Thurs, April 27: 45-Point Jupiter Planetary Astrological Remedy for Jupiter's Transit 2023

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Thurs, April 27: 45-Point Jupiter Planetary Astrological Remedy for Jupiter's Transit 2023

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Thursday, April 27, starting at 3 pm (New York Time)

Increase Your Drive, Determination, and Faith in Your Ability to Accomplish your Goals:

A 45-Point Jupiter Planetary Astrological Remedy for Jupiter's Transit 2023

All planetary transits between signs represent potent times to access blessings and karma-clearing power.

The inner and outer movements of the planets symbolically represent the way our individual soul is interacting with cosmic energy, both in the past (karma) and present. In this sense, in the Vedic Tradition, the planets are considered to be "gods", since they represent archetypal and cosmic principles that affect the individual soul.

It is my intention to bring to you each year at least 1 complete clearing for each of the Vedic "9 Planets", since each of them represent a different aspect of your past karma, and your present and future potential unfolding.

Performing remedies for each of the 9 Planets/Gods is important for each of us to do on a regular basis, as it is said in the Vedic System that the 9 Planets bear out our karma by either bringing about problems in life (so we can work on overcoming them), or if we have enough good karma or have done enough remedies, the planets bring about blessings, ease, joy, success, and fulfillment.

For the first time in 12 years, at the end of April, Jupiter will be coming back into Vedic Aries, and spending the next year in that sign. This transit time is the perfect time to invoke Jupiter's grace to clear your bad Jupiter karma, and create and enhance the auspicious qualities of Jupiter in your life: drive, determination, faith, goal-accomplishing, and overall fortune, luck, and prosperity.

Jupiter is the expansion planet, and by invoking his energy and performing spiritual clearings with him at the most auspicious time, Jupiter can increase your levels of positive progress in life by enhancing and expanding the good karma you already have in your soul.

Jupiter represents fortune, luck, and prosperity. If these areas have been blocked for you, this is a perfect clearing to help unblock them.

When your inner Jupiter-consciousness is cleared, and therefore more auspicious and freely active in your life, your financial status can increase, negativities of all kinds are warded off (prevented before they can start), and you can become happier and make true spiritual progress.

In this clearing, we are going to work with 45 ancient temples, vortexes, mantras, fire rituals, and remedies for clearing bad Jupiter karma, and enhancing Jupiter's positive qualities in your life.

Each of these remedies will cut across hundreds of your past lives and hundreds of generations of your ancestral lineages to clear hidden karma of all kinds that is blocking and limiting your ability to feel drive, determination, and faith in your ability to accomplish your goals.