Thurs, August 10, 2023: Karma Clearing of the Soul Star / Soul's Purpose (8th) Chakra:

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Thurs, August 10, 2023: Karma Clearing of the Soul Star / Soul's Purpose (8th) Chakra:

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Thursday, August 10, 2023, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

First Time Ever Offered

Karma Clearing of the Soul Star / Soul's Purpose (8th) Chakra

For the first time in my work, I am offering an extended clearing of the underlying karmic issues involved with the soul star chakra, also called the soul contract chakra -- the energy center that governs your connection to -- and ability to accomplish -- your higher soul purpose in life.

When this chakra is blocked or is carrying discordant fear- based karmic programming, you may feel blocked to knowing your soul's purpose, and you may also be unable to accomplish it.

This chakra is said to contain our Higher Divine Contracts with Spirit. The Higher Contracts are another way of describing our Divine Purpose, the unique mission we have to heal ourselves and each other, to develop and offer our gifts in service, and to leave this planet better for having lived here. The Higher Contracts involve the realm of Divine Archetypes, and the work we have done between lives with our Spirit Guides to help us plan the life we are now living.

Our chakras are the major intersecting points between our non-physical soul-self and our physical body and world.

Many techniques claim to clear your chakras, but most techniques are only clearing within the etheric body, which is the most immediate expression of the chakras within your physical or energy bodies.

The chakras ultimately go much much deeper than that, all the way back to the initial creation of your soul.

In this clearing, we are going to take 13 of the most major issues and themes of the soulstar chakra, and dive deep into your soul's history, your akashic records, and karma you've inherited from your ancestors, and we are going to resolve this karma at its root.

It's possible that many of us are currently experiencing many thousands or millions of discordant soul programs, established in hundreds of different lifetimes, based on each of these 13 themes.  In this clearing, we are going to not only resolve those soul programs, we are going to ask for the resolution of the original causes of the programs, the relationships and situations that caused them, as well as all the "ripple effects" that are extended forward from these original situations into the present moment of your life.

As with all of my chakra-based clearings, this particular clearing may affect all areas of your soul, and you may feel this work in many different areas of your body, not just above the top of your head where the soulstar chakra is located.  This is because we are basing this work on the underlying karma and soul programming affecting your soulstar, not just on the soulstar center in your etheric body.

Here are the soulstar chakra items we are going to research and clear (or more fully activate) in this upcoming clearing:

  1. Clearing, revising, and upgrading your "soul plan", which is the larger agreement your soul has made to accomplish certain things, and also to endure certain hardships as soul lessons. We want to clear this plan so that you no longer need to attract problems that your consciousness has already outgrown the need for.

  2. Clearing old worn-out commitments, promises, lower past contracts (especially those based on fear, separation, suffering, and pain), and intentions that are no longer relevant to your soul purpose, growth, and mission now.

  3. Making a new soul plan based on the current evolution of the soul and your intentions and desires, and getting your spiritual teams and higher intelligence to unconditionally support this new plan, and releasing their energetic support to all previous plans

  4. Clearing specific blocks to fully downloading and knowing your soul plan in this life.

  5. Clearing your own fears to know your soul plan, or agendas others have to keep you from knowing.

  6. Clearing blocks to accessing even more supportive energy from your larger Soul Self (the part of you that still exists in Spirit) to accomplish your soul's plan in this life.

  7. Clearing blocks to attracting and connecting to synchronicities, miracles, and transpersonal support and resources in this life.

  8. Clearing blocks to accomplishing your primary soul's purpose, which is to know your Oneness with Spirit. Some refer to this as enlightenment or ascension. All of has have this same primary soul's purpose. It is also never-ending. Even accomplishing some of it in each lifetime makes everything else easier.

  9. Clearing blocks within the unlimited potential of your soul's purpose, and within the subset of that purpose that you have chosen to work on in this life.

  10. Clearing blocks to the larger energetic potential of your secondary soul's purpose -- which is to develop and use your unique gifts in service to others.

  11. Clearing blocks within your ability to envision, know, and trust your primary and secondary soul's purposes.

  12. Clearing blocks within your ability to open your heart to and embrace your primary and secondary soul's purpose.

  13. Clearing blocks to your ability to enact your primary and secondary soul's purposes on Earth.