Sept 8-12, 2023: 5-Day Relationship Harm Intensive

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Sept 8-12, 2023: 5-Day Relationship Harm Intensive

from $50.00
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5-Day Intensive:

Clearing Relationships and Lifetimes in which you Committed Harm Against others, and Where Harm was Committed by Others Towards You

When the soul is carrying "harm" -- causing it or receiving it -- it can block every type of good -- especially physical healing and manifestation of abundance. Harm is really defined karmically as some intentional or inadvertent energy or physical act that has a specifically discordant and lower consciousness beneath it.

Throughout the course of this life and your past lives and soul's history, as unbelievable as it may sound, you have committed harm to others, and others have committed harm to you. In fact, almost every relationship in every lifetime has some degree of harm -- often unresolved karmically even now.

Much harm is mild in the short-term, but can accumulate and replicate in consciousness over lifetimes. Some harm is very severe, and this can be the most damaging to us now.

Harm may be as simple as a harmful thought or unfelt/unprocessed/unresolved discordant emotional state, all the way through physical harm and even murder. Physical harm can include being either the perpetrator of victim of intended or unintended death, as well as withholding help when we had the capacity to offer it. There can also be spiritual harm. Spiritual harm can include blocking the spiritual evolution of others, or being blocked by others ourselves. Many of us may have been false gurus or religious leaders in past lives -- or we may have followed such beings. There can be tremendous spiritual harm our souls are carrying as a result.

For many of us, our closest soulmates, twin flames, soulbuddies, etc., are also those who have committed the deepest harms to us, and to whom we have committed the deepest harms.

The new age concepts of soulmates often try to obliterate these tremendous soul difficulties, pretending that lifetime after lifetime, when we find our soulmates, we experience bliss and true divine love. What I'm here to tell you is that the strongest soul relationships often create the strongest contrasting discordant energies when that veil of incarnational illusion comes over us on our earthly journey.

So those souls that you are closest to may have committed the greatest past harm to you, and vice versa. It is tremendously important to clear this harm now, so that the clear light of your true spirit can emerge in this life.

This concept of committing or receiving harm may sound easy to grasp intellectually, but when we are able to research this harm in your soul's record, and actually clear and resolve it now, the positive feeling can be palpable. Every area of your life can become better. Seeming insurmountable blocks can be dissolved instantaneously because your soul is no longer carrying these hidden burdens that have been dragging you down.

For each person in this clearing, we are going to address thousands of soul relationships across hundreds of your past and present lives -- all in this single 5-day intensive. This is essential and vitally important work to do for everyone.

5-Day intensives are about 600 times more powerful -- and 600 times deeper -- than doing this type of work only once. So when we open up the relationship history of your soul each day for 5 days, we can really go deep, and get some real transformation happening.