Friday, July 23: On Guru Purnima, Clearing Blocks to Your Enlightenment


Friday, July 23: On Guru Purnima, Clearing Blocks to Your Enlightenment

from $25.00

This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.

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Guru Purnima (Full Moon): Peaks at 10:36pm Friday, July 23, 2021

On Guru Purnima, Clearing Blocks to Your Enlightenment, Upgrade your Lightbodies and Levels of Consciousness, and Clear the Soul's Need to Keep Incarnating

The guru principle is, in my opinion an experience, of critical importance to our individual and collective awakening.

The principle and practice is "being awoken" is at the heart of the spiritual path. It's something all of us are seeking at some level, because when we are in touch with it, we begin to be in touch with the answer to all of our problems.

Most religion and many spiritual philosophies and organizations are primarily paths of what may be termed intellectual enlightenment. They try to attain a correct mental concept of "god" and then worship that concept. However, the concept of god has nothing really to do with the Divine Substance that truly is God. The Divine Substance can only be attained in consciousness, when the mind steps out of the way, and when we have direct contact with the Inner Truth of our being.

In my experience, this only started happening when I made contact with beings who may be termed "enlightened", or perhaps better yet "enlightening". Being in their presence lifts the consciousness into a more direct awareness of the Spirit as the Source of Being.

On this most sacred full moon of the year, known in the East as "Guru Purnima", meaning "the full moon of the Guru", we have a unique astrological window to access the wisdom and blessings of the Masters, and to connect with their energy in a meaningful way, accelerating our spiritual evolution, and helping us progress towards enlightenment more easily, without all the baggage of our karmic programming.

Enlightenment isn't really a destination, however. Enlightenment is a starting point. Our spiritual evolution is infinite, and won't stop no matter our level of consciousness. We are beings on an infinite journey. If we can entertain a more enlightening consciousness, our journey will become more fulfilling and successful.

During this clearing, we are going to work with at least 20 million Ascended Masters, who will help us clear karma, and upgrade our energy system into the consciousness of enlightenment.

We are also going to work with clearing our personal and ancestral karma around several topics relating to enlightenment and ascension:

  1. our blocks to enlightenment

  2. clearing mistaken and damaging spiritual and religious programming that is preventing your growth and peace now

  3. blocks to accepting the consciousness of God as your own consciousness

  4. blocks to "letting go and leaving behind" all that does not serve the purpose of the evolution of consciousness

  5. attachments, addictions, agendas, and stuckness to our self-imposed limitations and "lesser gods" that prevent our spiritual evolution

  6. blocks to our primarily identity being Spirit rather than anything to do with our physical form

  7. clearing anything preventing the fullest expression of our spiritual purpose and destiny in this life

  8. clearing anything preventing the highest, most clear and coherent level of consciousness of our light bodies, and the stabilization of those more coherent clear light levels

  9. clearing vows, programs, and addictions making it seemingly mandatory for you to continue incarnating on Earth

  10. clearing your spiritual lineages, forward and backward, in all directions, and through all lifetimes -- to release mis-aligned spiritual lineage issues and programming, and to plug into the lineages of authentic integrated enlightenment and balanced spirituality