Sat, Jan 7: Undo and Clear All Discordant and Negative Karma You've Accidentally Created in 2022

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Sat, Jan 7: Undo and Clear All Discordant and Negative Karma You've Accidentally Created in 2022

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Saturday, January 7, 2023, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Undo and Clear All Discordant and Negative Karma You've Accidentally Created in 2022

Yes, we're always creating karma, much of it bad.  We have to clear it quickly, before it can take deep root in the garden of our lives.

Necessary yearly spiritual maintenance to ensure you can create positively and joyously moving forward into the new year

We are always creating new karma.  We are always creating both positive and negative karma, though as we clear our past karma, and get more and more conscious, we tend to create less negative and more positive karma.

Karma isn't just a past-life thing.  We are always creating our present and our future -- we are always creating our destiny.

Most of our karma-creating is accidental.  We often create fear, worry, and anxiety.  We might not feel that we have a choice in the moment.  However, each small pulsation of karma is a type of seed that we are planting into the garden of our life.  If a few seeds fall to the ground, it's not a big deal, especially if we can pick up those seeds (clearing work) before they're able to seep into the soil.

However, if we plant seeds of doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, separation, lack, and limitation, and those seeds are cast onto the ground of our consciousness, where they are watered and fertilized by more fear and worry, then we are sowing the seeds of a discordant destiny.  This is when karmic creation in our present life and in the present moment becomes highly problematic.

The "fresher" the karma-creation, the easier it is to clear.  This means that, since we are always creating karma -- positive and negative, and hopefully over time predominantly, mostly positive -- then the quicker we can clear the bad stuff out, transmuting its negative power to create problems, the easier it is for us to become free.

This is one of the great values of regular karma-clearing work.

And it is the reason why I love offering this particular karma-clearing as the first clearing of a new year.

We each need an opportunity to clear and burn away the seeds of negative karma we have accidentally planted in the garden of our life.  Using the power of Higher Guidance, we can specifically research for each person which exact karmas have been created over 2022, and we can clear and transmute their negative power.

One reason it's important to do this is: we never want to be moving backwards spiritually.  We always want to move forward in a positive creative way.

Most people accumulate bad karma after bad karma year after year, lifetime after lifetime, until something sudden and dramatic and deeply difficult wakes them up that forces them into awakening.  We want to avoid being hit over the head to receive a spiritual wake-up call!  We want to clear the bad stuff before it continues to accumulate.  Accumulating bad karma always creates more problems, more stress, more blocks, more relationship problems, money problems, health problems, etc.

I highly recommend you signup for this clearing, and that you include your family.

If you would like to work more deeply on this subject of clearing the karmic accumulation from the previous year, please sign up for an individual clearing with me.  Both the individual and the group clearing work on this topic will synergize and be immensely beneficial for you.