Wed, Nov 22, 2023: The Most Important Yearly Day for Wealth Blessings: Lakshmi's "Rising Day"


Wed, Nov 22, 2023: The Most Important Yearly Day for Wealth Blessings: Lakshmi's "Rising Day"

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Wednesday, November 22, 2023: starting at 3pm (New York Time)

The Most Important Yearly Day for Wealth Blessings:

Lakshmi's "Rising Day": The Birthday of the Prime Wealth Goddess

At the most auspicious moment of the year, receive an attunement to the 10 most important wealth mantras, and clear all karma you have that blocks the mantras from being fully activated in your consciousness.

Activation of the Top 10 Lakshmi Abundance Mantras into Your Consciousness

Based on my guidance, each person reading this has, on average, billions upon billions of individual karmic programs blocking the realization of the top 10 Lakshmi mantras. These blocks were created, on average, in 62 different lifetimes -- including this present life. When your goal is to realize true spiritual abundance, it is very important to clear these old spiritual programs.

The secret behind attracting and creating wealth of all forms in the physical world is to always have part of your energy system open to the Source Consciousness of Wealth, hidden within the spiritual realms.

This is a mystical process. Some people are born in this flow, often based on positive past-life and lineage karma. But most are not. Most have to find a way to access the Divine energy of Abundance. And this takes spiritual practice. And it takes spiritual clearing work.

God/Spirit/Source has already given everything. But we must allow it in, and we much be in resonance with it. We must then align our actions and life-path with our dharma, so that we can attract and manifest all forms of abundance.

This clearing is scheduled right during the single day of the year known as Lakshmi's "Rising Day" -- or Lakshmi's birthday. It is the day of the year when the spiritual energies are so aligned that wealth blessings can pour in from the Cosmos. But we must be open to receive. We must actively participate in this energetic holiday. This is why I am scheduling this clearing on this day.

This year, I will be facilitating a clearing and activation based on the 10 most powerful mantras for Lakshmi. This is not a chanting practice, per se. We will be working with the consciousness of the mantra to break karmic blocks within your soul history. We will also be performing a special "activation" process, or attunement, so that your soul can plug-in and more fully resonate with the wealth-consciousness represented by the mantras.

This is the first time I have offered this clearing. It will compliment all past clearings you may have done with me, and all other personal growth work you may already be doing.