Mon, Oct 23, 2023: 65 Goddess Clearings and Activations for Awakening and Enlightenment

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Mon, Oct 23, 2023: 65 Goddess Clearings and Activations for Awakening and Enlightenment

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Monday: October 23, 2023, starting at 9pm (New York Time)

The Triumph of Light over Darkness:
65 Goddess Clearings & Activations for Awakening and Enlightenment
on the Most Important Astrological Goddess Day of the Year

Receive 65 Goddess Karma-Clearing Activations to help clear the blocks that separate us from Divine Love and from Each Other,
& anchor Divine Light into your Life and onto the Planet

In the Vedic Tradition, the single more powerful night of the year for accessing the light-bringing field healing power of Divine Mother Goddess is this night, called "Vijaya Dasami", the final night of the 9-night fall celebration known as Navaratri (the 9 Nights of the Goddess).

Karma-clearing ceremonies performed on this night have immense power, not only for our personal lives, but in helping us to cut through cultural programming through the power of fierce love, and enabling us to become ambassadors for anchoring truly Divine solutions to global challenges.

This clearing on the final day of Navaratri will focus on:

  • cutting through mechanisms of spiritual, mental, emotional, cultural, and karmic control

  • activating the consciousness of fierce love, while slaying karma and ignorance

  • cutting through barriers that separate us from each other, and separate us from solutions, health, success, and fulfillment

  • cutting through cultural programming

  • cutting through the consciousness of systems of restriction, contraction, inequality, fear, and greed

  • healing mental / emotional imbalances

  • activating goddess forms who supply "all needs met"

  • activating the Goddess principles of knowledge and insight, and expressing your innate Divine Purpose on the planet