Sun, Feb 5 (Full Moon): A Karma Clearing for "New Business"

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Sun, Feb 5 (Full Moon): A Karma Clearing for "New Business"

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Sunday, February 5 (Full Moon), starting at 3 pm (New York Time)

A Karma Clearing for "New Business"

No matter what business you are in -- if you are self-employed, or if you work for someone else -- you are always serving customers or clients, and you always need new business to keep yourself fully engaged in your work, prosperous, and afloat.

However, the more you serve others, the more karma is brought forward from within you, your ancestral lineages, your business itself, and yes even and your customers.

Old karma coming forward is part of the natural evolutionary process of the Universe, and is not because you are doing something wrong.

However, if you don't regularly clear the negative business karma, it will begin to block you.

Even if you are doing "all the right things", and keep doing all the things that have worked for you in the past with your business, those things may seem to stop working over time, because old karma has been brought forward, and that old stuff is now blocking you.

On this most important full moon, the energies of Divine Intelligence and "Victory Over Dark Forces" are very elevated. The key energetic words of this ancient sacred full moon are "spiritual warrior energy", defeating of enemies (aka, internal blocks that we have), and victory.

In this clearing, we are going to look at all past, present, and future potential karma involving you and your business, and you and your clients and customers. We are going to look at blocks that have arisen in your business that are preventing ease, grace, flow, prosperity, and continued increase of good.

We are going to also:

  • clear blocks to attracting more customers / clients

  • clear blocks with your current customers / clients, so you can create more business

  • clear your blocks to receiving all forms of good

  • clear your blocks to serving as your most authentic, true talented self

  • perform a series of Vedic remedies to help you clear bad business karma, and come into harmony with the Divine Principles and Archetypes of Lavish Abundance

  • clearing karmic blocks in your past, present, and potential future customers and clearings to working with you