Thurs, April 13, 2023: Healing the Desire to Suffer: Clearing our Soul's Need and Obligation to Create Ongoing Suffering

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Thurs, April 13, 2023: Healing the Desire to Suffer: Clearing our Soul's Need and Obligation to Create Ongoing Suffering

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Thursday, April 13, 2023, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Healing the Desire to Suffer:

Clearing our Soul's Need and Obligation to Create Ongoing Suffering

We are unique emanations of Spirit, and as such, at our core, we already are everything Spirit is, and we already have everything Spirit has.

But as we embark upon this incarnational journey, we often lose our direct knowing of this Oneness, and fall into illusory ways of being. This illusory way of perceiving and being in the world is often referred to as "the fall of man". In this way of being, we never actually become separate from Spirit, but we merely identify with the illusory belief that we are separate.

As we create -- and then respond from -- this illusory reality, we may create the belief that suffering is what "God" wants, and that by suffering, we are somehow accomplishing our Divine Purpose.

Suffering may entail illness, discord, pain, poverty, and all of the various problems most people have on the earthplace.

At some level, suffering has been part of the experience of all humans.

But the deeper question is: do we really need to keep creating more suffering, even if we don't want to?

Spiritually-speaking, though every problem presents us with an opportunity to grow and evolve, the soul may actually develop a need, obligation, addiction, and desire to continue to suffer, based on its illusory perception of what God is an what spiritual growth is.

This belief in suffering, and the inner perception that we actually need suffering -- and desire to have more of it -- in order to be acceptable to God and to accomplish our soul's purpose -- this is the main topic for this clearing.

There is always a way out of suffering, as it said in Buddhism. But if our own consciousness believes "no pain, no gain", and that the school of hard knocks is the only way to learn, we will continue to create new opportunities to reinforce our inner need for suffering.

No matter what is currently manifesting in our life, it is imperative to regularly dive into our programming, and discern whether we are unconsciously addicted to suffering, and therefore creating repeated opportunities to remain in a suffering state.

Suffering is not mandatory, nor is pain necessarily the best teacher.

In this clearing:

  • we are going to research the energetic reasons and patterns in your soul that are contributing to your current patterns of suffering

  • we are going to do clearing around our sense of separation from Love

  • we are going to research and clear our unique set of wounding energies contributing to our sense of separation

  • we are going to clear around becoming more aware and taking greater responsibility for owning all that we are, so we can release pain, trust the process of healing, have faith in our innate goodness, and become willing to change patterns that do not serve our highest Good

  • we are going to clear soul programming that keeps us stuck in patterns of discord and disease, and open the soul so can honestly shift and change

  • we are going to work through the physical body and especially the brain to heal and clear the remnants of past addictions to suffering, making sure that all levels, layers, bodies, and minds of our being are as thoroughly cleared as possible for this perceived "need" to suffer

  • we are going to do a check of the 7 major chakras, and the 7 major layers of the aura to clear the need to suffer at all these levels