Wed May 24 - Sun May 28, 2023: 5-Day Intensive: Correcting & Clearing 124 Blocks & Problems that Prevent a Strong, Secure Connection to Spirit

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Wed May 24 - Sun May 28, 2023: 5-Day Intensive: Correcting & Clearing 124 Blocks & Problems that Prevent a Strong, Secure Connection to Spirit

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Wednesday May 24 - Sunday May 28

5-Day Intensive: Correcting & Clearing 124 Blocks & Problems

that Prevent a Strong, Secure Connection to Spirit

That Fully Supports Your Present Goals and Intentions for Healing, Manifestation, & Attraction

For the first time in my work, I am offering a 5-day intensive series of clearings focused on a challenge many people have expressed to me: how to I get really plugged-in to my spiritual connection,
and get my soul, guides, and angels to fully support my mission, desires, and purpose in this incarnation?

Do you know what it feels like to feel completely plugged into Spirit (whatever your definition of "Spirit" is)?

I'm not talking about just "believing in" Spirit, or having a general mental belief system that there is something beyond this human life.

I mean -- real felt perception of knowing your Source, and feeling the unlimited potential as your own fundamental Nature -- the True Nature within you that heals, that prospers, that sees beyond limiting circumstances, that has authentic purpose, and that can positively affect the lives of others.

When you truly feel that you are plugged into this Source within, you know that you can do anything, that you can be anything, that you can have anything.

The central "problem" we all have is when we don't always -- truly and deeply -- feel plugged-in to our Spiritual Source.

You see, we are always One with Spirit. We cannot change that. Spirit is who and what we are. And yet, when we don't feel and know that connection, all problems start to arise.

Source Energy is where all good comes from. It's where all solutions to problems come from. And it is also our place of origination as a soul -- our true spiritual home.

So when we feel blocked, disconnected, and unplugged from Source Energy, we begin to unintentionally create problems, and respond to life circumstances from a more limited consciousness -- a place where we cannot truly access the best solutions.

All of our problems in life -- personal and global -- stem from a fundamental lack of felt connection to our Source.

For the first time in my work, I am offering this 5-day intensive series of clearings where our sole purpose is going to be checking and clearing 124 specific blocks and problems in your connection to Spirit. We are going to perform a unique clearing each of these 5 days, and personally check in with the energy of each person in the group, to see which specific blocks and problems of connection are "up" that day.

By doing a deep clearing like this once per day for 5 days, we are creating a sort of "boot camp", where we are exercising our spiritual connection "muscles". The more we practice this way of clearing and connecting to Source, the more likely this will become our default setting, where we sense that connection to Spirit more often than not.

Here is a general description of the 124 clearing processes we are going to use in this 5-day intensive:

  • Removing Blocks and Interference (Entity Attachments) (12 Clearings): The first 13 clearing processes are dedicated to removing entities, and what are called blocks and interference, as well as clearing the soul programming that is creating and attracting these attachments. This work represents a deepening and summary of the blocks and interference intensive I offered in March.

  • Clearing and Connecting Directly into the Higher Self (24 Clearings): The next 23 clearing processes involve our connection to our own Superconscious Mind, or "Higher Consciousness/Self". This is an aspect of us that contains higher guidance and wisdom, and can see the bigger picture of our soul path. Our Higher Consciousness, just like any aspect of creation, can have blocks and issues to work through. One of the most important issues we will clear here each day is the programming our Higher Self may be carrying that necessitates our continuing experiences of pain, suffering, and negativity as "learning experiences".

  • Protection, Space Clearing, and Too Much Dispersal of our Spiritual Energy (11 Clearings): The next 10 clearing processes help to establish protection of our energy field and soul, and to reintegrate and ground aspects of our consciousness that may be "out there" trying to fix people and circumstances beyond our control, and in other time-frames and realities.

  • Clearing and Upgrading Your Guides and Angels (14 Clearings): The next 14 clearing processes involve upgrading and clearing our guides, angels, and other helping beings that we may call our "spiritual teams". We all have several or many unseen beings who guide and help us. These beings, as with all aspects of Spirit, may need clearing and upgrading. If you are having chronic problems, it may be that your guides and angels are still supporting old intentions and agendas that you have now grown beyond. If you are having issues that you are unable to heal, it may also be that your own guidance system is preventing the soul from even "seeing" the true issue, based on the assumption that it would be overwhelming or would cause suffering if your soul knew the true source of the blocks.

  • Clearing "Soul Codependence" with Soul Family Members (19 Clearings): The next 19 clearing processes involve deeply release codependent members of your soul family from hanging out in your energy field and blocking your healing and soul path. These souls can be wanting to pull from your own light, but in a codependent way. Having these beings in your field can increase your own codependence and programming of victimization, creating scenarios of unclear energetic boundaries in your human relationships. We will also work with clearing vows to be a martyr and vows to be a savior in this section.

  • Clearing Soul Programming that Blocks Your Present Choices (15 Clearings): The next 15 clearing processes involve freeing your soul from blocking your own choice, your own healing, and your own ability to manifest what you truly desire in life. Some of the reasons that your soul may block your desires is that your soul may be responding to your desires based on old plans established in your soul history eons ago.

  • Clearing "Reasons Your Guides, and Angels, and Soul May Block You" (18 Clearing): People often think "well, when I make a new intention, there can be nothing in all of Spirit that can block me, except maybe some old karma I have". But there's more to the story than this. Our own soul, guides, angels, and other helpers can block us from the good we desire (manifestation, healing, attraction, wealth, fulfilling our chosen soul's purpose, etc.) because of blocks they are running. Everything and everybody can benefit from clearing -- and this includes non-physical energies and beings. This part of the clearing is more about doing clearing work so that all aspects of you -- and all beings who work with and support you -- are fully onboard with your conscious desires and intentions.

  • Final Balancing, Integration, Centering, and Path-Clearing (11 Clearings): How clear is your path today -- and in life in general? How easy and effortless is your path? How is your "soul health" overall? These points, as well as points of overall balance and integration from the spiritual to the physical are going to be addressed in this part of the clearing.