Tuesday, April 18 - Saturday, April 22 (Akshaya Tritiya): 5-Day Lakshmi Mantra-Chanting and Abundance-Blocks Clearing Intensive


Tuesday, April 18 - Saturday, April 22 (Akshaya Tritiya): 5-Day Lakshmi Mantra-Chanting and Abundance-Blocks Clearing Intensive

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Tuesday, April 18 -- Saturday, April 22 (Akshaya Tritiya)

5-Day Lakshmi Mantra-Chanting and Abundance-Blocks Clearing Intensive

Change Your Financial Destiny on the Most Important Lakshmi Empowerment Days of the Year

Daily (optional) Chanting of the Lakshmi Maha Mantra

with 92 Daily Lakshmi Activations and Money Karma Clearings

For the past 2 years, I've started offering abundance clearing and activation intensives in the days immediately prior to what may be the most important and auspicious day of the year for invoking Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, and for changing your financial destiny.

This year, I am focusing our Lakshmi intensive on one specific major Lakshmi mantra -- the Lakshmi Maha Mantra, which is Om Shreem Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha.

Each day, I am going to recommend each participant chant this mantra 108 times on their own, if possible.  And on each of the 5 days of this intensive, I am going to be facilitating a karma clearing which is going to clearing blocks to the inner spiritual reality of the mantra in your life, as well as empowering your consciousness to become a vessel for the spiritual power of this mantra -- and of Lakshmi Herself -- to flow into your life.

A powerful version of the Lakshmi Maha Mantra is: Om Shreem Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha.  Many people may already know this mantra, or some version of it.  One purpose of chanting the mantra is to clear the karma you already have that is blocking it, so that you can come into greater harmony with its power.  But to use chanting for this purpose is slow-going.  In fact, it may take years of chanting it tremendous numbers of times before it would be even possible to clear the blocks to the mantra you have in your karmic bodies.

Yes, chanting mantras will actually bring up "bad karma" for you!  Does that surprise you?  It's one of the things chanting is supposed to do.  Ultimately and theoretically, the chanting also is supposed to clear the karma for you, but it doesn't also happen that way.  So by doing the chanting, you are creating more auspiciousness, accessing more Divine Grace, but also dredging up more karma.  That is why we will be doing 1 clearing per day for 5 days, based on modern and ancient remedies for accessing Lakshmi-Consciousness.

However, by actively chanting, and then using karma-clearing technologies to immediately clear the past-life and ancestral issues that arise due to the chanting -- this is a very powerful combination.  In fact, my intuitive guidance suggests that doing a karma clearing on the same day as chanting this mantra 108 times results in a positive effect about 600 times stronger than chanting the mantra alone!

This movement back and forth of active and passive processes is very powerful.  The active process is the chanting of the mantra, the passive process is the karma-clearing work.  By engaging both polarities, you are creating the conditions for truly activating and enlivening Lakshmi-Consciousness within you, the consciousness the underpins all wealth, abundance, and auspiciousness. Both processes enhance the other.

If you choose not to do the chanting for this series, that is also ok.  You will still reap tremendous benefits from the karma-clearing work alone.

You may use any mala or set of rosary beads you already have.  That is perfectly fine.  If you want to take the chanting up a notch, I suggest you search online for something called a "9-planet mala".  You can find them on Etsy.  These malas are created with gems that are auspicious to each of the Vedic 9 Astrological Planets, and when you touch the gems while chanting, you are helping to create an auspicious relationships with the 9 planets, who are the agents of your karma.

For each of of the 5 days of of this intensive, I will be specifically researching and facilitating the clearing of the bad money karma that arises as you do the chanting, based on 92 ancient Lakshmi remedies and activations I have researched over the years.