Mon, July 20: Revealing Your Innate Personal Power and Self-Esteem: Group Clearing Event (This Clearing is 50% off!)

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Mon, July 20: Revealing Your Innate Personal Power and Self-Esteem: Group Clearing Event (This Clearing is 50% off!)

from $25.00

This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.

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Monday, July 20, starting at 1:32pm (New York Time):
One of the Most Potent New Moons of the Year for Doing Ancestral Karma-Clearing Work

Revealing Your Innate Personal Power & Self-Esteem: Reclaiming the Most Important Single Factor in Consciousness for Manifestation, Healing, and for Fulfilling Your Unique Divine Purpose, By Resolving 75 Categories of Karmic Self-Esteem Blocks Through 270 of Your Past Lives (& Present Life) & 60 Generations of Your Ancestors

If you do not have a healthy sense of self-esteem, the Goodness of Life will be impossible to experience.

No matter how many techniques you use or practitioners consult with to help you change some problem, heal something, manifest something, attract or create something, all of that Goodness will elude you until or unless you have a healthy, strong, empowered sense of Self.

Your sense of "Self" -- and therefore your personal power -- is dictated largely by how resolved or blocked your ancestors are, as well as how clear or restrictive your personal karma is from this life and from your soul's history.  You simply cannot have a strong sense of "self" if you are full of karmic blocks, and if you cannot strongly sense "self" as the Truth of your own being, then it's impossible to manifest health, wealth, clarity of purpose, and success on your soul's mission.

The majority of your thoughts actually come from your ancestors, not your own personal consciousness.  So your sense of self is dictated largely by how clear your ancestral lineage karma is.

The new moon in July, according to the Vedic tradition, is one of the most important new moons of the year to do ancestral karma clearing work. The new moon day is the most important day to liberate your ancestors, clear family curses, heal your ancestral wounds, and reclaim your power to live authentically.

You see, it is extremely difficult to make progress in life without the blessing of the ancestors.

Your ancestors may be in "distress", meaning that they are unresolved and not at peace, according to their own unique karmic imprint.  Unfortunately, what that means is that, because you are connected to them, they are automatically passing on their unresolved consciousness to you, making it harder for you to show up on the planet as your full authentic Divine Self.

As I check in with the energy of the group that will be gathering to participate in this clearing, my guidance is suggesting that 80% of the self-esteem blocks this group is running are ancestral blocks.  Only 20% of the blocks are actually personal to your individual soul!  This is a startling statement!

This is the reason why rituals to connect with the blessings of the ancestors is such a common practice in Asia.  There is a realization in those cultures that we are never just living for ourselves -- we have inherited a consciousness from our ancestors, and we are creating a new inheritance for our descendants.

The new moon occurring on July 20 is known in South India as "Aadi Amavasya" and represents one of the most sacred, auspicious, and potent new moons of the year specifically for doing ancestral karma clearing work.  It is of critical importance to do sacred karma clearing work on this date.

During this clearing, we are going to work with 75 affirmations (37 negative, 38 positive), clearing all available karmic blocks you and your ancestors have blocking the deepest positive expressions of these statements.

On average, for the people reading this:

  • you are currently running 16 million karmic blocks (that your soul is ready to clear now) on these 75 statements

  • this karma was created in 270 of your personal past lifetimes (and your present life)

  • you are running karma blocking your self-esteem from 60 generations of your ancestors

  • the blocks you are running on these statements are 20% your own personal karma, and 80% the inherited karma of your ancestors

Here are the statements we will base this karma clearing on:

  1. I am powerless to change my life.

  2. I am not enough as I am.

  3. I'm a victim of fate, "the gods", or people or conditions external to myself.

  4. I just can't help myself.

  5. I can never forgive them.

  6. I'll never get what I want.

  7. I have no self-discipline.

  8. Money is the root of all evil.

  9. Things never go right for me.

  10. What did I do to deserve this?

  11. I'm (fat, ugly, skinny, plain, etc.).

  12. I am not going to get what I want.

  13. The worst always happens to me.

  14. There is something wrong with me.

  15. I just can't get it right no matter what I do.

  16. I have no control over what happens to me.

  17. I feel abandoned by family (partner, life, God, etc.).

  18. It's all my parents' (family, partner, boss, job, etc.) fault.

  19. I am so ashamed of myself.

  20. If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself.

  21. There is never enough money (time, support, love, etc.).

  22. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to change my life.

  23. My upbringing prevents me from loving or trusting people.

  24. Right when I think I'm getting ahead, something happens.

  25. I don't trust men (women, God, etc.) because I've been so hurt.

  26. I don't feel supported by family (partner, life, God, etc.).

  27. It's against my upbringing (religion, philosophy, etc.).

  28. No one loves/wants me because I'm too...

  29. I am a victim and it's everyone else's fault.

  30. I always get (hurt, dumped, used, etc.).

  31. Why does this always happen to me?

  32. There is nothing I can do about it.

  33. Life is difficult and full of struggle.

  34. You can't be rich and spiritual.

  35. I can't help it because ....

  36. I'm a victim of circumstances.

  37. What's the use?  Why bother?

Positive programs of self-esteem:

  1. I am everything, and already have everything in consciousness, I need to be successful.

  2. The love that I AM is always available, is expressing and revealing through me now.

  3. I allow energy, enthusiasm, and passion for life to arise from within me and flow through me.

  4. I love and approve of myself unconditionally.

  5. The true essence of who I am is Spirit.

  6. I trust Life.

  7. I know that changing others, circumstances, the world, and conditions begins with me changing myself first.

  8. I am loved, nourished, and supported by Life.

  9. I trust the process of Life.

  10. My inner knowing always guides me to joy, peace, and prosperity.

  11. I forgive more easily and completely resolve and heal all past experiences.

  12. I am now free to clear and change all limiting beliefs.

  13. Love surrounds and protects me.

  14. I rise above all limitations.

  15. I am divinely guided and inspired.

  16. Love heals all.

  17. With each breath, I now cleanse, detoxify, and heal my body, mind, heart, and spirit.

  18. I am willing and able to move forward through all challenges with ease and grace.

  19. I bring my body, mind, and life into balance by loving myself completely.

  20. It is with love that I totally release the past.  I am free.

  21. With every breath, I am now free to have, be, do all of who I AM.

  22. I now release the patterns within me that created all discordant or unnecessarily limiting conditions.

  23. I breathe in Life fully.  I relax into Life.

  24. I grow beyond my family's limitations and live for myself.

  25. I can create everything I desire in life, including money.

  26. I openly receive and accept love, support, and respect.

  27. Everything happens in the right time-space sequence.

  28. I energize my heart's desires.

  29. There is nothing I cannot do if I set my mind and consciousness to it.

  30. I now release the need for ... (condition) ...

  31. I feel, speak, act my "new story".

  32. There is no condition that I cannot heal.  I can heal all conditions.

  33. I change my beliefs, habits, and patterns to align with the Deeper Truth of Who I Am.

  34. I take responsibility for my own life.

  35. I allow my personal best to be good enough.

  36. I accept my soul's journey.

  37. I allow myself to receive all forms of good.

  38. I love who I Am.

We will do this clearing for you, but also for your ancestors.  Whatever they clear, you will clear.  As soon as even a single one of your ancestors resolves even one karmic bock, you will also subconsciously clear the same thing.  This clearing is very synergistic.

Will will use ancient and modern karma clearing techniques that I have learned -- and that I have developed -- to hold a powerful space of your clearing at one of the most powerful access time for doing ancestral clearing work of the year.