Saturday, July 22, 2023: Let Go of Past Romantic Relationships That Feel Hard to Let Go of

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romantic relationship clearing july 2023.jpg

Saturday, July 22, 2023: Let Go of Past Romantic Relationships That Feel Hard to Let Go of

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Saturday, July 22, 2023: starting at 3 pm (New York Time) -- The First Day of "Venus Retrograde 2023"

Let Go of Past Romantic Relationships That Feel Hard to Let Go of

On Saturday, July 22, 2023, Venus is turning retrograde, and will remain there for about 44 days. Venus's transit into retrograde is the perfect timing to explore and resolve the karma of past romantic relationships that are still burdening you, and that feel hard to let go of.

All of our relationships are "karmic" in a sense, in that we always have larger soul connection with every individual we meet. Sometimes that soul connection is more significant -- either positively or negatively, and often both -- than it is with some other people.

Even if we move away from a particular present-life romantic relationship, there can be much that needs to be cleared. Sometimes we are unaware of this fact. We need to clear our relationships while we are in them, but all the more so after they are over. By thinking "ok, this person is no longer in contact with me, so the relationship must be over", we are overlooking the fact that, energetically-speaking, unfinished karmic business is always keeping our past relationships alive in the present, and potentially majorly blocking our ability to actualize new relationships of all kinds.

In romantic relationship, there is often a very distinct and intense form of energy involved. This energy can have even a stronger positive and negative "pull" between 2 people than other types of relationship. That strong pull of energy doesn't just go away when the relationship ends, even if the relationship ends in death. It needs to be cleared through a karma-clearing facilitation.

In this clearing, we are going to work on all of your past romantic relationships, whether from this life or from past lives. You don't necessarily have to specify to me which relationships you want to work on. Your Higher Self already knows.

If you have felt blocked in your current relationship, or blocked in attracting a romantic relationship that is truly aligned with your soul, this is the clearing for you. However, I want to also specify that, if you are not looking to attract a romantic relationship, this clearing will not force that upon you.

We are not only going to be doing very relationship-specific karma-clearing techniques in this event, but this clearing session is also going to be an astrological remedy for the planet Venus, and for her planetary "overlord", which in the Vedic system, is the Goddess Lakshmi. By using this ancient and mystical astrological clearing and aligning techniques, you are going to gain tremendous benefit from this work, even beyond the immediate positive effect of the relationship work itself.