Thurs, Dec 7, 2023: Clear the 2 Biggest Beliefs Blocking Healing and Attraction

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Thurs, Dec 7, 2023: Clear the 2 Biggest Beliefs Blocking Healing and Attraction

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Thursday, December 7, 2023, starting at 3pm (New York Time)

Clear the 2 Biggest Beliefs Blocking Healing & Attraction

"I Can't Afford It --- and I Don't Have the Time!"

A Clearing of the Subconscious Controlling Belief in "Not Enoughness"

Clear millions of root situations, reasons, original creating contexts, causative relationships, and even your own addictions to the beliefs that "there is not enough" for you.
These beliefs are at the root of all lack and limitation you experience in life.
In this clearing, we will be working within 91 of your lifetimes (on average), 22 between-life experiences, and 12 generations of your ancestral lineages

In order to heal anything, attract anything positive and new, or change something in our lives we don't like, we first need to change something within us.

The main thing we can change is our negative unconscious beliefs. But where are they? How do we access them? And more importantly, how do be clear and change them?

Our negative unconscious beliefs are rooted in our held reactions to past (and past-life) challenges, pain, and difficult circumstances.

We need to root-out these limiting beliefs that are preventing us from creating the consciousness to attract the solutions we need now.

What I have found in years of facilitating healing and clearing work is that, underneath all blocks to healing and attraction, are 2 fundamental beliefs -- both of which are rooted in the deeper soul concepts of lack and limitation and "not enoughness".

These beliefs are "I can't afford it", and "I don't have the time".

People tell me these kinds of things all the time around their healing and manifestation process. They are waiting for their external circumstances to change into "more money" and "more time" before they begin to dig deeper into healing their lives.

On the surface, these beliefs may appear to be true. However, the beliefs themselves -- and everything they represent deeper in our soul consciousness -- will blocks us from actually having the money and time, and will therefore block us from creating change in our lives, attracting something new, and prospering.

We can't sit around waiting until we seem to have enough money and enough time to change our lives for the better. It has to happen the other way around. We have to work with clearing and releasing our inner consciousness, so that we can approach our lives through the lens of more truthful, more aligned spiritual consciousness that recognizes the all-pervasive goodness of Spirit, and that in Spirit, everything good gift has already been given.

Beneath the beliefs in lack and limitation are millions of psychic impressions from our soul's history that we are still carrying -- all of which seem to affirm our beliefs that there just isn't enough good of all kinds for us -- not enough money, not enough time -- and ultimately speaking, not enough love, not enough healing, not enough fulfillment, etc.

These negative psychic impressions come from:

  • the held negative reactions we had throughout our soul's history

  • the negative and limiting beliefs, perceptions, and judgments that we accidentally created that are now blocking us

  • the unconscious inherited energy we receive from our parents, families, lineages going back thousands of years

  • the unconscious energy we receive because of our relationship to mass fear and the negative collective consciousness

When we carry the belief "there isn't enough", our own mind will find confirmation of it on a daily basis. The beliefs we carry within us tend to create and attract based on the consciousness of the beliefs. So we tend to see the world through the lens of the beliefs and energies within us.

Simply put, if our consciousness is programmed with this belief of "not enoughness", it's going to be impossible for us to make progress in life -- to heal, to attract, and to manifest.

Some of the root perceptions we are going to work with in this upcoming clearing include:

  • not enough money / I can't afford it

  • I don't have enough time

  • not enough love / nobody loves me

  • not enough support / nobody cares about me (including God, Life, Spirit, etc.)

  • not enough opportunity for me to .... (fill in the blanks)

  • God/Spirit/Universe/Life isn't infinite, loving, and available to me

  • Spirit's Goodness isn't available to me