Sat, Mar 20: Feel More Connected to Spirit: Improve Your Spiritual Connection, Sense of Oneness with Spirit, and Power to Manifest
Sat, Mar 20: Feel More Connected to Spirit: Improve Your Spiritual Connection, Sense of Oneness with Spirit, and Power to Manifest
This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.
Saturday, March 20, 2021 (Spring Equinox)
Feel More Connected to Spirit:
Improve Your Spiritual Connection, Your Sense of Oneness with Spirit,
& Your Power to Manifest by Clearing Ego-Based Separation Programming
Resolving the Karma Causing a Sense of Separation from Spirit --
which is the Root Cause of All Problems
The perception that we are separate from Spirit is the root cause of all our problems.
The reason we feel separate from Spirit is because we hold ourselves back from fully acknowledging the realization of our True Spiritual Nature.
This holding back isn't necessarily something we consciously choose in each moment. Instead, it's a long-term habit of forgetfulness and separation that we've continued to practice from the time our soul was first created until now.
Beyond just the habit, we also have accumulated and compounded a belief system of false and limiting ideas, creating mostly unconsciously, through our soul's history, and inherited from the collective. This accumulation is known as our karma, specifically the karma that blocks our sense of Oneness with Spirit.
To feel Spirit truly and authentically is to feel your own True Spiritual Nature. Spirit is not a person, and is not anything separate and apart from you. It is you at the core of your being. It is also the core of everything and everyone you are seeking to attract or manifest.
The accumulated false belief system that has created our perceived sense of separation from Spirit is called the negative ego. It is a habit, and it is also an accumulated belief system stuffed into our subconscious.
Whenever we wonder where Spirit is in our lives, why we can't feel connected or empowered, and why we don't feel aligned with joy, with our purpose, with abundance, why we don't feel bliss and love emanating from within us -- it is because we are still operating from the database of false beliefs called the negative ego.
This clearing is the second in my series of negative ego clearings. I have personally derived and channeled hundreds of components of the negative ego, and I am working through them with you progressively over the course of several group clearings. You don't have to have done part 1 to participate in part 2.
I have been asked repeated over the years to create more clearings that focus on our sense of spiritual connection and Oneness with Spirit. And this clearing will do just that.
If you are looking to become spiritually liberated in this life, to clear your karma, to feel closer to Spirit, and to more fully live your life from the deepest and truest sense of who you really are at your core, this clearing is for you.
Here are 42 categories of negative ego karma we are going to work through in this clearing. Each of these aspects of karma will be cleared through about 300 of your past and present lifetimes, and about 50 generations of your ancestral lineages:
identification with physical world/body only, my story, my mind, my emotions → identity as the Truth of Spirit which is my True Being
if I surrender, I'm going to be annihilated. If I surrender, I'm going to give up my drive to get all the earthly things I'm looking for. → authentic surrender is the way to accomplish my purpose, and access the Infinite Resources of Spirit
i'll be happy if I can only get ____ → I get authentically happy as a inner state of being, and from that, I manifest my Good.
impatience and belief in the ultimate reality of time → "Infinite patience produces immediate results" -- ACIM
inertia, stuckness, resistance to change → acceptance of what is, flow, ease, trust
inferiority-superiority complex → I am innately Divine Perfection at my core
invested, addicted, attached to disempowering states
learning through pain, suffering, and negativity → learning and growing through Grace
materialism apart from a holistic spiritual sense of Reality → the material world emerges from spiritual consciousness
need to be right no matter what
need to control → surrender into the Higher Understanding
not even aware enough to be aware
not ready, not willing, not allowing of spiritual consciousness
not willing to let go of something
possessiveness or eschewing
projecting blame onto others
reacting to "rumors" and appearances → judging righteously, by the Spirit
reinforced by condemnation: the ego's attack on itself
resistance to Spirit
restrictions in the Flow of Life
rigidity and rigid adherence, religious dogmatism
rooted in lack and limitation
run by appetites → run by higher consciousness
run by desire for acquisition → run by innate sense of purpose
scheming and deviousness
self-pity and wallowing
self-punishment complex: self-punishment, self-blame, self-hatred, self-sabotage, self-limitation, self-condemnation, self-rejection, selfishness, self-destruction -- self-love, self-respect, self-worth, self-esteem
separate sense of self → "I and Spirit are One"
struggle and stress
stuck in my beliefs
the idol of the separate self
threats to negative ego hardwired into the brain, and perceived as threat to survival
threats to innate safety
transcending lower/negative/separative ego
trauma acting as pseudo-protection → fundamentally safe as true identity as Spirit is revealed
trying to protect ourselves from "well who knows what might happen!"
unprocessed emotions (we will identify them here)
victim consciousness → empowered to create change
waiting until something happens until I approve of myself → I approve of myself and accept myself unconditionally just as I am in this moment.
apply infinite nervous system healing protocol