Thurs, Dec 24: Clear 44 Forms of Childhood Brainwashing About Money You and Your Ancestors were Programmed with, Passed Down Through 60 Generations
Thurs, Dec 24: Clear 44 Forms of Childhood Brainwashing About Money You and Your Ancestors were Programmed with, Passed Down Through 60 Generations
This is a group clearing event. It will happen on the date and time specified. There is nothing you need to do other than sign up. Your receipt is your confirmation that you will be included in the clearing. There are no numbers to call, and nothing you need to do at the time of the clearing. Everything will be recorded in audio format, then emailed to you generally within 24 hours of the clearing taking place. Most people notice the most impact from the work when they take the time to consciously listen to the recording.
December 24, 2020, starting at 12:47 pm New York Time
Clear 44 Forms of Childhood Brainwashing About Money You & Your Ancestors were Programmed with, Passed Down Through 60 Generations
This clearing will include 250 of your past lives and 60 generations of your ancestors
It is extremely difficult to make progress in life without the blessings of the ancestors.
The majority of your thoughts actually come from your ancestors, not your own personal consciousness.
Last year, I performed several very popular clearings, all focused on resolving "childhood brainwashing" taught to you literally, or just suggested and implied, by your parents, teachers, and other authority figures.
This next clearing in that series focuses specifically on clearing the underlying subconscious programming associated with 44 distinct bad money belief systems. Most of us have most, if not all, of these programs operating somewhere in the subconscious or in the inherited energy from our ancestors, whether we consciously think these things or not.
Your subconscious could be said to consist of your own underlying beliefs from this and from past lives PLUS all of your inherited programming you have received from your biological and spiritual ancestral lineages. If you are struggling to manifest the good you want in life no matter what you do, it is likely you have a tremendous build-up subconscious content you're not even aware of. That's where this clearing comes in.
In this upcoming clearing, we will be focusing on 44 categories of bad money beliefs and programming, to clear as much of this energy as possible from your subconscious and from your ancestors. Each one of these beliefs can expand out and represent millions of karmas, situations, relationships, and negative soul memories lodged into your subconscious, preventing you from manifesting the good you seek now.
When you clear these karmas, you begin to feel a lightness, a joy, and your natural ability to manifest begin to rise up and come forward, empowering you to create your life with greater freedom and alignment with your soul's purpose.
The specific date and timing of this clearing has also be specially selected to enhance and deepen the benefits for you:
Why this exact date and time for this clearing?
Once per year, a Vedic Astrological holiday called "Vaikunta Ekadasi" occurs. This year, it is on December 24. According to ancient scriptures, this date is the only day per year when Vishnu (the Divine Archetype of Sustained Prosperity and Ever-Increasing Wealth) gives you access to his celestial abode Vaikunta, where Lakshmi also resides. Performing sacred activation and clearing work on this date is highly auspicious for absolving the deepest karma, and for gaining wealth in spiritual consciousness and in physical manifestation.
Here is the extended list of karmic programs we will carefully focus on resolving during this clearing, within your own past and present life consciousness, as well as within the consciousness of your ancestors:
money doesn't grow on trees
people who have money are greedy
people who have money got it by robbing someone else of it
people who have money aren't ethical
you're selfish if you have money, or if you want money
"I don't do it [whatever "it" is] for the money" (pretending that earning/receiving money isn't moral, noble, or justified)
"I only do it for .... [some presumably higher purpose]" (trying to take the desire for money out of the equation, so you can appear spiritual, moral, etc.)
"stop wanting so much!" (parents often speak this to children who are naturally creative and uninhibited)
"stop needing so much!" (implication that your basic needs -- and therefore basic existence -- is bad, unwelcome, unapproved, taking up too much space, etc., and that Life / Spirit / God only has so much love to give, so much money to give, so much success to give, etc.)
Who am I to be .... happy, loved, successful, rich, in the flow, co-creating my Divine Destiny?!
"be happy with what you have!" (blocking someone from trying to be more successful)
be content with what you already have! (undermining your ability to accept the present while still visioning a more abundant future)
blessed are the poor (Bible teaching used to undermine success and to create a spiritual association with poverty and "god")
it's more blessed to give than to receive (used to suggest that receiving is non-spiritual or against god's will)
there isn't enough to go around (scarcity programming)
you have to go out there and take what's yours! (scarcity programming)
eat all that food because there are starving children somewhere (lack programming, scarcity, hoarding, limited supply)
you have to grow up and get a safe, secure job (lack programming, not honoring innate gifts, projection)
your employer is your main/only source for money (placing the framework for abundance into solely the physical world, rather than focusing on the consciousness behind the form)
there's no demand "out there" for ... [whatever your heart's desire is, whatever you love to do, whatever inspires you and brings you joy].
do what everyone around you says to do (teachers, authority figures, parents, etc.)
you have to do what society expects of you (external locus of control)
you have to conform to external expectations, "or else". (fear of embarrassment, fear of stepping out of the box, fear of the unknown)
other people ("god", parents, religious leaders, teachers, et al.) know what's best for you, what to go, who you should be, etc. -- better than you do!
there is an external purpose for your life that you have to discover (the purpose has to be acquired from "god", or more generally, from societal programming and expectation; the purpose is not innate to you now)
complying with other people's wishes and desires is the best way (the only way) to success and affluence
you have to get good grades in school, or else you won't be successful, fulfilled, have money (which is bad anyway), etc.
if you don't get a certain qualification -- college degree, grade on a test, acceptance to a certain college, etc. -- it will be impossible for you to be successful (approval from institutions is what gives you success; external approval and qualifications matter the most)
if you want to really be spiritual, and to get "god's" approval, you should be poor, and barely have enough to get by
the Universe / god is capricious; there is no way to discern the Principles by which anything really works
life is fundamentally bad, against me, a struggle, and it is a constant fight to get ahead, to make money, to be successful, etc.
if you want to "get into heaven", get "god's" approval, and get true success, you should be demure, not have a backbone, and certainly not have pride in yourself (control mechanism through browbeating self-esteem out of you)
"god" as an external punitive being has to be specially petitioned and placated to give me more money. I cannot have co-creative participation or control in my life outcomes based on anything in my consciousness, anything I may do or say, etc. (stripping away your personal power)
I am not worthy of money, because to be worthy of money means to be "worldly" and it is unspiritual to be worldly
"the earth is not our home" -- spiritually bypassed religious teachings about the physical world and our physical needs not really mattering
the government, banks, monetary systems, employers, etc., are all corrupt
if I make more money, I will just have to pay more taxes (self-sabotage; root chakra issues reflected in dysfunctional ideas about society)
if I make more money, I will be put into a higher income bracket (more taxes, but also risking jealousy, judgment, and exclusion by friends, neighbors, colleagues, family, etc.)
with more money comes more responsibility, and I cannot handle more responsibility
more responsibility is going to mean more stress, more overwhelm, less "me" time, and less overall enjoyment of life -- therefore, I don't want it
I have to trade time for money. (linear, sequential thinking limiting possibility)
people who have money are identified too strongly with the physical world, and therefore aren't spiritual (like I am, or like I want to be)
"what if I gain the whole world, but lose my soul" (religious teachings based on the futility of material success and prosperity, implying that it will cost you "your soul")
"you can't take it with you" (nihilism, the futility of doing anything productive at all, based on a limiting judgment that the purpose of your life doesn't really matter anyway)