Sat, Feb 18: Shivaratri -- The Most Important Night for Karma-Removal of the Whole Year

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Sat, Feb 18: Shivaratri -- The Most Important Night for Karma-Removal of the Whole Year

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Saturday, February 18 (starting after nightfall, New York Time)

The Most Important Night for Karma-Removal of the Whole Year

Evocation of Shiva-Consciousness on Maha Shivaratri:

The Single Most Important Night for Spiritual Liberation of the Whole Year

Each year, I cannot help but offer a karma clearing and ascension activation on this singularly most sacred night for spiritual liberation and enlightenment of the year: Maha Shivaratri (also known as "The Great Night of Shiva").

You may not be aware of this particular "holiday".  I certainly wasn't when I was growing up.

But my experiences of it started about 20 years ago, when I would spend the entire night awake (as is traditional) in the presence of an Enlightening Being who was a powerful spiritual initiator for me into greater spiritual consciousness.

It was then, through experience, that I began to understand the importance of setting aside time on this most sacred night each year -- no matter your religious or spiritual background --, to focus on building consciousness, clearing karma, awakening, renewing your commitment to your spiritual liberation, and getting into greater touch with the True Nature of Being.

In fact, my teacher says that by spending this night invoking Shiva, it is the equivalent spiritual evolution of spending 1 million years in meditation.  He says "Maha Shivaratri, of the Great Night of Shiva, is the once-a-year opportunity to invoke Shiva's Grace during his descent to the earthplace for blessings of prosperity, fulfillment of wishes, removal of sins, curses, afflictions, and debts, and for spiritual evolution."

Let me be clear here that "Shiva" is not a religious god that you have to convert to worshipping.  Shiva is the same given to the Inner Archetype within you and within all beings, that is the most fundamental aspect of Divine Consciousness.  It is a name given to Source Itself.  This night of Shiva is really the night to seek Source within yourself more deeply, and renew your commitment to progressively revealing Source within your own life.

In this karma clearing, which I will record during the peak hours of this most sacred night, inviting your energy into this healing circle, and working with Shiva for clearing your deepest karma, I am going to personally discern and channel specific Shiva remedies and rituals needed for each person in the group to realize their fullest potential in each of the 37 major benefit categories of Shiva benefits (see below).

I will systematically work with the karma of each person in the group, and work on clearing karma that blocks the fullest expression of Shiva-Consciousness for each of the following 37 major Shiva benefits:

Benefits of working with Shiva:

  1. Victory over inner enemies, and removes mental distress

  2. Helps clear Saturn affliction

  3. Overall wellbeing & vitality

  4. Gives wealth blessings

  5. Removes fear of death

  6. Gives 8 Forms of Wealth Blessings & Overall Prosperity

  7. Removes all sorrows and problems in life

  8. Gives good health and removes hostility in relationships

  9. Removes all karma from this life and others

  10. Attracts good luck and auspiciousness in the family

  11. Abundant wealth and grace of Goddess Lakshmi

  12. Grants Moksha (enlightenment)

  13. Gives satisfied and blessed life

  14. Clear financial debts

  15. Helps overcome money-related problems

  16. Clear all debts of your ancestors

  17. Bring wealth, prosperity, and luck

  18. Enjoy happiness and success in all your activities

  19. long-life and healing of the karma of neurological issues

  20. resolving relationship challenges and upgrading job situation

  21. reputation clearing

  22. resolving north and south planetary node bad karma (the astrological indicators representing your past-life karma, and your spiritual and career progress in this life)

  23. ancestral clearing, mental clearing, right relationship attraction

  24. revealing greater health, resolving legal issues

  25. overcoming difficulties

  26. clearing problems and affliction with Mars

  27. heals relationships, and supports children succeeding

  28. disease resolution

  29. clears long-term relationship & marriage blocks

  30. karma affecting the heart cleared

  31. mental balancing, illness healing, overall peace in family life

  32. enhanced power for manifestation

  33. clearing karma of learning and education

  34. clearing karma for positive vision and eye strength

  35. supporting the power of manifestation

  36. clears karma in relationship attraction

  37. resolves "enemy" issues