Tues, Dec 12 through Sat, Dec 16, 2023: 5-Day Intensive: Clearing Spiritual Roots of Anxiety from Your Soul and Inherited from Your Ancestors

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Tues, Dec 12 through Sat, Dec 16, 2023: 5-Day Intensive: Clearing Spiritual Roots of Anxiety from Your Soul and Inherited from Your Ancestors

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Tuesday, December 12 (new moon) through Saturday, December 16, 2023 (starting at 3pm New York Time each day)

5-Day Intensive: Clearing Spiritual Roots of Anxiety from Your Soul and Inherited from Your Ancestors

Clearing Millions of Soul and Subconscious Reasons Why Your Soul is Creating the Experience of Anxiety and Attracting Situations and Experiences of Anxiety Now

Clearing Your Soul's Memories of Anxiety through your Past Lives, Present Life, Inherited from your Ancestors, and Your Automatic Reactions to the Collective Consciousness of Anxiety

Disclaimer: I want to make clear first that this spiritual clearing is not meant as a substitute for help from a medical doctor or licensed mental health professional.  I strongly encourage you to seek out professional help from licensed practitioners.  Spiritual clearing work alone can in no way cure anxiety.  This work is only spiritual in nature, and is being facilitated by Michael Golzmane in his role as an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church.

Last month, I led a 5-day group clearing intensive focused on inherited ancestral issues of depression.

This month, I want to shift the focus to inherited and past-life spiritual energies, situations, relationships, and other contexts that are contributing to the sense, feeling, and experience of anxiety in your life now.

Anxiety is a complex term.  Yes, it is a medical/psychological term, used as a diagnosis in the licensed work of health professionals.  We are not directly using the term in that context here.

In the way we're using the term here, we're saying that anxiety is really a harmful way of perceiving yourself and others. It's a habit of the mind / body / spirit that begins much before the specific circumstance that seems to be causing it. Anxiety is also a lack of grounding and integration into the physical body and world that creates an orientation that is removed from your present space and time.

Spiritually-speaking, all of our perceptions emerge from our unconscious.  All perceptions begin in the vast reservoir of inner programming that we have accumulated from thousands of lifetimes and inherited from our ancestors.

When new experiences occur, we assign meaning to them based on this vast inner reservoir of consciousness. We see things as we are, not as they are. We see with our consciousness -- and our consciousness includes everything we've accumulated (aka, our bad karma).

In that sense, anxiety may be said to have a spiritual -- or consciousness -- basis.  Our spiritual programming creates the contexts through which we will react to our present and future in an anxious way. Our mental, emotional, and physical responses then emerge from our programming. Once we react again in our present life through anxiety, we reinforced the negative programming in us, creating a vicious loop that is hard to break free from.

We may have millions of past soul experiences of remembered anxiety, situations, relationships, and events that have upset our equilibrium and taken us out of our peace.  Even though we don't remember these situations now, our subconscious automatically applies these memories to all our present circumstances, leading to a never-ending cycle of reacting to life through the lens of anxiety, no matter how conscious we try to be about our choice to respond differently.

In this clearing series, we are going to systematically look through your past lives and through your ancestral lineages, and we are going to help your soul resolve millions of particular stuck points of karma that are currently forcing your being to react to life through the lens of anxiety.

My intuitive guidance suggests that this clearing series will work on the following, on average, per person:

  • 41 different lifetimes per person where anxiety programming got started

  • 21 generations of ancestry per person, through which you're inheriting anxiety karma

  • 119 million specific circumstances in your soul's history that are "origination points" for creating anxiety now (this is per person! Can you believe the number is that high?!)

During these 5 days, we are going to clear:

  • situations your soul remembers that are at the root of anxious thinking and feeling now

  • the originating "trauma" that produces anxiety now: this trauma, at least in part, is the original sense of separation from Spirit, and the sense that Spirit has abandoned you

  • the sense that you have power and control over your life by orienting towards fear, negativity, and anxiety

  • relationships from your past and present lives that caused disturbances in your energy, mind, emotions, and life that have blossomed throughout your soul's history into greater anxiety now

  • attachments, addictions, and "negative payoffs" your soul is getting from remaining stuck in anxiety (some of the negative payoffs you may be getting include not having to be powerful, to take responsibility for your life, to have to "risk" having relationships or living your soul's purpose, etc.)

  • infinite reasons and basic causes why your soul wants to create more anxiety energy, and create and attract more anxiety-producing situations now

  • blocks to your awareness of action steps that are important for you to take to balance your body, mind, and spirit to help with anxiety -- and clearing on your ability and willingness to take the right action steps for you