowered

  15. Positive Archetype: The Warrior: Confident, creative, courageous

  16. anchoring personal identity in the abiding nature of the self

  17. living a life based on maintaining an image based on avoiding dealing with our true spiritual nature

  18. I am worthy of a good life.

  19. I am confident in my abilities.

  20. I am in touch with the source of my power.

  21. I am able to find my path in life.

  22. developing a strong and resilient "positive" ego

  23. forming our character based on knowing who we are

  24. stamina to meet physical and emotional challenges

  25. inner strength and resilience to see my dreams materialize into reality

  26. seeking approval in the external world (clear)

  27. discipline to make it happen

  28. the choice to be ourselves, to choose love, respect, kindness, and to do what we know is right

  29. taking pride in our efforts

  30. disconnection of the solar plexus to the heart: becoming manipulative, exploitative, egotistical

  31. gut instincts

  32. circle with 10 petals

  33. the plane of dharma

  34. selfless service

  35. by remaining true to one's nature, relationships with others will be more stable and clear

  36. ruling planet: Sun