Sun, July 9, 2023: Releasing and Clearing the Blocked Energy and Past-Life Roots You're Still Holding from Each Time You Were Made to Feel Unsafe as a Child

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Sun, July 9, 2023: Releasing and Clearing the Blocked Energy and Past-Life Roots You're Still Holding from Each Time You Were Made to Feel Unsafe as a Child

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Sunday, July 9, 2023, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Releasing & Clearing the Blocked Energy & Past-Life Roots You're Still Holding

from Each Time You Were Made to Feel Unsafe as a Child

There are many obvious and not-so-obvious times we may have been made to feel unsafe as a child.  Some of these feelings may stem from the unconscious words and behavior of others in our life, and some may have been created intentionally.

If we look at the situation through divination, we may find thousands of hidden times in childhood when we were made to feel unsafe.  We may have no conscious memory of most of these times, but our soul, body, and consciousness do remember, and the ramifications of thousands of times of feeling unsafe can be creating major problems in life for us right now.

A sense of not being fundamentally safe in our body can get created when we are young, and can stay with us throughout our life.  Just because we get older doesn't mean these early childhood programs automatically get healed.

In this clearing, we are going to dive into your subconscious mind and body memories and discern the specific contexts in which you were made to feel unsafe as a child.

We are going to look at the underlying beliefs and discordant programming you took into your life based on these events.

We are also going to work on each relationship context that caused the unsafe feelings.

This work can be challenging for many people to do consciously, because these memories are often buried deep within.  But in this clearing, we are going to work directly with the power of your own Higher Self, which is going to guide us to these blocks, and help us to dissolve them.

From a karmic perspective, the challenges we have in this life reflect similar challenges and themes we had in past lives.  Our present-life challenges also reflect the unresolved themes passed down through hundreds of generations of our family lineages.

So in this clearing, we are also going to look at the past-life root causes and ancestral root causes of the lack of safety experiences and feelings you had in this life, and we are going to clear those deeper issues in the soul as well.

In this clearing, we are going to work on resolving:

  • each time and relationship context where you were made to feel unsafe in this life (on average 17,000 times per person!)

  • all past-life and ancestrally inherited "root programs" and contexts beneath these present-life issues -- in other words, all the precursors and past-life and ancestral situations that helped to create your present-life blocks to safety

For each person participating in this clearing, my guidance indicates that on average, you've been made to feel unsafe in this life about 17,000 times so far!

Remember that you won't consciously recall that number of times -- this is the imprint that your soul is carrying, often based on both large and small impressions that are blocking your feeling of safety.

That's a tremendous amount of energy!

Remember also that these instances are reflecting similar instances in your past lives and inherited from your ancestry.

If you want to become truly free to choose the life that aligned with your highest destiny, you have to clear the past impressions (karma) from your past lives and from your ancestors.