Thurs, Sept 16: The Most Extended Karma Clearing I've Ever Done of the "Root Chakra": 91 Karma-Clearing Processes
Thurs, Sept 16: The Most Extended Karma Clearing I've Ever Done of the "Root Chakra": 91 Karma-Clearing Processes
Thursday, September 16, starting at 3:00 pm (New York Time)
The Most Extended Karma Clearing I've Ever Done of the "Root Chakra": 91 Karma-Clearing Processes to Reveal Stability, Safety, Belonging, and to Anchor Your True Spiritual Power into The Physical World
Many consciously-evolving people tend to underplay the importance of the root chakra. We may feel that we need to emphasize the "upper" chakras, where we can have spiritual visions and higher awareness.
However, after we have started to have that higher awareness, we need to get to work on anchoring that consciousness into the physical body, so that we can manifest from that higher place in the physical world.
The root chakra connects our consciousness and body to the physical world, which is our canvas for creation in this life. We are here to bring higher spiritual light into manifestation through health, abundance, relationships, and serving the world from a place of alignment with our unique gifts. We simply cannot do any of that if our root chakras are blocked by all kinds of negative old karma.
Please read through the following list of 91 clearing points, and you may find that you resonate with some or all of the issues we will be focusing on in this clearing. If you are running blocks on these issues in your subconscious -- in your karma -- it will be very difficult, if not impossible, for you to authentically manifest anything you may sense in your higher spiritual visions.
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity! The work that we're doing here isn't just "chakra clearing" -- it's actually delving into your soul's history to clear the deepest roots blocking your anchored freedom, joy, and ease of manifestation in this life.
Here are the items we will clear in this root chakra karma clearing:
conception to age 7 (research specific ages if necessary)
survival | survival "mode"
living from my integrity
connected to all of life
sense of belonging and connection to community
I belong wherever I am.
the will to live
I choose Life.
I affirm my right to exist.
I affirm my right to a good life.
I affirm my right to have all of my basic needs met.
I affirm my right to choose what I will do and how I will live my life.
I stand up for myself.
I live from my integrity.
There is a wholeness, a oneness, to life, and I am a part of that.
I cultivate constancy & stability
I am truly good | Life is truly good
trusting in the innate goodness of Life to guide us through
there is love, support, and care to get us through difficult and challenging times
my life is ordered | living from order
a wholesome structure to support me
I accept myself as I am.
I am grateful for the experiences of my life.
inner strength and stability
underlying attitudes we have about the nature of life
my attitude towards life is grounded within myself
I build a structure that supports and sustains my life.
a deep sense of inner security that keeps my focused and grounded
attitudes that firmly establish my right to the life I say we want
I am able to easily handle change, since I am cultivating the stability to form the structure of my life.
family history attitudes that encourage mistrust
family history attitudes that encourage expectations of insecurity or despair
blocks to groundedness and acceptance of the Earth and earthplane ("I am ok with the Earth and earthplane")
the Capricorn Archetype
fight or flight reaction
harsh and hateful
life is threatened, beliefs are attacked
ancestral and cultural effects from: war, pestilence, famine, chaos
uprooted and affected by life's hardships -- through our family history, genetic memories
feelings of overwhelm
"It's not worth it."
"I want to die."
"Life is unbearable in this way."
reacting to stress and threat by fearing the worst & survival fear
"I fear for my existence, and wonder if whether I will go on."
malignant disassociation from life and a lack of trust in life's innate goodness
defensive, defending my territory, cutting off positive feelings and compassion
violence | violent and hateful feelings
narrow beliefs that restrict the root chakra
attitude of separation & exclusivity
my right to my own space
my right to the life I know I want
The Source of All Beings exists already in each and every one of us, including me
open to what unites us rather than what separates us
a life that is simple, creative, and productive
buoyant and flexible -- adaptable and grounded through changes
basic instincts for survival -- shelter, food, water, warmth
maintaining inner and outer equilibrium
soul lesson: service
innate intelligence: administrative
prescribed dictates of family, culture, and religion
negative affirmation: "life is not worth living"
mistrust, insecurity, and despair (family history)
negative archetype: "The Victim": lacking energy, empowerment, and life force
Because of external circumstances and blame, I am unable to rally regenerative forces and go forward in life.
Dependent on others
Victim of terrifying circumstances
Uprooted from a life previously enjoyed
positive archetype: "The Mother": nurturing, self-sufficient, positive, hopeful, responsible
The Mother within encourages, acknowledges, and affirms my being through love, kindness, and absolute faith in the goodness of life.
feeds, nourishes, and provides for our needs
taking care of ourselves
learning to listen and trust our needs and paying attention to what is good, wholesome, and nourishing
basic survival needs
community, tribal and clan ties
living simply, honestly, and with integrity
healing our roots: we can do more than our parents did, and be more than they could
perineum and its connection to the magnetic field at the earth's core
anchoring our spirit on the material plane, into physical reality, establishing our worldly existence
patience, resourcefulness, and hopefulness
openness to possibilities
life grows rather than narrows
the ability to manifest my dreams
the material world is also the place where Spirit dwells
the adrenal cortex, the storehouse for inherited ancestral energy
genetic predisposition for vitality, innate predispositions to disease
the qualities that helped our ancestors survive: courage, tenacity, stamina, and resilience
acceptance of my physical nature, and my instincts for survival
transcending divisiveness and seeing the bigger picture of one people, one planet
issues with control: being controlled, taking appropriate control or self and situations
attitudes and prejudices formed by family, church, and culture
weight of tradition, schooling, family values, and religious teachings
energy available to live the life I choose
the birthing process