Sat, Feb 6: Clearing the Negative Ego, Part 1: Increase Your Sense of Connection and Oneness with Spirit

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Sat, Feb 6: Clearing the Negative Ego, Part 1: Increase Your Sense of Connection and Oneness with Spirit

from $25.00

This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.

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Saturday, February 6, 2021, starting at 1:38 pm New York Time

Clearing the Negative Ego, Part 1:

Increase Your Sense of Connection & Oneness with Spirit,

& Your Inner Availability to Authentic Solutions to Life Problems

by Dissolving the Karmic Programming Creating The Negative Ego

All problems we have in life originate from a false belief we created that we are separate from Spirit.

This accumulated belief system, taken on from many lifetimes and lineages, is called the "negative ego".

Everything positive, healing, and abundant we authentically want in life happens as a result of dissolving the negative ego consciousness, and a increasing your sense of Oneness with Spirit within.

I have been working on creating this clearing process for some time. There is actually so much to this process of negative ego dissolving, I will be spreading out this material over several clearings and activations to offer this year.

Getting what we want in life, and offering the Divine Giftedness we came here to offer is all about remembering and re-feeling our sense of Oneness with Spirit.

I say "sense" of Oneness, because Oneness with Spirit is something we already have.

In fact, we are Spirit Itself, and cannot be separated or apart from It. It's already our most authentic and basic Essence.

Spirit within -- Spirit as our own innermost and authentic being -- is already trying to solve all our life's problems, every minute of every hour of every day. We already have a "senior partner" who is infinitely wise, has infinite abundance, and can heal even the seemingly more unhealable conditions.

The issue is that the power of Spirit-within is chronically suppressed and blocked by our own accumulated negative consciousness.

Spirit-within cannot help us if we cannot allow It to help us within our own consciousness -- as our own consciousness.

So ultimately-speaking, why do we sometimes -- or even chronically -- feel limited, blocked, dejected, and like things aren't working well in our lives?

Because we may not really be sensing Spirit Within at that moment. We may not be feeling Spirit alive as our own innermost and authentic Life. Spirit is still there. It has to be, because It is us! However, our own negative accumulated consciousness may be habitually blocking our feeling awareness of that Divine Presence.

A single moment of forgetting Spirit's Presence may be preceded by other moments and other lifetimes in which we've built-up a limiting consciousness that habitually blocks our awareness. From that place, it becomes more and more difficult to manifest anything good.

In other words, our karma -- or the accumulation of limited programming we have created and accepted over time -- is perhaps the most significant contributing factor to our forgetting of Spirit. Our negative karma creates a veil of ignorance about who we really are in Spirit.

The sense of separation we have from Spirit is the greatest fundamental cause of all problems, as described by the ancient yogis.

This sense of separation has another name -- it is the negative ego. The negative ego is a whole system of self-limiting negative belief we carry within us that limits our positive results, our peace, our freedom, our joy, and our ability to manifest. It also limits our ability to be authentically helpful to the collective call for justice, peace, equity, and an authentic steward of our planet's natural resources.

It is a false identity that we have accidentally created. This identity -- the false belief that we are separate from Spirit -- is the root cause of all our problems.

You see, we are the wholeness of Spirit Itself.  We aren't a separate and apart being, who is trying to get Spirit to do favors for us. This "trying to get a separate divine being to do favors for us" is the fundamental problem with most religion, and even much new age teaching.

Our Essence, the Truth of our Being, is Spirit.  However, our belief system, accumulated and developed over many lifetimes, blocks our sense of Oneness with Spirit.  This blocking of our sense of Oneness with Spirit is known as our ego.  To develop this term a bit further, I refer to this as the negative ego, because its only function is to keep us seemingly separate from our Oneness with Spirit.

Conversely, there is what I call the positive ego.  This is the part of us that knows Itself as a unique emanation of Spirit.  It's the part of us that senses our uniqueness, not our separateness.  This part of our consciousness is where we develop self-esteem, self-love, and a sense of our unique role in the unfolding of consciousness through the identification and action of our unique soul's purpose.

In this first clearing in this series, we are going to clear the available accumulation of 42 forms of karmic programs that are supporting the consciousness of your negative ego. We are going to clear these programs throughout your soul's history and family lineages, and to help transform this blocking, limiting energy into consciousness that can support your healing, enlightenment, soul's purpose, and abundance.

Here is the list of the 42 karmic programs we will be working with in this clearing::

  1. afraid to let go

  2. always finding a way to be unhappy

  3. ambition disconnected from spiritual realization

  4. attachment to outcome → allowing highest and best for the evolution of consciousness

  5. being an effect of your reality → being the cause of your reality

  6. belief in death as final, ultimate, reality, all that we end up becoming as humans

  7. belief in my fundamental unworthiness → identity rooted in Spirit Within

  8. belief in separation → oneness in Spirit

  9. belief that the external must change first → the internal consciousness creates the external world

  10. belief that the physical is all that exists → deep understanding of Holistic Reality

  11. believing that all power comes from the ego, and not from Spirit

  12. better than / worse than → healthy ego: no superiority or inferiority

  13. blaming external factors for life circumstances → releasing all blame, and cultivating responsibility of consciousness

  14. changing mental fluctuations → unbroken sense of self, & the ability to witness, observe, and perceive righteously

  15. choice to incarnate, leaving us with feelings of abandonment, separation, hatred towards Ultimate Reality, isolation, regret, resentment, anger, self-imposed limitation, etc.

  16. chronic existential anxiety, fear, and stress → peace and deeper spiritual knowing that emerges from within, independent of circumstances

  17. competition with others, comparison to others → knowing my spiritual perfection as I was created

  18. confusion of material sense with spiritual sense → right seeing, through the eyes of Spirit

  19. confusion of one for the other: temporary for eternal, impure for pure, painful for pleasurable, not-self for Self

  20. constant perceived need for love, approval, security, and compassion from outside sources

  21. contraction from life, from True Self, from Spirit → clear to 100% allowing and trust of Spirit

  22. controlling life → allowing Authentic Divine Life to reign in my being

  23. defending, protecting, repairing, and pampering the false sense of self → letting go of pretenses helps us enter the True Realm of Spirit

  24. denial of The Truth of Spirit → Authentic Realization of The Truth of Spirit as my own being and the being of everyone

  25. dissatisfaction with and judgment of circumstances → "right seeing" as Spirit sees

  26. distractions with the non-consequential → authentic and sincere interest in what is truly important

  27. dropping defenses

  28. egotistic and negative self-centered emphasis → surrendered authentically into my greater yet-to-be

  29. excessive & inappropriate sympathy / empathy → authentic compassion

  30. external sense dominant → centered on internal sense

  31. resistance and fighting Spirit for control → allowing yourself to be authentically guided by Divine Forces

  32. the reasons for held fear, worry, and anxiety

  33. held resentment and anger for any reason → authentic seeing with love and compassion

  34. higher levels of resistance

  35. holding onto past pain from a sense of obligation → letting go and resolving things is the highest expression of love

  36. holding onto the past → letting go and letting God

  37. holding patterns in general, at all levels and in all bodies, and all reasons

  38. holding the emotional body in a low state as a self-protective mechanism → clearing to 100% allowing and openness to the experience of joy, unconditional love, bliss, and freedom

  39. hypnotism, suggestion, illusion: all of these things appearing as person, place, thing, appearing as sin, dis-ease, lack, and limitation

  40. i am separate from everything and everyone else, and separate from Ultimate Reality → a consciousness of Authentic Oneness

  41. i don't trust Spirit → Spirit is my authentic True Nature, and is always guiding with what is highest and best

  42. idealization - Frustration - Demoralization (IFD)

As of the current date, I have a total of 236 ego-based clearing and activation items I will be progressively presenting to you over several clearings. Future clearings will involve additional negative ego clearings, clearing blocks to the positive ego, healing the structures of the mind that support the limited ego, and working with resolving issues of involution/evolution of the soul.