Thurs, Dec 21, 2023: Undo and Clear All Discordant and Negative Karma You've Accidentally Created in 2023: Start 2024 with a Fresh Slate! Convert "Bad Karma" of 2023 into Good Karma in the New Year!

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Thurs, Dec 21, 2023: Undo and Clear All Discordant and Negative Karma You've Accidentally Created in 2023: Start 2024 with a Fresh Slate! Convert "Bad Karma" of 2023 into Good Karma in the New Year!

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Thursday, December 21, 2023 (Solstice), starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Undo and Clear All Discordant and Negative Karma You've Accidentally Created in 2023:

Start 2024 with a Fresh Slate! Convert "Bad Karma" of 2023 into Good Karma in the New Year!

That's a pretty bold claim right? How could I even state that you could, in a single clearing, clear all the "bad karma" you've initiated and created during the whole past year?

Well, that's actually exactly what we'll be doing in this clearing! Stay with me ...

How? Well, first let me give you some background.

First, we are always creating karma -- some of it good, and some of it bad. How much good vs bad we are creating depends on our consciousness and our daily practices.

What we're focusing on this clearing is the bad karma. Bad karma is created when we attach discordant energy to a situation, person, or event -- and then we hold that energy and suppress it into our subconscious.

Discordant energy is the energy that separates us further from Spirit. It is fear, shame, guilt, anger, blame, etc.

That's really "all" it is. It's not something God is giving you or doing to you. It's not a curse coming to you from someone else.

It's actually your own accidental self-creation. The more you exist in separation consciousness, the more bad karma you will continue to create. The more you exist in peace, love, and the fulfillment of your purpose -- centered in yourself -- the more positive karma you will create, and the less negative.

Karma can be tricky, because it's an act of our consciousness, not necessarily what we are physically doing. So it can be subtle. We don't realize we're creating it.

Over the course of an entire year, all of us have created some bad karma, whether we realize it or not. Now, that "new" karma is fresher, less deeply impressed into our consciousness than karma that may have been created years or lifetimes ago. It's like seeds planted on the ground. When the first fall to the ground, they won't make much of an impact and won't produce any flowers or vegetables. However, if the seeds fall to the ground, then take root, over months, they will get much more established, and will product flowers or vegetables (aka, results).

New karma is quicker and easier to clear, and that is why we are able to take a 1 year scope of time, and focus only on the bad karma we've created during that particular interval.

This is vital and important work to do each year, so that we are only bringing the positive new energy we've created the year before into the new year.

Consider this clearing "necessary yearly maintenance" to ensure your vibration and consciousness is moving forward -- and never backwards!

Using a unique intuitive channeling process in conjunction with your own Higher Self leading, we are going to read your soul records to determine the specific bad karma that your soul has created over 2023, and we are going to resolve it, so that it will no longer have a negative impact on you. In fact, your soul will use the resolution process of this old karma to enhance the wisdom you will bring to your life in the new year!