Fri, Oct 20, 2023: Clear 73+ Traumatic Past-Life Death-Transitions Causing Irrational Fears, Anxiety, Phobias, Health and Relationship Challenges

73 past live death transitions.jpg
73 past live death transitions.jpg

Fri, Oct 20, 2023: Clear 73+ Traumatic Past-Life Death-Transitions Causing Irrational Fears, Anxiety, Phobias, Health and Relationship Challenges

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Friday, October 29, 2023 | starting at 3 pm (New York Time)

Clear 73+ Traumatic Past-Life Death-Transitions Causing Irrational Fears, Anxiety, Phobias, Health and Relationship Challenges

How you died in your past lives can be one of the most potent sources of problems in your life now.

Our souls remember what has happened to us, and we hold energy on past traumas, even if those traumas were in past lives.

What makes this even more challenging is that, because the trauma occurs at the time of death-transition, we didn't have any time in that life to work through any of the energy, or process it in any way. Therefore, the traumatic energy gets pulled up from the physical being at the time of death, and wrapped into the larger soul consciousness, to be processed at another time.

Past-life unresolved death transition energies can become the spiritual basis for physical health challenges in this life, as can all type of past-life trauma. This present incarnation may choose to "re-present" the past-life issue in a representative way, helping you to now be reminded, even subtly, of work to be done. For instance, proneness to asthma can have a past-life spiritual basis in dying in fires. If we died through hanging, we might have neck or throat problems in this life. Skin issues can have a past-life basis in dying by fire. Strange birth marks or chronic challenges with one particular organ or part of the body can re-present more terminal challenges from past lives.

The spiritual basis for many phobias and irrational fears can be found in our past life traumas. For instance, fear of falling and heights may stem from dying by falling from a high place in a past life.

The spiritual basis for relationship problems in this life can be found there as well, as people we know in this present-life are often there because of the karma we have with them from past lives, when they may have been responsible for our death (and us, theirs).

Fortunately, we can now dive into your soul records, and systematically work through many of these death transitions, helping your soul to release any discordant energy it is still holding on them.

In past years, when I have led similar clearings, many people report profound shifts and changes at every level.

If you aren't sure if you believe in past lives, but you are receptive to a clearing like this one, you may just become convinced by your experiences! Just by us using special techniques to open up the soul history, then asking your Higher Self to resolve the situation around your past-life death, you may feel deep release, perhaps even some temporary physical sensation or emotion, as we clear this old energy.

Over the years, I have compiled a list of 73 ways of dying that may have left a discordant karmic memory in our subconscious.   I know this list is gruesome to look at.  However, the reason I want to do a clearing with you on these specific issues is that these literal past-life and ancestral lineage events can represent significant karmic burdens to you now, and can be restricting your life in ways you may not even realize.

By doing karma-clearing work based on these literal past-life occurrences, you will learn a lot about your own past-life history, as you feel the clearing of some of these issues perhaps more than others, and realize that your soul has been burdened with these memories perhaps for thousands of years.  What we clear and resolve in this clearing will be transformed within your consciousness into wisdom, personal power, and greater capacity to live life at your full potential.

In this clearing, we are going to work through as many of your past lives as your soul is ready to, and as many generations of your ancestral lineages as are available.

Here are the major points we will work on in this clearing:

  1. war

  2. radiation

  3. whipped

  4. rebellion

  5. trampled

  6. sacrificed

  7. impaled

  8. violence / trauma

  9. imprisonment

  10. lightening

  11. crushing / getting stoned

  12. animal

  13. exposure / shock

  14. curse

  15. injection

  16. magic

  17. journey

  18. ghost

  19. sexual violence / murder

  20. falling

  21. drowning

  22. shot -- bullet/other

  23. hanging

  24. suicide

  25. stabbing

  26. starvation / overeating

  27. frozen / baked / boiled

  28. strangulation

  29. snake / insect bit

  30. buried alive

  31. electrocution

  32. stocks

  33. flood

  34. gender reasons

  35. cannibalism

  36. overdose

  37. dismembered

  38. sexual orientation reasons

  39. storm

  40. racial reasons

  41. operation

  42. gas chamber

  43. genocide / holocausts

  44. vaccine / other injections

  45. lost will to live

  46. illness / VD / plague

  47. withdrawal / lack of resources

  48. sudden / unexpected

  49. drawn and quartered

  50. burned / scalded (fire, acid, etc.)

  51. crucified

  52. accident - vehicle / other

  53. tortured

  54. suffocation

  55. beheaded

  56. poisoning

  57. pregnancy and childbirth

  58. abortion

  59. earthquake

  60. beaten

  61. assassination

  62. maimed

  63. paralyzation

  64. tarred and feathered

  65. ET energy weapons / beams

  66. disintegration

  67. infection - gangrene, etc.

  68. fire / brimstone, asteroid, etc.

  69. prostitution & sex slavery

  70. kidnapped

  71. castration

  72. scientific experiments

  73. other - not on list