Tues, Nov 14 - Sat, Nov 18, 2023: 5-Day Intensive: Clearing Spiritual Patterns of "Inherited Depression" from Your Ancestors

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Tues, Nov 14 - Sat, Nov 18, 2023: 5-Day Intensive: Clearing Spiritual Patterns of "Inherited Depression" from Your Ancestors

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Tuesday, November 14 - Saturday, November 18, 2023

5-Day Intensive: Clearing Spiritual Patterns of "Inherited Depression" from Your Ancestors

Disclaimer: I want to make clear first that this spiritual clearing is not meant as a substitute for help from a medical doctor or licensed mental health professional.
I strongly encourage you to seek out professional help from licensed practitioners. Spiritual clearing work alone can in no way cure depression.
This work is only spiritual in nature, and is being facilitated by Michael Golzmane in his role as an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church.

It has been on my heart lately to want to dive into various psychological patterns that we may spiritually inherit from the biological and spiritual connection we have to our ancestors.

I have realized through studying my own ancestry, that both sides of my family contain many traumas and much suffering from depression. There are suicides or suicide attempts on both sides of my family. Even many many decades later, the effects of this history can still be felt. It is passed down generation to generation.

Though I myself have been working hard on various of the grounded physical, mental, and emotional aspects of healing these issues for me and my family, by adding spiritual clearing work, I have noticed tremendous positive differences. And I want to be of service by using my skills to help you and your lineage in any way I can.

To me, issues such as depression have physical, mental, and emotional components for sure (and it is critical to consciously work at all of these levels) -- but they also have spiritual components. There are components that are found only in the soul, in consciousness, and in the non-physical energy we receive from our ancestors.

Those spiritual components can be addressed, at least in part, through spiritual clearing work that involves delving into our past and present lives, and resolving problems that are still playing out in the souls of our ancestors.

The life circumstances and emotional blocks our ancestors had can and do affect us every day now. These effects go beyond simple physical inheritance. We are learning through modern science that traumas that affected our ancestors even 7 or more generations back, can have measurable effects on us now.

These ancestral problems can afflict each of us every day, even centuries after our ancestors have passed from the physical plane. Using ancient and modern karma-clearing technologies, we can alleviate the depression karma your ancestors still carry, with the result that the potential for greater freedom and joy immediately can become available to you now, especially if/when you are willing to do whatever conscious work that might be appropriate for you.

In this clearing intensive, we are going to discern the precise numbers of generations in your biological and non-biological lineages where the pre-cursors and initial spiritual conditions for what we might call depression are coming from. And we are going to work with ancient and modern spiritual clearing technologies to resolve as much of the ancestral causative programming as possible.

When we clear energy for your ancestors, the newly cleared energy becomes immediately available and potentially felt by you, the descendent who is now physically incarnated. It is fascinating to feel the effects of "clearing the past" for your ancestors -- clearing issues that may go back hundreds of years, but that your soul is still being affected by now.

Doing this kind of work can be a major blessing for you and for your ancestors. You are helping to shift the overall patterns of negative inheritance from generation to generation. You are actively releasing what might be termed "inherited family curses".

This work alone will not fix or heal everything. We each still must deal with the physical, emotional, and mental impact that our heritage (and our own life) has on us. However, if we are willing to do that conscious work, or if we already have been doing that work and experiencing limited effects, adding this spiritual/ancestral dimension to this work can make a tremendous positive difference.

This work will benefit everyone, even if you have never identified specific patterns of depression in your family history.