Sun June 21: Clearing the Karma of Self-Inflicted Powerlessness and Learned Helplessness: 82 Karma Clearings to Resolve The Most Important Hidden Blocks Behind All Chronic Problems


Sun June 21: Clearing the Karma of Self-Inflicted Powerlessness and Learned Helplessness: 82 Karma Clearings to Resolve The Most Important Hidden Blocks Behind All Chronic Problems

from $25.00

This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.

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The power we have to change the world for the better comes first from the always-available power we have to change our consciousness.  It all starts with us, with an ability to return help in the face of hurt, to return love for hate, to build-up when others tear down.  We do this first by the transformation and freeing-up of our own consciousness, so we can be more available to the Unlimited Good of Spirit.

Do you always seem to have "bad luck"?  Do you ask "why does this always happen to me"?  Have you noticed a pattern of blocks, restriction, or limited results in certain (or all) areas of life, that no matter what you do, seems to remain unchangeable? If you have been having trouble manifesting the good you desire in life no matter what you do, it may be because at a fundamental level, your consciousness isn't aligned with your True Inner Spiritual Power.  This group clearing is focused exactly on that.

Sunday June 21, 2:45pm (Summer Solstice, New Moon Eclipse, & 5 Planets are in Retrograde)

Clearing the Karma of Self-Inflicted Powerlessness & Learned Helplessness: 82 Karma Clearings to Resolve The Most Important Hidden Blocks Behind All Chronic Problems with Manifestation, Prosperity, Relationship Attraction, & Healing

It can be difficult to tap into our authentic inner power when so many forces in the collective seem out of our control.  We can disconnect from our power when we are overwhelmed by the fear, hatred, and violence that is oppressing so many on the planet.  And yet, it is more important now than ever to use this collective discord to dive deeper into healing the karma that it's bringing forward.  This clearing presents for the first time in my work the most comprehensive clearing process I have ever offered for releasing the karma of self-imposed powerlessness and learned helplessness, enabling each of us to reawaken to the innate power we do have to be a force for good on the planet while also manifesting all the forms of good we need to sustain our earthly lives -- health, money, relationships, and the fulfillment of our purpose.  

If I had to sum up the main block we have to manifesting the good we need in life as we serve others through an authentic expression of our soul's purpose, it is this: we don't feel an authentic connection to our true inner Divine Power, to the power of Source active and alive within.  When we don't feel this connection to our Innate Divine Power, everything we do in life will be blocked before we even start.  From the get go, we will already be restricting the spiritual "juice" that wants to flow through us to accomplish healing, success, financial abundance, and the joy of fulfilling our unique purpose by serving others.

The fundamental block to Innate Divine Empowerment stems from a build-up of self-limiting and self-restricting beliefs we hold that "life is just happening to me," "life happens from the outside in, not the inside out", "something external needs to change before my life will change," "that person over there won't let me succeed, heal, etc.," and "I am and will always remain helpless to what other people think, what other people do, what I think have done wrong, and just generally, disempowered to my past."

We may not realize we are running these types of beliefs because they may be deep in our subconscious, from past lives, and from our ancestral history.  And yet, these types of beliefs act as heavy anchors, preventing us from building the momentum and energy to change our lives -- for healing and health, money, success, relationship healing and attraction, and for the discernment and fulfilling of our unique purpose.

One of the main things we are each called to do in troubled times like we live in is to bring our attention within, and to reconnect to an inner sense of our own True Divine Power.  It is only by connecting to the Power of Source within us that we can raise our vibration to a place where we are not merely reacting to what is happening around us, but we are authentically empowered from within to respond in a way that is healing and transformative.  We do this by releasing all the programming in our consciousness that has kept us stuck in believing we have no power, that we are simply at the mercy of whatever happens to us.  This build-up of belief that we are powerless to change our lives -- and the life of our world for the better -- is an accumulation of subconscious programming, picked up over all of our soul's history, and picked up from the collective.

Even though this June 21 clearing is not a direct external physical action to create positive change in the lives of others, this clearing is starting in the most important place to start all true change -- within our own consciousness, in our personal sense of being "plugged-in" to our Source, to our True Inner Power, reconnecting to a sense that we can bring about positive change in our life, and then into the lives of others on the planet through the gifts of our aligned sacred service.

The benefit to reconnecting to our authentic spiritual power in this way is that it not only paves the way for us to step into becoming a positive force for change on the planet, but it clears our own inner blocks to manifesting the positive changes we need for our own lives: health, relationship healing, increased abundance, and a sense of purpose.

Isn't it interesting that when, in consciousness, we step into a more empowered role on the planet that our own personal blocks become more cleared?  There is a deep spiritual lesson in this: that we only truly get to keep what we first open to in consciousness, and then what we share with others.

​The most important realization you can have is that, spiritually-speaking, you are not the powerless to circumstances, your past, or what other people are doing.  You are not helpless to what your parents did or what they didn't do.  These facts do not have to limit what you're capable of now, though the pain of your past may have given you the raw materials to motivate and inspire you to accomplish your purpose on the planet.

There is ultimately nothing external to you that can restrict the freedom of your soul to be what it came here to be, to express the love you came here to express, and to fulfill your unique purpose.  You always have the ability to transcend the limitations that have been imposed on you -- and that you have imposed on yourself -- and to step more authentically into your True Spiritual Power.

I say all of this to help affirm the deeper truth of your soul.  But I am also aware that, from a human perspective, there are indeed victims in this world.  There are victims of crimes, victims of social injustice, violence, racism, and bigotry.  This is a human fact that life is not fair to so many of our fellow human beings.  I am not trying to minimize these issues by making this claim that, spiritually-speaking, we always have the ability to inwardly step out of powerless consciousness.  In my view, there are victims in human experience, but the underlying simultaneous spiritual reality is that each one of us always has the power to liberate our consciousness and to step into our true authentic spiritual power, and as we do that, we become a channel for healing for all on the planet.

Freedom of consciousness shouldn't be underestimated.  It's the ultimate goal of all life and all spiritual paths.  It's what all the spiritual paths are ultimately trying to bring to you.  Interestingly, freedom of consciousness is also the first step to you being able to accomplish what you came into this life to do -- to manifest, to heal, to offer your gifts authentically to others.  Everything that we are looking for in the external world of form begins as a perfect spiritual idea in consciousness.  That spiritual idea then sprouts and grows, and emerges as conditions, results, outcomes, manifestations.

One of my favorite authors once said: Everyone wants the results of spiritual consciousness -- the money, the health, the relationship, the success -- but few people are willing to cultivate the cause.  The cause of everything we want in life is to have a consciousness that is fully in harmony with the Consciousness of the Spirit, of Source, of Life, of Creator.  And one of the most useful ways to attain that consciousness is by doing the exact kind of karmic spiritual clearing work we will do on this June 21 group clearing. 

No matter what experiences we have had in life, we always have the ability to choose our attitudes, to choose love over hate, to choose building-up someone over tearing them down, to choose a path that's "higher", more spiritually-aligned.  But in order to make these higher choices, we have to do our inner work.  We have to develop the consciousness that allows us to release our attachment to the limiting factors in the story of our past, and to alchemize that past pain to become the capacity for greater love, service, joy, health, and abundance now.

This type of work takes great courage.  It all starts with opening our consciousness.  And that is what I am wanting to help do with you on June 21.

During this group clearing, for the first time in my work, I will be holding the space for your limiting karma to be cleared according to 82 distinct new protocols I have developed around this theme of coming out of victim consciousness.

Here is an outline of our process for this clearing:

  1. abdication of your power → surrender to and awareness of the Truth of Spirit within

  2. ambition from a place of disconnection, us vs them, and force → fulfillment of my unique Divine Purpose

  3. transmutation of old blocks of anger → forgiveness and flow

  4. from arrogance → to humility and awe

  5. establishing the awareness of Life, Spirit, God, Consciousness "as me" (unification of being, Oneness)

  6. from mere belief → to knowing

  7. using blame and shame → becoming a generative force in our life through emerging personal responsibility

  8. blaming external or internal conditions, circumstances, the past, ourselves, "god", others, life itself, etc. → inner awareness of Truth

  9. from contraction → to expansion

  10. from trying to control things → allowing

  11. control → flow

  12. control → trust

  13. belief in death and in the temporary nature of reality → awareness of the True Timeless Nature of Reality

  14. denial of Reality, God, Life, Truth, Consciousness → inner awareness and awakening of Truth

  15. energy held on the belief in dis-ease → awareness of the True Nature of Reality

  16. energy held in discord → awareness of the True Nature of Reality

  17. to discover trust in Life, and to discover energetic connections and support beyond my individual self

  18. from doubt → to faith

  19. efforting from a place of internal disconnection → being consciously plugged-into and trusting Life

  20. from limited egotism → trusting in the Allness of Spirit

  21. erroneous/limiting belief in "two worlds" and "two ultimate powers" (the spiritual versus the material) → Unity/Oneness

  22. erroneous/limiting concepts of the True Divine Idea → what appears as healing, but is really just a realization of the True Divine Idea

  23. establishing "manifestor consciousness", which is the belief and consciousness that I truly have the power to change my life

  24. false desires coming from lack and separation → inspiration, tapped into Purpose, co-creation with Spirit

  25. from fear → to inner assurance

  26. from fear and limitation → to Love not caused by external conditions, but emerging from within

  27. from acting upon circumstances through force → to inspired action

  28. from forcing manifestation through ego-based striving → to letting go and letting god

  29. from greed and hoarding (I'll get what's mine) → to generosity and giving-consciousness

  30. half-heartedness → keenness

  31. "Harmony is." (A non-causal statement of the Divine.  This quality does not come from circumstances or from the world of form.)

  32. "Abundance is." (A non-causal statement of the Divine.  This quality does not come from circumstances or from the world of form.)

  33. "Peace is." (A non-causal statement of the Divine.  This quality does not come from circumstances or from the world of form.)

  34. "I am a vehicle / vessel through which Life Itself can express"

  35. "I am an instrument and conduit for Life to move through me and express through me."

  36. "I am God / Spirit / Life / Perfect Divine Consciousness as me."

  37. "I have the power to consciously direct my thoughts and my life."

  38. from "I consciously create my life through the linear Newtonian mind" → non-linear "out of time" states of "the miraculous"

  39. from "I control my life" → to "I transcend, let go of control, and discover trust and energetic connections beyond my individual self"

  40. identification with all past or present effects

  41. I have authentic choice in life (authentic choice only ever comes from a functional connection with Spirit)

  42. I have no control → I can control my thoughts and my life

  43. inattentiveness → alertness

  44. It is the Spirit within that does the work

  45. from judging by appearances → to judging righteously / perceiving truthfully by the Spirit

  46. transcending justification for holding anger, resentment, and trying to change/fix the past

  47. from life happening through autopilot and karmic necessity → to "I have a choice"

  48. from "life happens through me" → to "life happens as me"

  49. from primarily material sense → to spiritual consciousness

  50. I am One with Spirit / in Spirit

  51. the opportunity to give up ego and separation

  52. from passive and lazy → to receptive and active

  53. from "pushing against conditions" → to "I am One with Ultimate Cause, that which creates conditions"

  54. from reacting and resisting → to stepping into empowered freedom to choose

  55. from reacting → to responding

  56. from resistance to Life → to giving permission for Life to be, and for Life to flow

  57. from rigidity → to flexibility

  58. from "seeing only the trees" → to "seeing the forest" (seeing the larger context)

  59. from seeming power over circumstances and conditions → to authentic quiet Spiritual Power that comes from within

  60. from self-seeking for selfish ends → to selflessness / working primarily for the good of others

  61. from separation → to connection

  62. releasing shame

  63. from the belief in "sin" and "original sin" → to the True Nature of Reality / True Nature of the Self

  64. from stagnation → to co-creation

  65. from straining → to relaxing

  66. from struggling → to releasing the little self into the Big Self

  67. from tension → to flow

  68. from the belief that life is governed by external forces → to "my life experience is outpictured through my inner state of consciousness"

  69. from the belief that life is happening to me → to "I am the vehicle through which Source Consciousness is continuously revealing and expressing Itself."

  70. from the belief that life is happening to me → to "I have the power within me to create change, and to become a generative force for Good."

  71. from the belief that life is happening to me → Life happening as me

  72. from the belief that life is happening to me → Life happening through me

  73. activating "through me" consciousness

  74. from timidity → to True Divine confidence

  75. to transcend, to let go of the sense of separation and discover Oneness

  76. transcending the linear mind

  77. from uncertainty → to inner assurance not caused by outer circumstance

  78. from being a victim of forces outside my control → to "I have the ability to manifest through personal choice."

  79. from victimization → to accepting personal responsibility and empowerment

  80. from willfulness → to willingness

  81. transcending the win/lose dichotomy

  82. transcending worry