Thurs, Feb 9 - Mon, Feb 13: 5-Day Ancestral Intensive: The Ancestors Won't Allow You to Accomplish Your Soul's Purpose

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Thurs, Feb 9 - Mon, Feb 13: 5-Day Ancestral Intensive: The Ancestors Won't Allow You to Accomplish Your Soul's Purpose

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Thursday, February 9 (Ganesha's Day) -- Monday, February 13 (Vishnupati)

5-Day Ancestral Intensive:

The Ancestors Won't Allow You to Accomplish Your Soul's Purpose

Did you know that one of the major reasons why you may not be able to accomplish your soul's purpose is that your ancestors won't let you?

I don't mean that your ancestors are consciously trying to hold you back. What I do mean though is that the unresolved karma your ancestors have, and the lack of flow and harmony you have with them due to not properly honoring them and helping them to heal while you are here on Earth -- these accumulated reasons can be the most important reason why it will be difficult, if not impossible, for you to know and accomplish the unique purpose of your life.

You see, you are the product of your entire soul's history -- its positives and its negatives. You are also the product of your ancestral history. If you have not performed ancestral healing and clearing remedies and rituals regularly in this life, it is almost certain that your ancestors are what is called in the Vedic tradition "in distress", meaning that they are very unresolved in their karma, and that karmic weight is blocking what you are trying to accomplish in life now.

Your ancestors got you to this planet physically. Now it is your opportunity and responsibility to offer healing, clearing, and love to them, to ease their journey, and to let them know you are grateful for the suffering they endured to get you here.

In this clearing intensive, we are going to repeatedly dive into your soul records, and also your ancestral karma history, and do clearing and resolution work. We are going to bring forward the energy of your ancestors, so that they can become a more active blessing and help in your life today. It is said in the Vedic Tradition that your ancestors can either be your greater curse, or they can be your greater benefactor. It is up to you what they become, because you have the power to change your karmic destiny by honoring and performing clearing remedies on behalf of your ancestors. When you perform these remedies, you get the benefits personally and immediately.

I have chosen to do this work as a 5-day clearing series, rather than as a single clearing because, according to my guidance, doing these remedies for 5 consecutive days will be 600-times more powerful and access 600-times greater depth and breadth of clearing than doing only 1 of these days alone.

  • Day 1: Opening the Channels to the Ancestors, Inviting them in and Connecting with them, and Initial Layers of Clearing

  • Day 2: Offerings & Prayers to the Ancestors, Ancestral Karma Clearing, and Removal of "Pitru Dosha", which is a Karmic Block Created When We Haven't Honored Our Ancestors Previously

  • Day 3: Clearing the Ancestors' Past Lives When They Couldn't Accomplish Their Soul's Purpose

  • Day 4: Clearing Ancestral Curses Passed Down to You Preventing You From Accomplishing Your Purpose

  • Day 5: Liberation Karma Clearing for the Freedom of the Soul of our Ancestors and the Freedom of Our Soul to Achieve Liberation (Our First Soul's Purpose) and to Accomplish The Unique Work of Our Life (Our Second Soul's Purpose)