Mon, Dec 13: Saturate Your Energy with Prosperity on "Lakshmi's Rising Day": The Most Significant Day of the Year to Receive Her Blessings to Destroy Poverty Consciousness


Mon, Dec 13: Saturate Your Energy with Prosperity on "Lakshmi's Rising Day": The Most Significant Day of the Year to Receive Her Blessings to Destroy Poverty Consciousness

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Monday December 13, Starting at 11:03 am (New York Time)

Saturate Your Energy with Prosperity on "Lakshmi's Rising Day":
The Most Significant Day of the Year to Receive Her Blessings to Destroy Poverty Consciousness

Lakshmi isn't a "person", but is a Universal Archetype that is the very definition of auspiciousness, wealth, money, manifestation, and living a life of luxury.

Anyone who is working to attract and create more Good in their lives is working with Lakshmi in some way, because she is an ancient name for a universal active energetic Divine Principle that is present for all people.

No matter your religious or spiritual background, if you want to see more prosperity, money, and overall Good show up in your life, you can benefit by working with Lakshmi.

I connect with Lakshmi in my work, and use updated versions of many of the traditional Vedic methods of connection and worship, because these methods were channeled by ancient yogis who were really plugged-in to high spiritual consciousness, and knew how to access the Divine Realm.

It's very difficult to access "the Divine" through ordinary human awareness, even though the Divine is all around us and within us at the core of our being.

The yogis developed these methods whereby we could connect into the Divine Secrets of the Universe and use these Divine Principles to create the good we want in life.

I am here to use my 18 years of experience to bring together ancient and modern karma-clearing techniques to hold this space for you at the optimum astrological time, to help you realize a greater inner connection with Lakshmi Consciousness, that quite literally is your Inner Source of wealth.

The yogis revealed a once-yearly date on which an Archetype is "born", indicating the optimum timing in which the Divine Energy emerges from the heavenly realms and becomes available and accessible to transform our lives here on Earth.

This year, Monday December 13th astrologically represents the birthday of Lakshmi. It is the date when Lakshmi's energy emerges most potently from the spiritual realms and becomes available for us to receive (if we know how to access it).  If you are seeking to manifest more money, and more good of any kind, it is essential spiritual work for you to connect with Lakshmi on this date.

(Again, any kind of specific belief in Hindu religion or spirituality isn't necessary to benefit from this type of clearing. But you must be receptive at a heart level.) Remember that, in order to manifest more physical abundance and money, you must first manifest the inner consciousness of that which you seek. Only then will it be actually possible for more money to show up in your physical life. This is a Universal Principle of manifestation.

Most people spend lifetime after lifetime trying to change the external world of effects (the outcomes), without attempting to go within and change their inner world first (the cause). In some ways, changing the inner consciousness is much more difficult of a task. And yet, the very fact that you are reading this text means that you already have the good karma to be open to this work.

I have spent much time researching all Lakshmi karma-clearing techniques I could find. For this clearing, I will be using 141 specific Lakshmi clearings and activations for you, as we resolve money-blocking karma through all of your past and present lifetimes and your ancestral lineages.

Here is a brief description of the major points of the 141 karma clearings I will perform for you on this day:

  • Activation and karma clearing at 4 Lakshmi temples

  • 22 Karma clearings and activations of various Lakshmi (the money god), Vishnu (the sustaining and preserving god), and Kubera (the “banker of heaven”) mantras, as well as the performance of various classic sacred ceremonies for wealth-building

  • 3 Important additional Goddess activations and karma clearings for the 98 rejuvenation Goddesses, 1000 names of the Mother Goddess, and a Mahalakshmi clearing

  • An Awakening, Karma-Clearing, and Activation of 27 Forms of Lakshmi, including the classic "Shodasha Lakshmi" forms

  • 14 Financial Success Activations, Homas, and Pujas

  • a 32-Point Vara-lakshmi Puja ("Vara" means "the one who grants")

  • another 34-Step Lakshmi Puja

  • a 5-point Kubera Puja (Kubera is the "banker of Heaven", and is often invoked alongside Lakshmi)

Be sure to sign yourself up, as well as your friends and family. They do not have to consciously know they are being included. You are helping your whole family to overcome karmic money blocks by including them.