Fri, July 31: Reveal and Activate 3.7 Million Money Blessings from the Divine Archetype of Wealth, when *Lakshmi Gives Boons*
Fri, July 31: Reveal and Activate 3.7 Million Money Blessings from the Divine Archetype of Wealth, when *Lakshmi Gives Boons*
This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.
Friday, July 31, starting at 7:04 pm (New York Time)
Reveal & Activate 3.7 Million Money Blessings from the Divine Archetype of Wealth on the One Day Per Year in Which "Lakshmi Gives Boons"
In this event, my guidance suggests:
we will clear bad money karma within 170 of your past lives & present life
we will clear bad money karma you've inherited from 90 generations of your ancestors
Total forms of wealth-blocking karma that will be cleared (per person): 32 million
Total number of Divine Wealth blessings that will be revealed & received (per person): 3.7 million
The Divine Archetype "Lakshmi" does not have any restrictions of religion, belief, or history, even though that particular name comes out of the Vedic tradition of India. You don't have to be Hindu to connect with her. Beneath the surface of the form of any religious tradition, there is an underlying Mystical Reality that is available to all. That deeper Reality is what we will reveal within you and activate for you in this clearing.
The name "Lakshmi" means auspiciousness, and to connect with "her" is associated with increased financial blessings. "Lakshmi" is an aspect of you, right now. It is an Inner Archetype, or a Mystical Principle, of your consciousness, that represents all of your needs being met, increased prosperity, affluence, abundance, and good of all kinds being attracted into your life.
From my intuitive guidance, I have found that all beings on the planet work with Lakshmi in some way, shape, or form. The inclination we all intuitively have to prosper, to succeed, to become more, to create a life of abundance -- this is all being driven by Lakshmi-Consciousness, the Divine Archetype of Abundance imprinted already deep within our souls.
Once a year, in the ancient Vedic calendar, a special astrological configuration occurs called "Varalakshmi Vrata". This means "the day in which Lakshmi gives boons (another word for blessings)". The blessings Lakshmi gives are first and foremost transformation of consciousness, and we can only receive those blessings if we know how to reveal Lakshmi Consciousness within us. To facilitate this realization is the purpose of me holding this specific clearing on this specific date and precise time (starting at 7:04 pm New York time).
There are 3 main traditional advantages of connecting to the Divine Archetype of Wealth on this day:
to give you power to destroy obstacles blocking wealth accumulation
to help you devise a clear plan of action to achieve your material goals
and to invite in all forms of wealth, fortune, and prosperity
More about Why This Specific Date: This Holy Day occurs on the Friday (the day of the week sacred to Lakshmi), in the one Vedic month of the year when the energy of the Goddess is most elevated (the month of "Aadi"). This year, this date also happens to be a Pradosham, which is the peak date when cleansing the deepest karma becomes possible. According to my guidance, that coinciding of special timings makes this year's date 6 times more potent for clearing money blocks than the same date in previous years.
During this clearing, we will:
Access the Karma-Clearing Power of 14 Lakshmi Power Locations & Temples
Activate 26 Prosperity Mantras, Hymns, and Lakshmi Clearing Ceremonies for you
Clear Karmic Blocks to your Personal Consciousness Vibrating to and Harmonizing with 27 Major Ancient Forms/Aspects of Lakshmi (including the traditional "Shodasha Lakshmi" forms)
Capture the Clearing & Blessing Potential of 11 Auspicious & Rare Planetary "Wealth Yogas" (Precise Planetary Alignments that Support Wealth) All Happening at the Exact Moment This Clearing Starts
The 11 "Wealth Yogas", active at the exact moment of this clearing, are:
Bhadra MahaPurusha Yoga: Connected to Mercury. General Meaning: Long life, intelligence, purity, good reputation, wealth with increase, eloquence in speech and soul expression in life
Hamsa MahaPurusha Yoga: Connected to Jupiter. General Meaning: Rising to higher position in career.
Sunapha Yoga: Connected to Moon and Saturn. General Meaning: High rank in life and career. The acquisition of property. High intellect. Attraction of Riches.
Shubhavasi Yoga: Connected to Sun and Mercury. General Meaning: Very rich and prosperous. Of good reputation to others. Well-liked and loved by others.
Gajakesari Yoga: Connected to Moon and Jupiter. General Meaning: Easily overcoming obstacles. Long life. High reputation. Intelligence. Inward alignment produces high achievement in terms of results.
Varistha Yoga: Connected to Sun and Moon. General Meaning: Will obtain wealth, good possessions. Good reputation and renown. Happiness. High intellect and learning ability. High generosity.
Pushkala Yoga: Connected to Moon, Jupiter, and Venus. General Meaning: Renowned and wealthy. Good luck in life. Fortunate. High career status.
Kahala Yoga: Connected to Jupiter. General Meaning: Prosperous, noble, benevolent, kind, popular.
Parvata Yoga: Connected to Jupiter. General Meaning: Always wealthy and happy. Will perform acts which will afford lasting benefit to others. Will rise to high rank in career and life.
Dharma Yoga: Connected to Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn. General Meaning: Generous. Good status and professional growth. A benefactor to others.
Chamara Yoga: Connected to Moon and Jupiter. General Meaning: Grows in prosperity like that waxing moon. Well-behaved, renowned, long-lived. A ruler.
Any opportunity you get to clear bad money karma at high-energy times that are auspicious to Lakshmi-Consciousness, I strongly suggest you take advantage of. The more you continue to clear this blocking old energy, the freer you will become to live a prosperous life.
Here are Some of the Traditional Benefits of working with Lakshmi:
Bestows wealth, prosperity, and abundance
Grants good fortune
Removes financial obstacles
Ensures happiness and peace of mind
Welcomes auspiciousness in life
Fulfills material wishes
Helps achieve material goals and attain material blessings
Grants family welfare
Helps you increase intelligence and knowledge
Gives progress in job/business
Financial stability
Fulfill desires and grants victory
Grants esoteric powers
Destroys all types of troubles
Dispels all evil forces
Cure all diseases
Destroy all accumulated sins/karma
Gives blessings and removes sorrow
Bestow success in all endeavors, including career and employment
Destroys enmity and impediments
Helps get rid of poverty and misfortune
Instills confidence, focus, concentration power, proficiency in arts and studies
Helps with Tough luck and unfavorable conditions
Helps with bankruptcies and failure in business
Helps with critical illness and organ dysfunction
Helps alleviate bad karma associated with the planet Venus
Relief from financial sufferings and threats