Fri, Mar 5: The Most In-Depth Karma Clearing and Spiritual Healing of the Nervous System I Have Ever Done: Release Past-Life Blocks that Are Stuck In Your Nervous System
Fri, Mar 5: The Most In-Depth Karma Clearing and Spiritual Healing of the Nervous System I Have Ever Done: Release Past-Life Blocks that Are Stuck In Your Nervous System
This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.
Friday, March 5, 2021
The Most In-Depth Karma Clearing & Spiritual Healing
of the Nervous System I Have Ever Done:
Release Past-Life Blocks that Are Stuck In Your Nervous System
The physical nervous system is one of the most important access points for our connection to Spirit, to our purpose, and to the Infinite Resources Spirit is trying to give us to help our lives to flow more easily.
If the nervous system is cluttered and blocked by tension, stress, unprocessed emotions, worried thinking, and even lifetimes of unresolved karma, we may not be able to manifest abundance, healing, relationships, or fulfillment of our soul's purpose.
Because of its highly energetic nature, the nervous system also offers us an amazing potential to be worked with through spiritual methods.
About 10 years ago, I created a series of audio clearings focused on the nervous system. People email me all the time, telling me they are still benefitting from that work. However, over 10 years, my work has both expanded and deepened, and I want to bring all that new knowledge into working with the nervous system.
This March 5 healing/clearing session is going to be much stronger, and we are going to work much more deeply, with a greater impact in your soul's evolution, as well as an immediate impact on your physical body.
We are going to open up your soul's history, and use the physical anatomy and functioning of your nervous system as a basis for performing a karma clearing. Energy that you are holding from this life, past lives, and from your ancestral lineages, that is bound-up in your nervous system, will be released through this clearing.
What follows here is the basic outline of what we will be working on in this clearing:
regulation of vital body functions: heartbeat, breathing, digestion
sensation & body movements
presiding over consciousness, cognition, behavior, and memory
Central Nervous System (CNS):
brain (cerebrum, diencephalon, cerebellum, brainstem)
spinal cord: reflexes, and passing information between the CNS and periphery
integration and command central of the body
process incoming information from peripheral tissues and generate commands, telling the tissues how to respond and function
these commands tackle the most complex voluntary and involuntary human body functions, from breathing to thinking
Somatic Nervous System (SNS):
voluntary component of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
consists of all the fibers within cranial and spinal nerves that enable us to perform voluntary body movements and feel sensation from the skin, muscles, and joints
somatic sensation relates to touch, pressure, vibration, pain, temperature, stretch, and position
sensory (afferent) and voluntary motor (efferent) information flow between CNS and periphery
Dorsal root ganglia: adjacent to the spinal cord
Sympathetic ganglia: found in the thorax and abdomen
Paravertebral ganglia: either side of the vertebral column
Prevertebral ganglia: anterior to the vertebral column
Parasympathetic ganglia: found in the head and pelvis
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS):
involuntary part of the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
innervate all involuntary structures of the body: cardiac muscle, glandular cells, smooth muscles present in the walls of the blood vessels and hollow organs
sympathetic nervous system (SANS): adjusts our bodies for situations of increased physical activity -- the "fight or flight" response
Parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS): adjusts our bodies for energy conservation, activating "rest and digest" or "feed and breed" activities
Enteric nervous system (ENS): comprises the SANS and PSNS that regulate activity of the gastrointestinal tract
SANS and PSNS maintain homeostasis, complementing each other
axons: conduct impulses away from the neuronal body
dendrites: receive impulses from other neurons, conducting signal towards the nerve cell body
mitochondrion of the neuron
Glial cells:
support neurons, myelinate neurons, maintain homeostatic balance, provide structural support, protection, and nutrition for neurons throughout the nervous system
White matter: myelinated axons in the outermost layer of the spinal cord and inner part of the brain
Gray matter: neuronal bodies and dendrites in the central part of the spinal cord, outermost layer of the brain (cerebral cortex) and in several subcortical nuclei of the brain deep to the cerebral cortex
Cranial nerves: (12 total)
CN 1: olfactory nerve
CN 2: optic nerve
CN 3: oculomotor nerve
CN 4: trochlear nerve
CN 5: trigeminal nerve
CN 6: abducens nerve
CN 7: facial nerve
CN 8: vestibulocochlear nerve
CN 9: glossopharyngeal nerve
CN 10: vagus nerve
CN 11: accessory nerve
CN 12: hypoglossal nerve
innervate the head and neck
Spinal nerves:
8 cervical pairs
12 thoracic pairs
5 lumbar pairs
5 sacral pairs
1 coccygeal spinal nerve