Sun, April 9, 2023: First Time Ever Offered Karma Clearing of the Heart Chakra

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Sun, April 9, 2023: First Time Ever Offered Karma Clearing of the Heart Chakra

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Sunday April 9, 2023, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

First Time Ever Offered

Karma Clearing of the Heart Chakra:

Forgiving Yourself, Healing the Wounds of the Past

Cultivating Connection, Acceptance, & Unity

For the first time in my work, I am offering an extended clearing of the underlying karmic issues involved with the heart chakra, the energy center that governs your relationship to unconditional love, your sense of self, relationships with others, and to that which brings you most joy.

When this energy center is blocked or out of balance, we feel unhappy, burdened by past emotional trauma, closed-off to the richness of developing and sharing our unique gifts in service to the world. We may feel isolated and separate, unable to attract or cultivate friendships and romantic relationships -- unable to experience the joy that life has to offer.

Our chakras are the major intersecting points between our non-physical soul-self and our physical body and world.

Many techniques claim to clear your chakras, but most techniques are only clearing within the etheric body, which is the most immediate expression of the chakras within your physical body.  The chakras ultimately go much much deeper than that, all the way back to the initial creation of your soul.

In this clearing, we are going to take 35 of the most major issues and themes of the third chakra, and dive deep into your soul's history, akashic records, and karma you've inherited from your ancestors, and we are going to resolve this karma at its root.

It's possible that many of us are currently experiencing many thousands or millions of discordant soul programs, established in hundreds of different lifetimes, based on each of these 35 themes.  In this clearing, we are going to not only resolve those soul programs, we are going to ask for the resolution of the original causes of the programs, the relationships and situations that caused them, as well as all the "ripple effects" that are extended forward from these original situations into the present moment of your life.

Here are the heart chakra items we are going to research and clear (or more fully activate) in this upcoming clearing:

  1. the heart is the center of inclusive and universal love

  2. forgiving yourself & your past

  3. giving instead of just getting

  4. our worthiness and capacity to give and receive love

  5. compassion for ourselves and others

  6. seeing everyone as my equal, and that I am connected to everyone

  7. the heart is the seat of joy

  8. what makes my heart sing?

  9. embracing Life

  10. Intelligence of the Heart Chakra: Remembering the Good

  11. Soul Lesson of the Heart Chakra: harmony with others, and love

  12. warmth and healing emanating from a kind and generous spirit

  13. Positive Archetype: "The Lover": generous, open, loving, good will

  14. Negative Archetype: "The Actor": conditional love, expectations, "those people fall outside the realm of my love"

  15. healing emotional wounds, forgiving those who have hurt us

  16. block: avoiding doing what delights us -- failing to do what we love

  17. being open in love and friendship

  18. knowing that we are love

  19. healing the wounds of pain, loss, trauma, and separation

  20. physical heart and lungs

  21. anchored in Selfhood, which is Love itself

  22. flourishing on opening, sharing, touch, and connection

  23. removing inferiority, unworthiness, and lack

  24. blessing those who have hurt us

  25. feeling love for yourself, for others, and for the beauty of nature, and for life itself

  26. caring deeply for others

  27. cultivating peace in life

  28. cultivating unity: one people, one planet, one purpose (which is to allow ourselves to be loved, and to love others)

  29. accepting ourselves for who we are

  30. keeping the heart open allows good to come to us

  31. seeing the good even in the worst of situations and in the most difficult people

  32. ruling planet: Venus

  33. the circle with 12 petals: the expansion of energy in 12 directions, flow of energy through 12 sources

  34. the circle with 8 petals: 8-petaled lotus, the seat of the spiritual heart

  35. the seat of balance in the body: balancing the 3 upper chakras with the 3 lower chakras