Mon, Dec 14: Clearing Literal and Symbolic Suicide Trauma From Your Soul's History
Mon, Dec 14: Clearing Literal and Symbolic Suicide Trauma From Your Soul's History
This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.
Monday, December 14, 2020, starting at 11:14 am New York Time
Clearing Literal & Symbolic Suicide Trauma From Your Soul's History
This clearing will include 410 of your past lives and 70 generations of your ancestors
People think of suicide as the literal termination of one's physical life. But it also can be much more than that. From a karmic perspective, pretty much every soul is affected by this type of karma at some level, whether emerging from past lives or from their ancestral lineages.
Beneath and behind the potential literal act is a tremendous build-up of karmic and psychological programming that may be causing a particular soul to feel that is has no purpose, no direction, no reason for being at all. You may have some of these feelings, even if you have never been suicidal. The roots of these feelings can be a form of suicidal karma that can block and limit your life in many ways.
Something that's not thought of too often, however, is that from a reincarnation perspective, the trauma caused by the suicide itself, if it happened in a past life, can be held by the soul into the current incarnation. The causes of the suicide and the act itself aren't just things that go away with the shedding of the physical body. Spiritually-speaking, the soul is eternal, and it retains all of its memories from all of its lifetimes. So the causes of the suicide, and the trauma it represented, eventually will need to be dealt with. That "eventually" may be you, right now, in this lifetime, especially if you resonate with this topic for reasons that may not be entirely clear to you.
From the perspective of the soul's eternal journey, you may be experiencing the build-up of karmic blocks and subconscious programming that is the result of committing suicide literally -- or even symbolically -- in previous lifetimes. Literal suicide is the termination of the physical body. Symbolic suicide is something more subtle. It means allowing the unresolved issues within us and our fears to override our more natural spiritual sense of joy and enthusiasm for life and for accomplishing our purpose. Some people call that "spiritual suicide".
Most people have some degree of both of these facets of suicide programming, brought in through their past-life karma and also from unresolved issues in their ancestral lineages.
It may shock you to hear that, in my spiritual-intuitive research, I have often found that many individuals have committed suicide in more than 50% of their previous lifetimes! Some much higher than that. Even if contemplating the committing of that type of act has never occurred to you in this life, your soul may still be carrying the unresolved burdens of suicide karma from many of your past lives. And until and unless that is cleared and resolved, you may not feel free, joyful, and creatively alive.
Suicidal karma most likely affects all of us, from our own past and present life history and our ancestors. This energy is sometimes subtle, and it is sometimes strong. There is a whole spectrum of energy. No matter where we are on this spectrum, doing spiritual clearing work around it can be tremendously valuable.
Suicide karma can show up as feeling like we have one foot on the gas pedal and the other foot on the brake at the same time. It can show up as a general feeling of pointlessness about life, and a lack of motivation to really make progress on our soul's purpose. It can show up as complacency, as acceptance of the status quo, and as a lack of enthusiasm for authentic living.
Why this exact date and time for this clearing?
This clearing date and time as been specifically selected to fall directly on "Hanuman Jayanthi", the mythical birthday of the Vedic Archetypal being known as Hanuman. This date is also a new moon eclipse, making it even much more powerful. This is the traditional date for the celebration from the Tamil tradition of South India. The new moon has great mystical significance, and karma clearing work done on this day has increased power to penetrate more deeply into very difficult past-life situations. Hanuman's energy "controls" the karma of Saturn, and Saturn's energy is associated with depression, heavy karma, and very difficult situations that seem hopeless.
In this broad-spectrum group clearing, we are going to work with resolving the following in your personal soul's history and past-life karma, as well as in your ancestral lineages:
the programming and belief of "giving up on life"
suicidal ideation thoughts and programs of all varieties
I am not worthy to be alive
no one loves me, no one really "gets" me, no one really cares
being incarnated on the Earth is a punishment because I'm a terrible person, I'm a sinner, God has turned his back on me, etc.
What's the point -- of living, of going on, of existing, of continuing in this body?
I don't have anything to live for.
living on Earth and in a physical body is a punishment
general lack of motivation -- and all reasons for that through all lifetimes and lineages
programs of depression (the subconscious and spiritual roots) -- and the root causes of these programs
programs and karma of "ennui"
karma and subconscious programming that is blocking vision of who I am, my potential, and what positive outcomes the future may hold
giving up on your purpose and path in the physical body and world
abdication of your path, abdication of your purpose, abdication of responsibility at all levels and for all states
spiritual suicide, life purpose suicide, suicide of purpose, suicide of Divine Intention
blocks to holding a simultaneous spiritual as well as material perspective
all reasons, and previous karma that created the condition for suicide
the soul's memory of suicide for itself and others throughout its incarnational history
all aftermath, ramifications, and effects from the suicide
unresolved trauma from this and past lives -- causing and emanating from symbolic or literal suicide
the need, want, or desire to engage in risky behavior
the need, want, or desire to engage in self-harming behavior
no longer wanting to be incarnated (and all reasons & causes for this)
believing "the Earth is not my home" and that, by shedding the physical body, I will be going back "home"
the past-life, ancestral, and collective roots and precursors
past-life and ancestral actual physical committing of suicide -- clearing the full lifetimes themselves (as much as possible), as well as all related programming
contracts with those we left behind in the non-physical, agreements to not incarnate, sense of guilt of violation of those agreements
entity possession and attachments, as well as inappropriate bonding with non-physical soul family
brain and mind programs that blocks healing consciousness and more positive levels of thought
nervous system blocks to balance and ease
accumulated programs and locks affecting the chakras and energy bodies
dysfunction of the root chakra (the "incarnation" chakra, and the "physical world" connection chakra)
lack of coherence, balance, and healed structure in all layers, levels, bodies, and minds of the energy system (this will be a repair)
lack of activation, healing, and flow in the soul genetics and spiritual levels of the DNA (this will be a DNA activation)
dysfunction of the connection to "my tribe" -- family, friends, religion, culture, ethnicity, gender, etc.
vested energies, cords, and programming of the ancestors and other soul family not wanting you to be alive, to fulfill your purpose
jealousy and cords of energy from past lives and your lineages that don't want you to live too long, succeed, or in other words, show these beings that it is actually possible to do these things if we choose to