Sun, Dec 19: Clear Blocks to Living Authentically and in Integrity with Your Soul Based on Past-Life Persecution


Sun, Dec 19: Clear Blocks to Living Authentically and in Integrity with Your Soul Based on Past-Life Persecution

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Sunday, December 19, 2021, starting at 3 pm (New York Time) -- Shiva's Birthday

Clear "Blocks to Living Authentically & in Integrity with Your Soul" Based on Past-Life Persecution for Being a "Healer"

In past lives, we may have made agreements and taken vows to block our ability to live authentically, based on persecution we endured for being spiritual or being a healer. Those vows carry over into your present life, and can block your ability to know and manifest your soul's purpose. In this clearing, you will enter into integrity with the Inner Truth of your Soul, and Shine Your Light into the world so that you can manifest your destiny, and attract what seems to be missing into your life

One of the things that makes living authentically difficult is the programming we have brought in from our past lives, from this life, and from our ancestors. All of that unresolved stuff clouds our vision, and keeps us externally focused.

We then focus on "what's missing" rather than being in touch with the Inner Source that can actually manifest the good we're looking for.

Many people who are consciously on a spiritual path in this life have had many lifetimes in which they were persecuted and/or killed for stepping outside the religious and social norms of the day, and expressing the purpose of their soul.

Even if we are not conscious of those memories now, their energies are still active deep within our unconscious, preventing us from freely listening to our inner wisdom and expressing our authentic soul's purpose in this life.

Knowing what our Inner Truth is, and having the courage to live from that place -- this is a deep conversation.

But it's not just some esoteric disembodied issue -- it's actually the most fundamental realization we can have to live a fulfilling purposeful life.

Most of our problems in life stem from not living in integrity with our Inner Truth.

Spirit is consciousness personified as us, and so if we are not deeply in touch with that place within, and living centered in that place, we will not see the results -- the money, the success, the peace, the relationships, the healing -- we are looking for.

Do you tend to people-please, and follow the expectations and agendas of everyone else, while not really knowing what your inner guidance is?

As one year ends and another begins, it's time to ask ourselves: am I living authentically and in integrity with my soul, or I am still following the agendas and expectations of society, my parents, my religion, and my friends?

Most people I work with eventually start asking: how can I live my life in alignment with the Fundamental Truth of my Being?

You see, all that you're looking for in life, and all that will truly satisfy you at a soul level, comes from getting in touch with your authentic integrity, and living from that place of inner harmony.

All the money, success, healing, relationship, and every other good thing in life, can only happen when you are shining the Light of your Inner Truth.

Jesus said "seek first the kingdom, then all these things will be added unto you". This means you must do the work to discover and bring forward the Divine Light of your inner authenticity, and it is only by doing that that you will manifest your soul's destiny, and attract all that you truly need for your journey.

It's all about living radiantly, from the true light at the center of your being.

In this clearing, happening on Shiva's Birthday -- a peak time for karma-removal -- we are going to scan your soul's history and your ancestral lineages, to clear karma that is preventing you from living authentically:

  • self-imposed vows and programs to block your own authenticity

  • religious scenarios where our inner convictions displeased the hierarchy and we were excommunicated or killed

  • agendas by other people and "collective fear" to block your authenticity

  • blocks to knowing your authentic Inner Truth and shining your authentic Inner Light

  • past-life scenarios and causes, including persecution, causing you to shrink back from your soul's purpose in this life

  • persecution for being a healer in past lives -- including death for being a healer

  • fear that "god" or the universe will punish us is we step into our authentic soul's purpose

  • past-life being burned as a witch, midwife, herbalist, doula, and especially female-dominated healing professions that challenged the patriarchy

  • And many more….

We will scan your soul consciousness and clear blocks you are running to accepting the following statements:

  • I live life authentically, in integrity with my soul.

  • I allow myself to know my True Inner Light, fully and authentically.

  • I let go of other people's agendas and expectations, and live life inner-directedly.

  • I look for connection and guidance from within me.

  • I am open and available to the highest and best from Source.

  • I allow Source Consciousness to direct my inner consciousness, my decisions, and my actions.

  • I allow myself to go deeply into my innermost Truth.

  • And many more….