Tues, Nov 2: Clear Ancestral Debt Karma, Past-Life Starvation, Deprivation and Being Chronically Without

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Tues, Nov 2: Clear Ancestral Debt Karma, Past-Life Starvation, Deprivation and Being Chronically Without

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Tuesday, November 2, 2021  | starting at 5:04 pm (New York Time)

Clearing Ancestral Debt Karma Being Passed Down to You as Curses & Present-Life Limitations of Lack, Past-Life Starvation, Deprivation & "Being Chronically Without", Poverty, Chronic Low Wages, Blocks to Upward Mobility, Never Being Able to "Get Ahead", Destitute, & Dying in Debt

This date is a very rare astrological alignment called "Runa Vimochana Pradosham", literally meaning "the day that removes debts".  This type of alignment only occurs 4 times in 2021.  We will be doing debt karma clearing work on all of them.

When the energy of your soul is compromised through accumulated debt karma from past-lives, you may have trouble succeeding or getting ahead in life now without being able to know a specific present-life reason for it.  By doing this clearing, you are going deep into your soul's past, and alleviating all kinds of subtle burdens and restrictions that are preventing you from moving upward and forward in life now in positive ways.

Debt karma is your soul's record of its unfinished business, of something unresolved and "owed".  Debt karma is about more than just finances.

It can be created due to unfinished business of relationship, misusing your Divine Gifts, abusing the Earth and its resources, past-life deaths without fulfilling your purpose, and ancestral debt karma & curses passed down to you, among other causes.

No matter your financial situation presently, clearing debt karma can only benefit you, and make your life more prosperous, easier, more successful, & more fulfilling at every level.

Clearing debt karma can ease your burdens, allowing you to access inner peace, more coherent states of health, the power to manifest, and authentic experiences of relationship.

Clearing debt karma can release you from all kinds of inner blocks that presently make knowing and accomplishing your soul's purpose impossible.

In 2021, there are 6 peak astrological windows when the clearing of debt karma becomes possible to do very deeply.  These windows have to do with various auspicious phases of the moon aligning with Mars on different dates.    These 6 windows occur in June, July, and November of 2021.

I have decided to focus each individual clearing date on a specific theme, but all connected by the theme of clearing debt karma from our soul and from our ancestral lineages.

Interestingly, in the Vedic tradition, the number "6" may be said to indicate an auspicious connection to the energy of Mars, and signifies a connection to the Divine Archetypes that clear debt karma.  There is a sense of completeness in doing 6 dedicated debt karma clearings in 1 year.

Each clearing will have an special individual series of protocols I am culling from the rich tradition of debt karma clearing according to the planets, the Divine Archetypes, and the Vedic Tradition, all while using modern clearing strategies I have learned and also developed.

However, there will also be commonalities among all 6 clearings, including the performance of ancestral karma clearing removal processes, and a clearing of the "5 classic Vedic forms of Debt Karma".  These processes we will use in all 6 clearings.

I have given a list of the dates, topics, and descriptions for each debt clearing, along with the precise timings when the auspicious windows will open.  You can sign up for them all at once, or one at a time.