Sunday, July 16, 2023 | Karma Clearing of the Crown (7th) Chakra

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crown chakra clearing july 2023.jpg

Sunday, July 16, 2023 | Karma Clearing of the Crown (7th) Chakra

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Sunday, July 16, 2023 (New Moon and Vedic Summer Solstice)

First Time Ever Offered

Karma Clearing of the Crown (7th) Chakra:

Feeling Plugged In To the Infinite Source of All Goodness, Receiving Clear Spiritual Insights & Guidance,

Awakening Your Higher Purpose, & Letting Go of Smallness so Spirit Can Work Through You

For the first time in my work, I am offering an extended clearing of the underlying karmic issues involved with the crown chakra, the energy center that governs your relationship to higher consciousness, spiritual expansion, and surrendering problems that are based in ego so that you can open up to the Infinite Goodness of Pure Spirit, and let Spirit fully heal, guide, and prosper your life.

It is in opening up the crown chakra that we can truly release the identity that we have as limited beings, and let the Infinite Love, Power, and Abundance of Pure Spirit fill us, and guide and direct our lives for our Highest Good.

When this energy center is blocked or out of balance, we feel we are limited, and that it's "us against the world". We feel unplugged from our Source, and like everything is frustrated. We struggle with trying to live our lives with a limited, separate sense of power, since we have identified as only a small, separate, "little" being, apart from the Infinity of Pure Spirit.

Our chakras are the major intersecting points between our non-physical soul-self and our physical body and world.

Many techniques claim to clear your chakras, but most techniques are only clearing within the etheric body, which is the most immediate expression of the chakras within your physical body.

The chakras ultimately go much much deeper than that, all the way back to the initial creation of your soul.

In this clearing, we are going to take 25 of the most major issues and themes of the crown chakra, and dive deep into your soul's history, your akashic records, and karma you've inherited from your ancestors, and we are going to resolve this karma at its root.

It's possible that many of us are currently experiencing many thousands or millions of discordant soul programs, established in hundreds of different lifetimes, based on each of these 25 themes.  In this clearing, we are going to not only resolve those soul programs, we are going to ask for the resolution of the original causes of the programs, the relationships and situations that caused them, as well as all the "ripple effects" that are extended forward from these original situations into the present moment of your life.

As with all of my chakra-based clearings, this particular clearing may affect all areas of your soul, and you may feel this work in many different areas of your body, not just at the top of your head where the crown chakra is located.  This is because we are basing this work on the underlying karma and soul programming affecting your crown, not just on the crown center in your etheric body.

Here are the crown chakra items we are going to research and clear (or more fully activate) in this upcoming clearing:

  1. connection with the Source of Our Being

  2. controls our sense of happiness and joy and allows us to feel that we are loved, guided, and protected at all times by Pure Spirit

  3. qualities of the crown chakra: bliss/transcendence, beauty, and spirituality

  4. cosmic consciousness and the feeling and spiritual understanding that we are One with life

  5. the realm of higher thinking and connection to the "higher minds"

  6. the ability to truly put things into perspective

  7. see with our heart in addition to our head

  8. surrendering to "what is"

  9. developing holistic and universal principles of acceptance, respect, and knowing that we never do anything without he help of a higher source

  10. there is no separation in an expanded reality that acknowledges the Source of Life

  11. seeing with the eyes of Spirit, allowing us to perceive how challenging times open us to a greater love and connection with Spirit

  12. developing a spiritual context for challenges, difficulties, and all of life

  13. "I acknowledge the Presence of Pure Spirit working in my life."

  14. "I am open to the healing power of Spirit working in my life."

  15. "I release fear, doubt, and pain, as I accept that my life is blessed."

  16. "I surrender my arrogance and ego to a higher power than myself."

  17. arrogance, pride, and egotism transmuted and surrendered into humility and gratitude, which opens our hearts to love and healing

  18. becoming aware of what we are capable of, fresh spiritual insights, and a greater sense of what we are capable of, and what our higher purpose might be.

  19. healing happens when the mind is loving, inclusive, embracing, and allowing.

  20. although reality may appear to be diverse in nature, it is ultimate undivided, whole, and benign.

  21. accepting that our lives are divinely guided, new realms of possibilities for living as we would like open to us

  22. Negative Archetype: The Egoist: arrogance, self-absorption, inflexibility

  23. Positive Archetype: The Guru: Cultivation of grace, bliss, gratitude. Acknowledging Divine Intervention

  24. the more we attune our awareness to the ultimate truth of a higher power, the freer we become to live in joy, harmony, and serenity

  25. we are never alone, and we are guided, loved, and protected at all times.