Fri, Jul 16: Clearing Emotional Blocks from Your Cells, Organs, Tissues, and Glands -- and the Underlying Past-Life and Present-Life Karma Creating Blockages in your Emotional Body

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Fri, Jul 16: Clearing Emotional Blocks from Your Cells, Organs, Tissues, and Glands -- and the Underlying Past-Life and Present-Life Karma Creating Blockages in your Emotional Body

from $25.00

This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.

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Friday July 16, 2021 | starting at 3:00 pm (New York Time)

Progressive Clearing of Stuck Energy in Your Emotional Body & Your Cellular Memory Points -- and the Underlying Past-Life & Present-Life Karma Creating Emotional Blockages

In most of my group clearings, we focus on larger-scale deeper areas of the soul -- the past-life karma, and the hidden causes and reasons for your present-life problems.

We do this because these areas are hard to access through our ordinary human awareness, but it is in these areas where many of the causes of our present challenges are.

However, I am feeling a strong prompting from Spirit to focus this clearing primarily on your emotional body -- the areas of your energy field just outside your physical body, but which also penetrate and energize your physical cells and organs, creating the possibilities of health and emotional freedom, or when they are blocked, they can create dis-ease and problems with manifesting your soul's purpose.

The emotional body is where we feel things day-to-day. Emotions can get congested there from taking on energy from other people, from the media, and from the environment around us, and those emotions can then restrict the health of the physical body and our ability to use our soul's energy to manifest our desires effectively in the physical world.

That particularly critical juncture -- the cells, organs, and glands of the body where the emotional self and the physical self interweave -- this is going to be our primary focus in this clearing.

But beyond these immediate and suppressed areas of emotion, we are going to also go into more depth to resolve, heal, and clear the spiritual & karmic roots and reasons for imbalance in the emotional body, as found in your soul records, past lives, and the negative potentials you've inherited from your ancestors.

It's very likely that, if you are presently feeling discomfort, stiffness, stuckness, or pain in any of the areas we will be covering, you will feel those areas begin to open up, relax, and the energy begin to flow better as a result of doing this single clearing session.

Here are the areas of the body we will focus on in this clearing, and the issues in each area that we will clear:

  1. brain, head, pineal gland, crown chakra | separation from Spirit, self-contraction, guilt

  2. third eye, frontal lobe, pituitary gland | blocks to seeing our spiritual potential, lack of self-trust and trust of Spirit, blocks to visioning and receiving guidance

  3. throat chakra, thyroid gland, esophagus and entire front of the neck | blocks to speaking our inner truth, suppressed shame about who we are, blocks to expression and communication

  4. back of neck, cervical spine, occipital ridge | resistance to our purpose through fear; real or perceived physical, emotional, or spiritual threats

  5. left and right shoulders and upper back muscles | feeling too responsible (or not taking enough responsibility); feeling pressure, stress, and the weight of the world on you

  6. heart center and entire chest area | feelings of sadness, depression, despair, abandonment, and unprocessed grief

  7. liver, mid-back, gallbladder | suppressed anger, resentment, and stress

  8. stomach, spleen, and adrenal glands | body stress from doing too much, emotions causing digestive problems, feeling like you don't have power to change something

  9. lumbar spine, coccyx, SI joints, reproductive and eliminatory systems, prostate or ovaries | suppressed fear of living, fear of taking action, fear of moving forward in life, fear of being who you really are (blocks to identity), parental, identity, and ancestral trauma