Thursday, July 27 - Monday, July 31, 2023: 5-Day Karmic Reset | Daily Rituals for the "Lords of Karma", the 9 Planetary Gods who are Responsible for Whether You Succeed or Fail in Life

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Thursday, July 27 - Monday, July 31, 2023: 5-Day Karmic Reset | Daily Rituals for the "Lords of Karma", the 9 Planetary Gods who are Responsible for Whether You Succeed or Fail in Life

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Thursday, July 27 - Monday, July 31, 2023

5-Day Karmic "Reset"

Appease & Perform Daily Rituals for the "Lords of Karma",

the 9 Planetary Gods who are Responsible for Whether You Succeed or Fail in Life

Daily Remedies for 5 Days for all 9 Planets and all 9 Planetary "Overlords"

For the first time in my work, I am offering a 5-day intensive to help fix your relationship to the "gods" who apply your past karma -- good or bad -- to your present life. These gods are either blessing you or cursing you. They are either supporting you, or are blocking you at every turn.

Generally there is a combination of both positive and negative energy coming to each person from the Planets. This clearing is focused on transmuting as much of the bad energy coming from the Planets into positive energy, with the intention ultimately that you'll only have positive energy coming your way.

These 9 gods are known variously as the Lords of Karma, or as the 9 Planets of Vedic Astrology.

In the Vedic tradition, it is said that your karma is brought into your life by 2 factors:

  1. The first factor is "the Planets", specifically the 9 Planets of Vedic Astrology.  These Planets are not just physical objects in the sky.  They are Divine Beings who "remember" your past karma, and who project it out to you in this life, so that you can experience and heal it.  They are agents of Spirit, not beings who are out to get you or to punish you.  As they bring up your karma for you to face in life, it may seem that you are experiencing harshness at times, or even for long stretches.  But The Planets know that the only way for you to become free in life is for you to face yourself.

  2. The second factor that brings for karma for you to deal with in life is your ancestors.

In this clearing, we are primarily concerned with healing the first factor: your relationship to the Planets, the mystical and archetypal beings who "remember" your karma and who play it out in your present life, so that you can learn and grow.

Because your karma is being played out to you by these 9 archetypal Divine Beings known as The Planets, the Vedic tradition found methods of prayer and ritual that can be used to heal and clear the karma that is afflicting you from The Planets.

These rituals are forms of spiritual healing.  They enter your energetic relationship to The Planets in a specific way, to help transmute the karma that is currently coming to you as discord, problems, blocks, and specific or overall life difficulties -- and the rituals transform your energetic interaction with The Planets into blessings, goodness, and overall support.

In other words, if you are failing in any or all areas of life, one important strategy you can use, according to the Vedic Tradition, is to heal your relationship to the Planets. They are the mystical cosmic factors that are bringing up your old karma so that you can see it, work with it, and ultimately heal it.

The 9 Planets are the gods or agents of your karma, whether you believe in them or not, or acknowledge them or not.  You don't have to take on a particular belief system, or memorize a bunch of rules, to be able to work with them.  Just by being open and receptive, and joining a clearing intensive like this, your planetary karma can be transmuted and cleared.

This can make your whole life better in a matter of a few days.

The 9 Planets of the Vedic System are:

  1. The Sun

  2. The Moon

  3. Mars

  4. Mercury

  5. Jupiter

  6. Venus

  7. Saturn

  8. Rahu (The North Node)

  9. Ketu (The South Node)

The outer planets of modern Western Astrology are not directly included in this system, because they hadn't yet been discovered thousands of years ago when Vedic Astrology was developed. However, energetically, they are included in this system.

The "overlords" of the 9 Planets are more energetically refined and cosmic Divine Beings, whose energies are closely related to and reflected in the 9 Planets. Being higher in vibration and consciousness, the overlords have the power to fix, heal, clear, and shift the karma being played out in your life by the 9 Planets.

The 9 Overlords of the 9 Planets are:

  1. Shiva is the Overlord of the Sun

  2. Parvati is the Overlord of the Moon

  3. Muruga (also known as Skanda) is the Overlord of Mars

  4. Vishnu is the Overlord of Mercury

  5. Shiva is the Overlord of Jupiter

  6. Lakshmi is the Overlord of Venus

  7. Shiva and Hanuman are the Overlords of Saturn

  8. Durga is the Overlord of Rahu (The North Node)

  9. Ganesha is the Overlord of Ketu (The South Node)

Again, no religious affiliation or belief system is required or even suggested to be able to gain the full benefits of this clearing. All of this work exists in the subtle planes, and in Cosmic Consciousness, where All is One.

This 5 day clearing series overlaps several potent Vedic holidays, during which one can receive additional blessings. These holidays include Ekadasi, Aadi Velli, Sun Pradosham, and Aadi Full Moon.