Sunday, May 14, 2023: Clear the Karma You Have With Your Mother, and That You've Inherited From Your Whole Maternal Lineage

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Sunday, May 14, 2023: Clear the Karma You Have With Your Mother, and That You've Inherited From Your Whole Maternal Lineage

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Sunday, May 14, 2023: Mother's Day (starting at 3pm, New York Time)

Clear the Karma You Have With Your Mother,

and That You've Inherited From Your Whole Maternal Lineage

There is special energy that you only inherit from your mother's side.  That energy can either be a blessing to you, and can help your life to heal, prosper, and succeed, or it can be a block to you, and creative seemingly insurmountable continuous problems.  Typically, most people have a combination of the two.

When the energy from your maternal lineage is blocking you, it can block everything you are trying to accomplish in life: health, healing, prosperity, job success, harmony of family life and relationships, longevity, etc.

There are problems that are specifically created by the types of energies you have inherited from your maternal lineage.

Thankfully, there are also special clearing strategies and techniques that can help alleviate and clear this karma, not only helping you feel relief, lightness, and freedom, but leaving your whole maternal ancestry more healed, whole, and released from their specific kinds of karma, and turning the "curses" your maternal ancestors have been sending your way -- due to their own unresolved karma -- into nothing but blessings.

No matter if we knew our mother, if our mother has physically passed, if we were adopted, if we had a step-mother, or any other possible scenario, all of us can benefit from clearing the karma we have received -- and that we are dealing with in some way, often in mostly limiting, blocking ways -- through our maternal lineage.

Our major areas of focus for this clearing are:

  • clear entire lifetimes you have had with your present-life mother (and/or step-mother and/or adopted mother)

  • clear hurt and harm you and your mother have caused each other in this life and in past lives

  • unresolved trauma, experienced by your maternal ancestors, and passed on to you

  • karmic maternal inherited genetic predispositions for physical and mental problems, for shortened lifespan, etc.

  • "inheritance programs" -- specific energetic potentials & subconscious possibilities passed down from your ancestors to you

  • maternal ancestral spiritual viruses, which are low-level spiritual programs that can cause intergenerational problems

  • limiting and negative beliefs specific to your maternal lineage

  • clear the most important curses inherited through your maternal line that limit health, success, wealth, happiness, relationship, and overall fulfillment in this life

  • clear inherited dysfunctional patterns maternal miasms

  • clear limiting spiritual vows and hexes inherited specifically from your maternal lineage

  • clear limitations being imposed on you be your maternal line

  • the performance of remedies for "Pitru Dosha" (ancestral affliction) -- unresolved karma from distressed ancestors on your mother's side, whose energies are obstructing your health, wealth, prosperity, freedom, and well-being right now

We are also going to be working with 31 special ancient temple vortexes, all dedicated to the Goddess in her various forms, and all considered highly auspicious for resolving karma associated with the Moon.  Working with the Divine Archetype of the Moon at an auspicious astrological time is a very effective way to clear inherited karma from your mother's side.

The Moon is the Archetypal planet most directly associated with the maternal lineage.  By working systematically with these 31 vortexes, we will help clear for you and for your whole maternal lineage karma that has been blocking protection, wish-fulfillment, success, prosperity, overall well-being, good health, and positive experiences in relationship.