Mon, Aug 16: The Most Thorough Clearing of Subconscious Blocks to Healthy Weight, Feeling Safe in Your Body

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Mon, Aug 16: The Most Thorough Clearing of Subconscious Blocks to Healthy Weight, Feeling Safe in Your Body

from $25.00

This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.

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Monday, August 16, 2021, starting at 3:47 pm (New York Time)

The Most Thorough Clearing I Have Ever Done of Subconscious Blocks to Healthy Weight, Body Acceptance, Healthy Metabolism & Digestion, Feeling Safe in Your Body, and Food Desires & Cravings

Everyone can benefit from this clearing, no matter your body size or goals

For years, people have been asking me to do a clearing around weight loss. Though I don't claim to be yet a fully embodied expert on this topic, as it's something I'm actively working on in my own life, what I do know is that by clearing the subconscious mind of limited beliefs, and by reprogramming the subconscious to be more in alignment with our goals, our path to creating, manifesting, and healing anything in our lives can be made much easier.

A healthy relationship to the body--and a healthy body itself--aren't just about the physical, but are also about the emotions, thoughts, unresolved issues, subtle programs, and karma coming from your own consciousness, and how those affect how your body functions and the choices you are able to make with your body.

In collaboration with coach Marthe Naesse, I have created 52 clearing statements that will form the basis of this upcoming group clearing experience. Using each of these statements, we will work with your own Higher Consciousness, to discern where you have blocks in your subconscious minds, in your past and present lifetimes, and in your ancestral lineages, and we will clear those blocks that are keeping you out of harmony with your body, especially in terms of weight, digestion, metabolism, and food cravings, with the goal of increasing your ability to consciously make positive choices for your body's health, and for your body to automatically work in a more healthy way.

Each statement can represents thousands or even millions of energetic programs that are currently operating in the software of your soul, and are making it much harder for you to choose the healthiest expression of your physical body, in spite of your best efforts. When your subconscious is in conflict with your conscious mind, your subconscious will always win. So we need to clear the subconscious blocks.

I am calling this clearing "healthy weight" rather than "lose weight" because I believe everybody can benefit from this particular clearing, whether or not you want to lose weight. If you are at the best weight for you already, this clearing will not in any way force your body to go lower -- it will only help you to come into even better harmony with health, safety, and harmony in your physical body.

This particular exact date and time has been chosen because it is the exact moment in the Vedic calendar when the Sun enters the sign of Leo, creating a 9-hour energy window where much greater depth of clearing is possible. In India, this date is known as Vishnupati, the date that represents the sustaining power of Spirit descending and anchoring more fully into the physical plane. If we take conscious advantage of this time through this spiritual activation and clearing work, Spirit's Grace can imbue us with blessings of health, longevity, and prosperity. Vishnupati representsy drawing down the power of the highest heavens into our physical form and into the physical manifest world -- a perfect date for doing clearing work around the physical body.

Some of the benefits of doing spiritual clearing and activation work when the Vedic Sun enters Leo include:

  • Excellent time to gain a new perspective of life

  • Illuminates everything it touches

  • It brings things to light in a new perspective

  • Opens a new path to fulfill our dreams, creates the will in us to realize it

  • Boosts the ego, gives self confidence and fills one with vibrant energy

  • One can work towards greater professional success and fulfillment in personal life

  • One can build traits of determination, strength, royalty, boldness, magnetic nature, optimism, kind heart, generosity, reputation, ability, dignity, confidence by connecting to the energies of the Sun through ways of propitiation.

Here is the list of statements we will be clearing during this event:

Allowing, Giving Permission, and Releasing

  1. I allow my physical body to be as healthy as it can.

  2. I give myself permission to eat only as much as I need, only as much as my physical body truly needs to be nourished, balanced, and to survive.

  3. I allow myself to completely approve of myself as I feel full, and also completely approve of myself as I feel hungry.

  4. I listen to my body's signals when I am full and joyfully stop eating.

  5. I listen to my body's signals when I am truly hungry and joyfully eat food that nourishes me, agrees with me, and digests very well.

  6. I allow my body to return to my healthiest weight.

  7. I allow myself to maintain my healthiest weight over the long-term.

  8. I release all factors, programming, curses, and vows, and resolve all issues that cause my weight to be out of balance.

  9. I release all addictive, toxic, and unhealthy attitudes, beliefs, programs, and perceptions around food, and open fully to healthy mindsets, emotions, and physical practices around food.

  10. I resolve the unfinished business in my relationship with food. I release, resolve, clear, and let go joyfully and easily.

  11. I release the pattern of using food as a substitute for love. I have full access to love within myself no matter if I am eating or not eating. I accept and honor myself completely.

Metabolism & Digestion

  1. I am only attracted to foods and drinks that will work well with my body, that sit well, that digest well, that metabolize well for me.

  2. I allow my digestion to normalize and heal.

  3. I allow my gut to heal on all levels and in all ways.

  4. My tastebuds are tuned-in to foods that support my ideal body size, my best digestion, and the best fuel for me.

  5. My digestive processes are all optimized and working ideally for me.

  6. My metabolism is optimized now by the Divine power of my optimum health blueprint.  I create the energy, the health, and healing, I need from the foods, drinks, and lifeforce I consume.

  7. I relax and allow myself to accept new food and new experiences in healthy ways.

  8. I accept and allow the inner longing for fullness that I need from the Divine, from love. I don't use food anymore to substitute for God or for Love.

  9. I integrate my food and my life into my body and mind in healthy ways.

  10. My digestion contributes to and reflects the ideal balance I am achieving in life.

  11. My body easily absorbs the nutrients and life-force I need from food and beverages.

  12. My metabolic processes are smooth, easy, effective, and optimized for my greatest health and wellness on all levels.

  13. My digestive system and processes return to optimum health, and fully understand how to digest all food and beverages I ingest.

Acceptance of my body:

  1. I accept my physical body and appearance, just as I am right now, with love and gratitude.

  2. I release the need, want, and desire to hate or reject any part of me.

  3. I release the need, want, and desire to shame myself into changing.

  4. I resolve within myself the agendas others have placed on me -- my parents, doctors, society, friends, advertising, and others -- who have thought they were well-meaning, but who used shame, blame, control, and manipulation that caused me to feel bad about my body.

  5. I activate 100% desire, willingness, readiness, and the actual experience of being integrated -- body, mind, spirit.

  6. I trust my body's ability to know how to achieve the best weight for me. I release the need to rush to reach my goal.

  7. I accept the innate perfection of my physical body at this moment, despite any beliefs, conditions, or appearances that might suggest otherwise.

  8. I surrender to what I need to do -- and what I need not to do -- each day to promote balanced health and wellness for me, body, mind, and spirit

Acceptance of the physical world I live in:

  1. I accept, honor, and celebrate this physical world, the planet, and the earthplane, and all parameters and factors of physically living in this physical world.

  2. Though this physical world is not my ultimate destination, I am here and it is now, and I fully accept the beauty, power, and essential goodness of my incarnation on Earth at this time.

  3. I allow the beauty of my soul to incarnate fully into my physical body, to help me heal, and to help me fulfill my Divine Purpose of developing my unique gifts, and serving the world.

  4. Life is fundamentally good.  My physical experience here and now is fundamentally filled with goodness, no matter any experiences I've had in the past.

Food desires & cravings:

  1. I listen to my body's clear signals to eat -- and not to eat -- when is ideal for my health and wellness on all levels.

  2. I cultivate right discernment on all levels. I know what to do and what not to do, based on the loving voice of my intuition.

  3. I allow space in my consciousness where I can sort out and listen to authentic food desires and discern addictive cravings.

  4. I release cravings, and listen to my body's authentic food desires.

  5. I am comfortable feeling my body's natural hunger impulses, knowing that it indicates my digestion is working well.

  6. I use food to nourish my body and my body's physical needs.

  7. I release all stress around food. My relationship with food is relaxed and easy.

  8. When I am eating, I am safe.  I love and approve of myself.

  9. When I am not eating, I am safe.  I love and approve of myself.

  10. I love and enjoy food without being attached to it or seeing it as anything more than what it is.

  11. I give myself all the time and space I need to heal, and release all stress around needing my body to change quickly.

  12. If I need to lose weight, I do so in a way that is in alignment with my highest good. I experience joy as I get healthier and healthier.

It is safe for me ...

  1. It is safe for me to be in my physical body fully.

  2. It is safe for me to be myself, fully and authentically.

  3. It is safe for me to embody my healthiest weight.

  4. It is safe for me to be seen -- physically, emotionally, and spiritually -- for who I really am, letting my light shine beautifully and purely!

We will also do a basic spiritual clearing around food intolerances and allergies.

To help us anchor this energy and create a clearer connection to Spirit, we will also perform a few clearings to the Divine Archetype known as Vishnu. No religious beliefs or adherence are required to gain all the benefits of this part of the clearing. Vishnu is a Divine Principle present in all things, no matter our background.

We will perform:

  • 20-point Vishnu Puja (Shri Satyanarayan Puja Vidhi--Puja to Vishnu)

Mantras dedicated to different forms of Vishnu. The chanting of mantras can provide you the necessary means for accessing the positive and powerful energies of the day:

  • Om Vishnave Swaha is an all-encompassing mantra for wealth and health.

  • Om Narayanaya Swaha is the most powerful of all mantras of Vishnu.

  • Om Govindaya Swaha and Om Gopalaya Swaha are for bringing prosperity and enlightenment.

  • Om Trivikramaya Swaha brings benefits of the three worlds – earth, space and hell.

  • Om Sudharshanaya Swaha is for protection against evil, and destroys bad karma.

  • Om Ramaya Swaha is for bringing peace and removing negativity.

  • Om Krishnaya Swaha is for attracting miracles.