Sat, Feb 12, 2022: Entity Clearing
Sat, Feb 12, 2022: Entity Clearing
Saturday, February 12, 2022, starting @ 5:00pm (New York Time) | Vishnupati
Entity Clearing:
The Deepest & Most Thorough Clearing I Have Ever Done of Entities, Energetic Attachments, Hooks, Cords, and External Negative Vibrational Influences Blocking You from Spiritual Connection, Emotional Balance, Mental Peace, and The Ability to Create Positively in Life
For the first time in 2 years, I am offering my in-depth series of entity clearings
52 categories of negative attached energies in 8 possible versions each, plus over 700,000 other categories of blocks and interference that we may not know the names of (but my Higher Guidance suggested need to be cleared)
The type of blocks that we will be releasing in this group clearing session are the kinds that block our sense of inner peace and spiritual connection.
These blocks could be called entities, discarnates, attachments, or just a larger category of "blocks and interference". These blocks can be literal beings who are attached into our energy fields, or they could be various forms of spiritual energy that are hanging around our minds, aura, and physical bodies. These types of energies block our spiritual power, our clear thinking, our sense of inner peace, and our ability to manifest.
What most people don't realize is that these blocks don't just get randomly attached to you because you visited a "lower energy" place like a bar. You may pick up these energies because of your thinking and feeling, or because of your hypersensitivity to the thinking and feeling of others. You may have picked up many of these energies in your past lives, and you sense of them now may really be these energies simply rising to the surface of your consciousness now because of the spiritual work you are already doing.
Many of these energies are also self-created. We create our own blocks, oftentimes. Our thoughts, chronically repressed emotional states, negative habits, all created patterns in our energy fields that can block us in the long-term, and can also create spiritual "antennae" that attract all kinds of dysfunctional energies from anywhere in the Universe.
In this clearing, we will work with over 600 of your past and present lives, to see where the blocks got attached, and to help clear the blocks at the root.
Intuitively, I am getting guided that, for this clearing, there are over 2 million reasons why each participant, on average, has created attachments and entity blocks. We have to deal with those reasons as well, and not just temporarily alleviate the symptoms. We have to deal with the underlying issues.
In this group clearing, we are going to tackle 52 categories of spiritual blocks, entities, and attachments, and we are going to clear and remove these blocks for you through your present and past lives, and through your ancestral lineages -- no matter where you may have created them or picked them up.
Very soon, I am going to be offering in a separate event, a thorough clearing of 67 channeled underlying reasons why we may be creating or attracting entities.
I will say, however, that this clearing will not substitute for you actually doing the conscious work you need to do -- physically, mentally, and emotionally. I cannot know or guarantee your particular result with this clearing, because the result you have will depend on the readiness and willingness of your soul to deal with these issues, and most importantly, the degree to which you have done the conscious work of processing unfelt feelings and owning your power. These issues cannot be automatically done for you by just participating in a spiritual clearing.
Here is the list of attachments, entities, and blocks we will be clearing for you during this group clearing:
accumulated negative energies
alter egos
attached souls and soul family
auric weaknesses, holes, tears, and inappropriate vulnerability
binding or attachments to discordant states and thoughts
control programs -- trying to control rather than let go
dark angels / dark energies / dark forces
demonic presences / demonic forces
discarnate souls / extra souls
EMF interference
energy bands and force fields that prevent higher spiritual communication
energy cords and bindings that drain energy
false beliefs based on limiting perception
highly evolved dark masters
implants in the chakras or aura, and alien implants
imprints in the brain and every other form of negative limiting imprint
inner conflicts and struggles
interdimensional beings
interference with thought patterns
killer psychic energies and vested interests from other beings or fields
locks and blocks in the chakras and aura
manipulations, distractions, obstacles, and delays -- intentional or unintentional from others
members of Dark Brotherhood who undermine the spiritual advancement of humankind
mental coding
negative extraterrestrials
negative astral influences
negative beings posing as guides, angels, etc.
negative high levels
negative residues
negative thought forms
past-life binds
psychic bonding
psychic shocks to chakras and aura
satanic energies
self-inflicted thought forms
separates and second-level separates
shadow forms and issues
soul fragments -- clear, resolve, heal, integrate
spiritual fungus and molds
spiritual parasites
spiritual viruses
trapped lifeforce that prevents feeling
vibrational influences
over 700,000 other known and unknown categories of other types of individual blocks and interference, preventing a sense of connection and Oneness with Higher Self and Source (this number was channeled from my Higher Guidance)