Sat, Jan 21: Remove Perpetual Hardship Karma During Saturn's Transit


Sat, Jan 21: Remove Perpetual Hardship Karma During Saturn's Transit

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Saturday, January 21, 2023 (Thai Amavasya)

Remove "Perpetual Hardship" Karma Given to you By Your Ancestors

During the First Days of Saturn's Transit

61 Saturn-Appeasing Karma Clearings

20 Ancestral Karma Clearing Rituals

75 Vortexes for Ancestral Karma Clearing

All of this, performed for you to clear your personal and ancestral karma

This is one of the 3 most important new moons of the year to alleviate ancestral karma.
It is also the first Saturday (Saturn's Day) in which Saturn's direct motion brings him back to his own sign of Aquarius, where he will remain for 2.25 years.

This clearing will help you connect deeply with Saturn, and invoke his blessings for positive results during the next 2.25 years.

Starting this week, and continuing for the next 2.25 years, Saturn will be transiting his own sign of Vedic Aquarius. All Saturn transits are important for karma-clearing work. But this transit, into auspicious Aquarius, which is Saturn's own home sign, can be particularly empowering and transformational for you, only if you take advantage of the energetic gifts this transit brings.

If you don't resolve your Saturn karma, then any potentially auspicious transit can create increased difficulty, pressure, stress, and long-term suffering.

Saturn is the planet of karma and transformation. His energy is specific to bringing forward your karma so that you can learn from it.

In this clearing, we are going to work with 61+ ancient remedies that have been developed over thousands of years to help clear and resole your bad Saturn karma, so that your soul can learn the lessons it needs to learn, and that your suffering doesn't have to continue.

This week, Saturn is transiting back to its own sign, Vedic Aquarius, for the first time in 30 years. Saturn in Aquarius can help you fulfill your desires and achieve your ambitions. In Aquarius, Saturn's energy can help you fulfill your goals by helping you seize good opportunities, which will also allow you to attract material gains, and enjoy fruitful rewards when your actions are carried out after thoughtful planning.

All Saturn clearings that I offer are powerful and important. But this clearing is also scheduled on one of the 3 most important new moons of the year for alleviating inherited ancestral karma. This new moon is known as Thai Amavasya, and presents a potent opportunity for diving deeply onto the inherited karmic ancestral record, and clearing the karma of your ancestors, as well as the way that old karma is expressing in your life now (or potentially expressing in your life in the future).

For the first time in my work, I am going to be specifically identifying and channeling the Saturn remedies that my Higher Guidance indicates must be performed for this group at this time. We are all going to benefit from this approach.

I will also be using, again for the first time, a series of 20 ancient ancestral karma clearing rituals. We will also be energetically performing ancestral karma clearing work at upwards of 75 ancient temple vortexes, which have been identified for their specific ancestral karma clearing power.

The themes of this clearing will be about resolving and clearing the underlying karma causing:

  • hardship and restriction

  • prolonged suffering

  • stubborn resistance to change, but need for it

  • depression and self-destructive habits

  • stressful periods of life

  • inevitable transformations needing to happen only after periods of considerable difficulty

  • feeling "caught between a rock and a hard place"

  • needing to give something up that is particular difficult -- like a non-aligned relationship or a soul-sucking job

  • mounting pressure from internal and external sources

  • this cycle forces one to make difficult changes in your life that have outlived their usefulness

Performing ancestral karma clearing work regularly, especially at the rare "peak times" of the years when this work is most auspicious, will help you with the following:

  1. essential to resolve every kind of problem

  2. the greatest act you can do to help liberate your ancestors and help free your children from problems created by negative ancestral influences

  3. resolve bad ancestral karma and gain the blessings of your ancestors, who can become your greatest benefactors in life

  4. remove hardship

  5. liberate ancestors who have committed the worst sins

  6. ensure your genetic line is "well fed"

  7. when the ancestors are appeased through ritual, they can become your greatest benefactors

  8. affliction known as "pitru dosha" which means ancestral affliction from not performing ancestral clearing rituals

  9. this "pitru dosha" afflication can manifest as prolonged illness, misunderstandings at home, no career progress, financial instability, and progeny-related issues

  10. Satiate the restless souls of your ancestors and help them attain salvation

  11. Solve your life problems related to money, health, relationship, and career

  12. Gain blessings of good fortune and a prosperous life

  13. Dissolve your bad karma accumulated from not offering ancestral karma clearing work in the past

  14. Remove ancestral bad karma and help attain success in all your efforts